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About Aarow

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    İstanbul, Turkey
  • Interests
    Civil/Military Aviation, Railway Transportation
  1. Also still no information that, it was an air to air interception. Looks like our plane shot down with Syrian air defence batteries. Hoped that crew was alive so the tension would not get any worse..
  2. oh i've fiound it thanks gonna try that one :)
  3. :) i was really awaiting this answer, looks like there is no escape from sf2na
  4. Hi all i'm a SF1 user and all i wanna know is that if there is something modelled as a cruise missile but instead it's an aircraft, so that i can use it in my user defined missions(as an AI aircraft) to flyby and therefore make SAMs able to engage him. I hope so that, i have explained what i wanted to.
  5. A better world - A speak by Peter van Uhm

    what's the name(or purpose) of the event anyway that he speaks at?
  6. I had the same problem once in WoE. Here in a different topic i stated this: http://combatace.com/topic/68861-sams-populating-far-away/page__p__539906__fromsearch__1#entry539906 this issue emerged with only certain types of sam launchers sa-11s etc. It was caused either some part of the launcher blocked the missile's way so try to reduce extent positions from it's .ini file. I did deleted some external parts(radar etc) from the launcher then they began firing normal. Or.. this may be a terrain specific issue that way i have no other idea.
  7. This Sim Never Gets Old

    it's just wow..nice to see so many compliments about an aviation game here :) never played OFF though, maybe i'll also try him one day.. one day..
  8. I'm seriously wondering how the non carrier-based military aircrafts transported to far regions, if they are needed for operation? Is using tanker refueler planes, the only way for this job? I've been thinking hard..
  9. Hi guys i was wondering if there are any SH2 or DC players/modders here on our community? I have a few questions to ask anyone who has at least a basic knowledge of editing campaigns/missions in these games..
  10. first of all you need to edit the ground object's data ini. There are the detect_range and gun_range to modify there. Then you should probably need to increase ammo weight. This is because, ammo weight indicates how much an ammo will travel in the air. The longer the weight the much it travels to further distances. Also you may need to modify ammo speed from the gundata.ini. Try to find an optimal solutioun with all these for your intention. But as far as i know there is a limitation in the game however, AAA guns will not see and fire at you behind a spesific range.. lets say about 3nm. I tried everyway to get over this limitation but no use. I'm also trying to find a way to make an AAA model which fires flaks regardless of there is an enemy out there or not. This kind of stuff would make more realistic air defence scenarios just like the Baghdad thing. Inform me if you can find a way to that however.
  11. btw i thought Tu-4s always had a ceiling of 35000ft. it's nice if they can do high level bombings.
  12. oh my.. my ground objects level was chaged to=low unintentionally.. i just discovered, must have overlooked it . thanks Gepard
  13. allright the question above was just resolved for me easily but now another serious one just emerged, i don't know if it is about TK's game engine procedure but i'm sure that even when my player aircraft is hundred miles away from target areas, buildings etc. which are defined in the maps target.ini are shown up properly until yesterday. But now they do not appear anymore if i am not close to them. Even flying to their area after a time does not help they are not over there. But whenever i start my mission over then whoa! them they show up normally. I hope i could explain my issue correctly, i'm not talking about seeing them from my cockpit window.. i'm checking them by placing ground units near their locations and by F7. Damn this is hard.

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