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Everything posted by Menrva

  1. Don't want to sound annoying... but are there any updates on this awesome terrain?
  2. Very detailed skins, keep up the good work! Modern Red planes need more skins for sure.
  3. In my merged install I have both Red Crown and Hawkeye, with Hawkeye being there only when you fly for the Navy. To do this, you have to put Hawkeye sounds inside the "Speech\SpeechUSN" folder (create one if you don't have it), while Red Crown ones are to be put inside the "Speech" folder. Try experimenting with this. I hope my explanation proves useful enough.
  4. F-111_improvedskinpack

    Thank you for sharing this. Your new skins improve the aircraft look a lot.
  5. Really impressive work, such a plane needed this kind of attention to detail for sure. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to seeing the Italian Eurofighter fleet.
  6. As far as I know it's still WIP, not released yet.
  7. IIRC if Stary has signed the Freeware Licensing agreement in the Strike Fighters One forum, you are clear to release the tileset, as long as you give him credit. EDIT: here's the link with all the rules you need to follow: http://combatace.com/topic/26131-freeware-licensing/
  8. That's great, I'm really looking forward to seeing where your project manages to arrive. If only Strike Fighters had air refueling...
  9. Well, Dave, it is a great idea IMHO. Such a thread was needed for sure; for instance, I've started my own thread about a Red Sea terrain for SF2 which I've been working on for a long time and never made a second post of update, mainly because I don't have time or any interest left in it (the terrain, I mean) any more.
  10. I've read somewhere here in the forums that it could be fixed by changing the tag value of the tile in Gerwin's TFDtool. I never tried though and most probably it's the HFD that needs some work, as Wrench said. Anyway, what airfield is that? I might give it a try.
  11. I agree with you, Emp_Palpatine. However let's say that if the Russians are planning a war in the shadows, it is going to be their mistake, and it will be written on all history books. While the U.S. and Europe are unwilling to fight and send armies, both countries are showing their strength in resisting to such posturing (and keep in mind that CAP flights and AWACS are in the air as we speak, trying to foresee the next move, much like a chess match). I've read the latest info on BBC News, and it appears that pro-Russia protesters are distributing anti-semitic leaflets in Donetsk. Should this be true, it would be very funny, since they define the Western world as fascist, while they would need some serious history lessons back to primary school. P.S. BTW Palpatine, your English is not bad at all, I'm worried about mine. Exactly, this applies to my f*cking country (Italy) and I guess to most of Southern-Eastern Europe. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've got the perception that North European countries, for instance, have serious politicians and do believe in a flag or an ideology, should it be good or bad. Politicians here in Italy just think about money, power, and... something else which I'd be ashamed to tell.
  12. Thank you, it is very high quality stuff! From the screenshots I noticed the runways are numbered, while in your Thirdwire Runways 2014 pack they aren't. It would be cool to have the numbers also in that pack (I already have your "Do It Yourself Runway & Taxi sets," where alternative ones with numbers are included). Don't take it as a request, though; a great mod means a well deserved rest for the modder.
  13. Thanks for the response. When I wrote "update" I was already thinking of your mod for Iceland, which I have downloaded at its time. Keep up the good work!
  14. I have a bad feeling about this, it seems the Russian military is really waiting for a pretext to "liberate" eastern Ukraine from an "oppressive imperialist, capitalist regime". Now, seriously, while the U.S. has made a lot of mistakes in the past (the WMDs excuse for military intervention in Iraq in 2003, for instance), now the Russians wake up in the morning and what do they do? They send military units in Crimea, because majority of its people wanted to be governed by them. I do think it would have been a lot better to create a referendum with the consent of the international community, without sending unnecessary military forces in the region. I just can't stand Putin's excuse: the military intervened to protect Russian interests. Ah, yeah, I almost forgot. While the rest of the world used time travel and evolved to the extent (for the Americans) to vote a Democrat and not a warmongering Republican, the Russians are stuck in 1914, where your political, economic interests are solved through the means of war, no matter what.
  15. Thank you! Can't wait to try these new textures. BTW are you planning to update the textures for Iceland too? And what do you suggest? Are all of these 4 sets suitable for South East Asian, European and Arctic (Bering Strait, for instance) terrains, or were some sets made for specific regions?
  16. It's a nice terrain now. I guess other transition tiles might be needed, though; from the first, third and fifth screenshots I can see that some textures could be joined better, since they appear a bit misaligned. But it's not your fault, it's TK's engine's. Regarding the floating trees I didn't notice any, since I'm using slightly modded parameters, which I took from one of Stary's terrain enhancements (IIRC stock ZBufferOffset=2.000000 while Stary's is ZBufferOffset=1.000000) [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial] EffectShaderName=terAlphaObject.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=TRUE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=TRUE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=1.000000 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=TRUE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE The new .TODs do their job. Trees are a bit too dense in some areas and the colour could be less saturated I think, but overall it is better than nothing. Now I gotta go. Keep up the good work, Centurion.
  17. Wow! Now I wish to fly in the fictional desert, it's a lot more diverse. In the first screenshot the mountain texture seemed to me like it was a volcano.
  18. Nice skin! I love Ace Combat and The Unsung War is in my opinion the best of the series. It would be good to see new Ace Combat skins for the F-22 and the F-14. Keep up the good work.
  19. Nice work! I'm re-working the Iran/Iraq map which has the same issues regarding targets and airfields locations. Unfortunately I can't help, because TW's Terrain Editor crashes on my system and I avoid using it. Have you ever tried Gerwin's TFDTool? It might make your job a lot easier when it comes to tiling and leveling the heightmap.
  20. Hi, Centurion. Well, it could be ground object related but I had similar issues because of a modded FlightEngine.ini. I'm not totally sure this could be your case, though.
  21. I checked the terrain folder and no, Stary just added his new tiles, since the TFD is still the old one (dated 2011). This isn't my thread so I can't attach my file. I'll PM it to you.
  22. Thank you for the zipped file. Even though we miss the Viggen a few campaigns in the 70s or 80s wouldn't hurt. But, well, you guys need some deserved rest after such a big release. I noticed a while ago, when still playing the first TSF package, that some tiles in the Sweden terrain are wrongly rotated or were wrong in general (I guess it was due to autotexture in TW Terrain Editor). I made a lot of corrections in the TFD using Gerwin's tool, for personal use, but if I have permission from the TSF team, I would be glad to post it here.
  23. Thank you very much to all Scandinavian Front team members! Indeed this is one of the most interesting campaign packages we have, it is as good as the ones eburger releases. BTW, Jonathan, I'm wondering what happened to the Suomenlahti Skirmishes campaign; I really liked the concept of a small, limited border conflict.
  24. If I remember correctly, if the stock texture is in .jpeg format and the modified one is .jpeg too, the game reads the stock one. One has to save the new texture in .bmp to make SF2 read it in place of the stock one. This applies to aircraft, pilots, ground objects, everything.
  25. Awesome aircraft! We needed proper ones for ODS and NATO Fighters. BTW the cockpit is a new correct one, I think, since the French Jaguar A and the British Jaguar GR.1 were totally different both in the cockpit and in the avionics.

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