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Everything posted by Lexx_Luthor

  1. Windows 10

    pffft It may be a good thing PVO never fielded either of the two (Su vs MiG) competing K-9 air-air missiles. Gr, any pics of K-9-51 for T-37? I've never seen it.
  2. Do you agree with list? Top 10 Aerial Movie Dogfights

    I'd guess the video is made to showcase recent hollywood cgi movies. Of what I've seen, Battle of Britain may be the best, as it did use the real airplanes, and it went deep with some air battle concepts like sun blindness, confusion, etc... For the futuristic stuff, with physics for small craft, the Babylon~5 series beats all. B5 is way too deep, and phony videos don't like it deep. lol However, from what little I watched of the new post~modern BattleStar Galactica series, this had the most realistic *visual* portrayal of small spacecraft combat, although still far from what would be reality -- you can't see what's going on cos everything is too fast or way waaaay too far away.
  3. US sends Advisory squad to Iraq

    advise them into submission. man/manette, this was good thanks. The problem with advisors, you always have to send MOAR ADVISORS
  4. Viper got a new job

    I'm in a rut, but it doesn't feel like it. Low pay but absolutely love what I do now. Its great to love the new job, you still have the mental and phys energy and moral energy (huh?) to do other things after work without worrying and thinking-hating about how the work day went today, and how it goes the next day. edit ...moral momentum hahaha!!!
  5. NightWatch

    Found a few things, but nothing concrete about alliance, and with what. For example... Int'l Business Times:: 2'>US-Backed Moderate Group In Syria Signs Truce With ISIS Which group? They don't know, and truce is not exactly alliance, at least my understanding of alliance, and of ISIS for that matter lol. Apparently, they truce so they can fight against Syria.gov rather than fight among themselves -- for now. After that? I found a close confirmation of a much earlier Nightwatch prediction of what happens after a Syrian fall to these types... Col. Pat Lang, US Army (ret) over at SST. 12 Sept 2014 WretchFest Maximus
  6. independent Scotland?

    Snail:: Kiev? There's a technical reason for Kiev falsely claiming the terrorist label. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) supposedly does not make "loans" to nations at war or civil war or having territory disputes, hence the terrorist label for Nova Russians. Likewise, UK.gov declared Iceland a terrorist state when the island gave a finger to london bankers, so the UK could enact anti~terror financial sanctions. Unlike Kiev.gov, UK.gov was supposed to be a really, really big act in the post-911 global anti~terrorist operation. That there was NO rebuke that I know of from US=nato for misusing the "terrorist" label taught me much about the global ATO morphing into a global financial scam. PS: I extensively followed the combat in Nova Russia over the late summer. I am very proud of the accomplishments and overall civilized behavior of the guys in the regular Ukraine military and their opposite DPR and LPR militias. This excludes the Darwin Sector penetrative batallions. Very impressive men the Uk/DPR/LPR guys. Contrast them with the Darwin Sector mercs and our own US.gov headchopping proxy rebels in the middle east. l'>Iceland to Britain: We're No Terrorists
  7. For the would be wargamers out there...

    Also, controlling the seas is very important indeed. Totally missed you here, Thanks. Been busy have to look into this more, looks tops. --- -- - haha found this, short but interesting review indeed. ~> http://www.tacticularcancer.com/content.php?id=4007 Due to the importance of naval warfare in the first Punic war, ships play a much larger role in this game. As such the naval units have been expanded upon. The Carthaginians have the historically accurate... Now some dev somewhere has to make a trireme sim. Skinning those might be fun, the old warships rather colourful if I recall.
  8. NightWatch

    Typh I figured that, more later been thinking about it. This came up...For the night of 11 September 2014 I haven't seen this announcment anywhere else, although I've read there are hundreds of "moderate"©® Syrian rebel groups and CIA is trying to take more active control of them. I take it our "war" against ISIS is a setup for another go at bombing Syria. Is this Correct Thinking? At least the Nova Russia rebels don't defect with weapons to headchopper units like our rebels do. lol
  9. independent Scotland?

    Not so sure about this. I'd vote NO but first you'd have to get rid of the london bankers and the amazing UK.gov fraud. That's not going to happen. Its interesting how the politicians are panicking and screaming now that a YES vote seems a possibility. The world wonders. trout:: Not to mention the imminent US/British invasion when they realise that Scotland has Muslims and Oil. I suppose NATO could bring democracy to Scotland if there is a YES vote. Maybe that was the side deal, you know, a Deal deal, business is business, made at that Wales summit, off the golf green, in the bushes. There's always a side deal. Donbass can wait.
  10. The 5 Coolest Things Ever Said In The History of War

    NAVY communications, <begin> and <end> codes From Wake island... <Send us> :blah :blah <More Japs> ---- One to Admiral Halsey... < ? > :basically -- where the fvck are you and your fleet? <the world wonders> Halsey was pizzed about that one.
  11. MiG-21 gets hit over Syria

    Update. Nice video here. This is dated 6 Sept 2014, Syrian 21 dive bombing, inverted then rolling up and dropping bomb, somebody shoots a tracer round past it. I noticed it for the illumination of the low sun on the skin, just like over The StrikeFighters. ~> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KgymToHlvk Worth viewing in full screen.
  12. Versatile & practical

    So F-35 can drop a bomb into a golf hole. That is an advance over last century's pickle barrel.
  13. TK needs to port this to PC

    Would Death Star fit on a standard TK map? How big was the thing?
  14. Gotta love NatGeo

    The more cups the better.
  15. ISIS recruits from the UK

    uh, screen door in a hurricane.... supply route. I can't get anything right. 4 younger fellas in India got snatched trying to join isis, returned to parents. Maybe some good spankerin a comin. wait...they have a popup add, it vanishes in ~10s. ~> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Four-Hyderabad-students-who-planned-to-join-ISIS-in-Iraq-picked-up-by-police/articleshow/41798385.cms
  16. Heres hoping it's called Ark Royal

    Now the hard part is finding a good ship's cat to keep her afloat, and m'>not the wrong cat .
  17. ISIS recruits from the UK

    Interesting, two days back, the Wall Street Journal printed paper had a front page article on Turkey ... nato lol... now under some pressure to close the hurricane door swinging between it and ISIS. I forgot about it so many things going on its weird.
  18. edit.... better Silent when pointing at you, makes thunder and hurricane winds when pointed away from you.
  19. Don't forget the originals in buff metal skins. Neatest is so quiet pointed at you, but loud and makes hurricane winds when pointed away from you.
  20. Post Pics of your Pets

    Fubar. I see it all beautiful. UK (and others) what size monitors yall use? I'm on 1600x1200 maybe that's too old now. I see Sam and UK, and later I see Sophie and UK, but I never see Sam, Sophie and UK, all together now, without scrolling around. That pic demands a wholistick (sp?) view. I never thought of this before until seeing this tonight, camera megapixels may be outpacing computer moniter resolution.
  21. Versatile & practical

    wow, how much money are they printing up for this thing?
  22. For the would be wargamers out there...

    Thanks. Others, click on the Brit flag for English. Theatre: Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Middle East Unit Scale: Division, Regiment, Corps That's very large scale. Dimplomacy, and navies included apparently. This catches my attention... Birth of Rome ~> http://www.ageod.com/products/460/details/Birth.of.Rome Interesting, as it was a huge navy war. Might czech this one out.
  23. ISIS recruits from the UK

    It was predicted that ISIS success on the battlefield would encourage recruitment from around the world. Dave, we are too late. The last few years we all wanted Syrian.gov troops and civilians to be killed by the bushel bomb, only because our politicians and media told us to want that, while they let ISIS get supplied through Turkey ... nato lol. We own ISIS. bushel bomb ... there has to be something out there like that.
  24. Fvck!

    Scariest thing I seen recently was driving home from work and far away was a good thunderhead, about 15 miles away, and a bolt came out the side, and bent to the ground about a diameter of the storm cloud....maybe 4 miles. Just guessing the distances, but a good lesson a bolt can strike you even if you are not beneath a storm and in clear sky. Made me think a bit about "racing" a storm, getting things done before it...gets too bad.
  25. F-102A pilots on Intercepts

    Maybe Jedi fluffed the logical analogy, as it required a negation and that confuses souls. Probability of F-102 intercept M4 = HIGH Probability of finding NO overpriced failure comments on F-35 threads = LOW to ZERO does not computilate unless I just fluffed up my interpretation of this. --- On the other hand, SAC and RAF pulled ADC and Army pants down using B-47s and Vee bombers. Lots of jamming B-47s used for those runs. I once read a comment of a witness on the ground to one of these things. Contrails all over the sky. I hope to find that again.

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