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Posts posted by saisran

  1. Good day,

    My Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Finally kicked it so i went on Amazon and got a Thrustmaster T-Flight X . I knew i should have researched it first but i'm quite an impulsive person and the price was cheaper by 10USD compared to another Logitech Extreme 3D Pro.

    The thing i love about the 3D Pro is that i was able to mapped most of the Vital Function like Weapons Selection, Radar Mode and Radar Range, Radar Targeting and Acquisition and Firing the Gun and Missiles all inside the buttons reached by my thumb thanks to a modifier.

    Problem now is that the thing seems to lack any modifier/shiftkey and i cant seem to assign anything Using the preset and mapping just mixes the button and doesn't allow for a combo.

    Am i missing something or its just how it is? If so, is there a program where i can use a modifier key to allow for multiple combinations?


  2. I have recently discovered that the Radar on/off command does instruct the wingman to shutdown and re-activate their radar.


    Conditions: I was flying an intercept mission with the F-14B Tomcat(TMF), radar on search.


    Heading to waypoint 3 i found a bear on radar about 80nm, corrected heading for an intercept course, at 60nm i designated an AIM-54 to it and instructed No.2 to attack my target and he responded by releasing two AIM-54. 


    I maintained TWS and was readjusting course to waypoint 4 where another bandit was discovered 1 oclock at 90 miles. 


    Adjusted my course to intercept 2nd bandit. at 40nm No.2 scored the hit. And i let no.3 take the 2nd bandit at about 50nm who also shot 2 Aim 54s and connected one of them.


    This confirms that the System allows for the player to assign hot targets to his flight and that the flight can attack designated targets with AHMs.


    Heading out to way point 5 i activated the radar on/off command and the AI confirmed.


    Found the main target about 40nm at a bit to the left of our noses. there were 4 on radar and i assigned 2 AIM 54 and asked No 2 to engage hoping he will immediately release two AIM 54s i waited until were about 30 nm and designated all my 54s to each bandit and asked both No.2 and No.3 to engage. 


    No.2 and No.3 Didn't release their AHM and instead opted come in and use their AIM-9s. 


    We are now in pursuit with the Tu-22s poised to drop their ASM on our fleet. Then i remembered the Radar On/Off command i gave. 


    Hit the command and no.2 promptly confirmed and right after called a Fox 3. Instructed No.3 to attack and he also called for Fox 3. 


    With No.2 Killing one of the Tu-22 with a winder and No.3 getting a hit with his remaining Aim-54s, I launched two Aim 54 bandit and each a sparrow for good measure.


    What i can deduce that the Wingmen does change the state of their radar using the command but at which state they are i would probably refer to Czech6 answer.


    My Radar was in an active state when i gave the first command and they turned off their radar.

  3. Considering this post was done in 2014, the S7 Edge that was released last year had an octa core processor (2.3 quad for heavy lifting + 1.6 Quad for light use) and a 4GB ram. that's more numbers than the first laptop i had. Not to mention that this phone doubles as a camera, an mp3 player, an alarm clock, a personnal assistance,a Playstation or a gameboy, a navigation device  and can survive a sudden typhoon and getting drunk at a pool party. 

  4. Oh by the way, another way to solve the AA quality with 10x0 nVidia cards, unless you already run at high resolutions, you could use Dynamic Super Resolution, in effect it renders the frame at a much higher resolution then downsample them to the screen resolution, offering better AA, better details. In my experience with a 1060 and 1070, it does so while offering better performance than fixed resolution and "classic" AA up to twice the native resolution.


    The reason the 10x0 have a problem with AA and some shaders on older games is simply that they are DX12 optimised, with some DX11 heritage but are starting to drop DX9/10 support, going as far as not supporting some DX9/10 functions in hardware anymore and emulating them in software in the drivers instead (which is not specific to nVidia or this generation of GPU, it's been the case for everyone for quite some time).

    Thanks for the additional info. Will try it out.

  5. Status update. Borked windows altogether. For some reason Ubuntu refused to install on a separate drive and decided to overwrite my windows. Oh well must have made a mistake.


    Installed "playonlinux" and installed the NA module through the application. The game loads and i can select a mission and actually enter gameplay.


    - Getting 15 FPS on average, I might need to find a more suitable driver than the GTX 6600


    -Controls are locked to the default setting. Changing it through the ingame options freezes the game. And manually editing the Controls doesn't seem to stick. - I might have to check for a Controller Plugin.


    - Using a dedicated drive or folder for a game installation is still a mystery to me. I can't seem to find a layman instruction on how to do it.


    - Thoughts on Linux and the possibility on running SF2 at the moment; You really need to know how to use the terminal to get the best out of this Operating System, For newer games on steam that has a linux version there's no problem.

     But for an unsupported game like Strike Fighters 2, you're going to need a lot of patience and a lot of savvy. 


    - Its seems to require a lot of work and a lot of studying but it does seems doable.

  6. Has anyone tried running strike fighters 2 on Linux with Wine? If so how's the experience?


    One of the USB port on my Motherboard died so i swapped it out with a spare board i have lying around. Made the swap and ran the system and it works. a couple of hours later i got a watermark on the bottom of my screen asking me to activate my windows.


    So i got my blackberry looked up my license on the Vault and typed it in and got an invalid key. 


    As it turns out windows 10 gets deactivated whenever you do a major hardware change and since i didn't link this system on a Windows Live Account and only on a local account, i can't reactivate my windows. And now i'm being asked by Microsoft to pay full price once more for a Windows 10 Pro License. I'm also informed that you can only reactivate windows for a limited number of time. 


    Between the privacy issues and this, i'm about a slip away from moving to another platform. Is there a version of linux that can run Strike Fighters 2? I don't mind buying another OS as long as its not an intrusive jerk like windows 10 is.

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  7. If it is a question of sharpness, it's more probably a question of settings than hardware performance, maybe try to contact these people to know which graphic settings they are using and whether or not they are using custom shaders and environment/flightengine.inis


    Optimising your hardware choice to get the best ouf of SF2 is becoming hard, but a lot is still a matter of configuration.


    Haven't thought of that one. I'll definitely try that. (heads over to screenshot threads) 



  8. It won't benefit from it, at heart the SF2 series is a monolithic game, the latest patches do offload some minor tasks to other cores but at least 90% of the work is still done on only one.

    You would benefit more from having the best single-core performance you can afford.

    Keep in mind that many modern CPU get increased performances through optimised path and instructions that would not benefit to SF2 because it never was compiled for it and relies on API versions that do not benefit from them either.

    Considering the same principle applies to GPU, you might end up in a situation where older, "slower" hardware might get you better results than newer, faster one (or require high-end parts to see significant improvements over what was middle of the road hardware).

    If you look at benchmarks, compare DirectX9 (eg. 3DMark 06) or DirectX10 (eg. 3DMark Vantage) ones, anything above that is not an indicator of how useful it will be to SF2.


    I had a feeling it was like that. I guess it explains why i cant seem to get the game to look the way i want (compared to screenshots of other players) even with my GTX 1070. i have no problem with the framerates, it jsut doesnt look as sharp as i would like. I was blaming my old i7-3770 but i guess its may not actually be the problem.


    Thanks for the feedback Gunrunner

  9. Hi guys,


    I fell in love with the Node 202 and been wanting to build another PC with it. (will be moving in a new house hopefully by May this year and wanted a Media Center/Gaming PC in the new living room)


    The plan was to Run an I7-7700/i5-7600 paired with A Gigabyte/Zotac Mini 1070. But then AMD released their Ryzen CPUs including the 65W 1700.


    at some point im sure than an ITX board will be released and at first it seems like its a good move to pair a mini 1070 with the Ryzen 1700. But after seeing benchmark of it it seems like the single core performance is much weaker than even the i5-7600K. 


    So will SF2 be able to leverage the 8core/16thread of the Ryzen or will the 4 core Intel processor be better?



  10. Hi,


    Noticed something weird on my game earlier. When panning the camera this happens -->


    Panning up gives me a normal sky color (atleast i think that's how it should be.) and panning down gives me either a whitewash or grey sky color. it's been a long time since i last played so i couldn't remember what could have caused it. 


    the last mod i did was to change some nuclear explosion effects and some ini edits. just cant remember what.


    My current system runs on 8GB 1600mhz, I7-3770 and GTX 1070 running on Win10pro 64bit and late4st drivers.


    Would love to have some insight before i do a complete reinstall.



  11. Thanks for the feed back everyone. I Guess it's really a software thing.  


    I have a surplus of RAM Sticks but unfortunately none of the combination runs well on Dual Channel on my board. I have to get a dual channel package if im going for 16GB. But honestly, i haven't seen any improvement from 8GB single stick to 16GB dual. 


    Guess its really with the software. It's funny how an old game is harder to run than the latest AAA Title.


    Guess a bunch of Testing is in order. While the low framerates in deck isn't that much of a problem. Its a different story when actually flying. Hopefully i dont get FPS drops in that regard.\




    I forgot to mention that i'm playing on an HD TV instead of a Monitor. I mostly Play SF2, Racing Games and Some RPG.


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