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Everything posted by Lexx_Luthor

  1. Extract the VIEWLIST.INI FOV=90 starts you out with 90degree view. MinFOV=20 and MaxFOV=90 lets you zoom into 20d and zoom out to 90d. Stuff in bold stuff I use. This ramps up view control speed for me. Experiment to Taste. : : : [ViewClass002] ViewClassName=CockpitViewClass ViewType=FIXED_VIEW ViewGroupID=1 DefaultView=CockpitFront AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=TRUE FocusObjectOnly=TRUE FOV=90 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=FALSE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=TRUE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=FALSE RememberAngle=FALSE RememberFOV=TRUE LimitPitch=TRUE LimitYaw=TRUE LimitRoll=FALSE ZoomFOV=TRUE ZoomScale=0.10 PanScale=0.01 MinSpeed=0 MaxSpeed=0 Acceleration=0 AngleRates=480,360,360 FOVRate=60 MinAngles=-135,-20,0 MaxAngles=135,110,0 MinFOV=20 MaxFOV=90 OffsetDistance=0.06 TrackIRUseAbsolutePos=TRUE : : :
  2. Canussian

    I lost interest in sports some way back (a little baseball maybe), so I liked this...author had no idea apparently!! Webpage:: good
  3. Terror In Mumbai!

    Yes ghost thanks for the update. I don't watch TV anymore so I've been reading most of this here.
  4. That just makes me I wish I could tile. pf what are those brown crop fields...potato tiles?
  5. Canussian

    They are protesting the airing of LEXX re-runs outside Salter Street.
  6. Brain don't panic its reversed, or can corner tile setups be opposite of others? Never thought of that. 76, NAVY building ~> http://www.flickr.com/photos/silvery/143053448/ I'm sure there are many others. This was never an issue back in the 1950s and 1960s, so nobody thought about it.
  7. Break up of United States?

    Some of the best are Russians, Kondratiev for example. Of course he was exiled and died in the gulag for his discoveries that didn't follow Party doctrine.
  8. have fun

    Nice wingtip contrails with the rolling F-117 (I think). Sipping on the straw made my day, tanks!
  9. Try and see. Like T said, or just as easy, comment out the line in the airplane.ini that declares the cockpit.ini file the plane uses. // two lines like this make a pure comment line, game ignores it. I think this would work as well. However, if you want to save game size on disk, you could delete the cockpit folders and might as well delete the .ini line too.
  10. Break up of United States?

    Indeed not. He saw it happen. Some of the details I quibble with, but Orlov's basic idea is that the Soviet people had always suffered a chronic century long economic collapse well before "soviet" political collapse, so it was like nothing new under the Siberian Sun. ~ http://www.energybulletin.net/node/23259
  11. Break up of United States?

    Mental Collapse....forgot Orlov link ~> Closing the Collapse Gap http://www.energybulletin.net/node/23259
  12. Break up of United States?

    It may be for domestic consumption, the guy is an information warfare dude so... Good discussion on this at Market Ticker forum ~> http://www.tickerforum.org/cgi-ticker/akcs-www?post=72857 More interesting is Dmitry Orlov and the Collapse Gap. If you can get past the first few pages, it provides some interesting comparisons to Soviet collapse and possible similarities and differences in a possible Ussian collapse. Gets some stuff wrong I think, but nails some others to the wall...the lack of private property ownership in Ussia for example... Orlov::
  13. In terrain data file, I think one of these helps control the white border, BUT....fixing it causes another issue exactly what I forgot though. Experiment. [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=TRUE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE : :
  14. Spectacular fireball lights up the night

    Never seen one light up the sky like that, that seemed to put out more light than full moon. this video comment made my day... macandcheese33:: "....its just that tool bag dropped by that lady astronaut in space last week."
  15. Strange clouds yesterday,help me!

    Did you feel the 4.1 earthquake? You are near there right?
  16. Strange clouds yesterday,help me!

    Wow, most interesting. But earthquakes are becoming more common, or so I hear. eagle:: The pics show thunderstorm tops, they grow out from BIG cloud tops, and the flat tops are made of ice crytals. Very high at about 10 kilometers. What you saw is flat layer of water clouds, a bit lower.
  17. Yeah but resources for offensive operations could have cost NV more as well, say in place of air defenses, and the antiship strike losses very high I imagine. After I had, well you know, went a little funny in the head last night, I started brushing up on the Piraz ships and stuff, downing migs 80 nmiles away with Talos? I didn't know that. So what happened Jug?
  18. Norway Selects F-35 To Replace F-16's

    Well the Coast Guard exchanged some gunfire with RN during the ... Cod Wars? Some ramming and boarding too.
  19. mmm, I have no idea about this stutter. *gack* um...Your not using any of my bizarro mods are you?
  20. Strange clouds yesterday,help me!

    Its not a wall, its a flat layer. You see it from partially on edge, so it extends into the distance. I used to be a weather watcher in Mississippie. Saw millions em, and never an earthquake. If you are a cloud Newbie, czech out a good picture website with nice descriptions. To get the next page, click NEXT. ~> http://www.chitambo.com/clouds/cloudshtml/humilis.html When you really *look* at these, and see them in your sky, and learn what they ARE like every trained pilot must to survive flying, you see combat flight sim environment modelling is still very primitive compared to the ground warfare environment modelled in ground combat games, and when you see these pics, you can see one reason the barren air war environment of combat flight sims are not very successful in the larger computer war game market.
  21. One should be able to make very deep canyons by painting on the Terrain Editor exported HFD-to-BMP file and re-importing from that, and perhaps tweak them with tile height files. I think extra detail could be made with small "WW1 Sim size" map with smaller than standard SF tile height mapping without creating an overly large size map on hard disk. When I was making the Six Million Meter Map, and working the BMP file in a photopaint program, I suffered a power failure with a surge. The surge caused a *small* data error that created a single pixel line across the map (6000km), only slightly different than normal for most of the terrain. I didn't see it until I re-imported, made the map playable, and in game I found a Great Wall about 2km high and 2km wide crossing the map. With external free camera (ramped up in speed/accel), I traced this thing all the way across the map. If I recall (and I may not!), it rose and fell with terrain and if that memory is correct, the error added to already existing BMP data. I made a screenshot but lost track of it.
  22. Norway Selects F-35 To Replace F-16's

    Iceland. A rather scary collapse at the margin. From an amatuer outsider's view, it would be cool if all the Nordic nations used the Gripen. SAAB made some cool stuff in the past (don't know anything about Gripen).
  23. Okay I got my SF patched up 2008, stutter free. What spots, what angles?
  24. AUSSOM As to why the nonzero, you can potentially use deviations to achieve a desired effect. I have worked with this.
  25. Maybe widesky changes the vertex height for some reason (if its not something else). Try zero if its not already.

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