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Files posted by mppd

  1. F-4C 8thTFW Operation Bolo

    F-4Cs – 8thTFW Ubon Operation Bolo - By Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski
    53 F-4C serial numbers which actually operated with the three squadrons of the 8th TFW at Ubon as of 01 January 1967. From these were drawn the aircraft to fly Col. Robin Olds' famous Operation Bolo mig killing mission the next day on 02 January.
    Description: This package is two parts – a texture add-on for the 1966 F-4C pack available at CombatAce for the 433rd/497th/555th TFS which is the bulk of the serial numbers assigned in Jan 67, and a separate aircraft representing the "slicknose" variant of the F-4C seen at this time. Enclosed are two QRC-160 ECM pods attached to the left outboard pylon (the pylon does not appear when the ECM pod is assigned in a mission as it does when A/G ordnance is selected, so the pylon is attached) – one is camouflaged and the other white. Wing tanks are available in the 1966 F-4C pack. Also enclosed is an update to the 1966 base .LOD and wing tank texture updates. (Hey…I said that this was an ongoing project didn’t I….?) The new loadout.ini files have a [AirToAirLongRangeBolo] entry that can be used for a Bolo mission. Oh, and I made the ECM pod/pylon match the same weight/drag as the opposite wing tank so the bird flies straight – although when the tank is jettisoned you’ll be loaded asymmetrically again…..
    Historical bit: FY1964 USAF F-4Cs coming off the production line for USAFE had the F-4J-style nose radome installed, and these started to become available to PACAF units late in 1966. This radome gave a small performance enhancement due to a bit less drag, but was removed early in 1967 as the AN/APR-25 radar homing and warning system was installed into the old IR-sensor housing. It is estimated that perhaps a quarter of the F-4Cs at Ubon at the time of Operation Bolo were configured this way, so the airplanes are not broken down by squadron. The airplanes flown for Bolo from the Wolfpack still retained the 1966-style Navy LAU-17 inner pylons (although one source that I found said that only F-4Cs with the new MAU-12 pylons were flown for Bolo, but photographic evidence tends to disprove this). All of these planes were modified to carry a single QRC-160 ECM pod on the right outer pylon (seen on the USAF A/G weps pylon as well as the early Navy pylon with the adapter (the latter is not presented here), and a single 370 gal drop tank on the left outboard station for the mission, and this became standard in Southeast Asia during much of 1967, until the inboard pylons were modified to accept the pods later in 1967.
    As before, I made this package for the post-October 08 patched version for Wings over Vietnam (which is what I'm flying). Textures are again 1024 pixel resolution to help frame rates on modest systems (like mine) - so view the external views at arm's length, not extremely close-up please. Versions for SF2 with higher resolution textures are sure to follow.
    My sincere thanks (in addition to Crab and TK) go to Sundowner - who originally shared his F-4 texture templates with me and what I started with originally, and also to drdoyo for his 1024 templates which helped, Ravenclaw_007 for the kind permission to include his super Martin Baker ejection seat in this package, and to Old Diego for kind permission to include his superb pilots, and to X Ray who did the superb pilot repaints (and whose name keep forgetting in the readmes).. Also my thanks to Mike France and Alan Howarth who know more about F-4s than I ever will!
    Please contact me for any problems or issues - we'll do our best to correct them and make this even more authentic for what's to come. PM me at Combatace or E-mail at mppd@att.net please.


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  2. F-4C_8thTFW_1967

    F-4C 1967 – 8thTFW Ubon - By Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski
    80 F-4C serial numbers which actually operated with the three squadrons of the 8th TFW at Ubon during 1967.
    Historical bit: The three squadrons of the 8th TFW at Ubon RTAFB adopted tailcodes on their F-4C Phantom II aircraft from at least July 1966. By early 1967 the F-4Cs within the theater had been modified with the addition of AN/APR-25 RHAW gear visible as a housing on the vertical stab above the rudder, and had received the new Air Force MAU-12 intermediate (inner) wing pylons. Some serial numbers are repeated for the different squadrons as many transfers between squadrons occurred during the year – so be careful that you don’t fly the same airplane numbers at the same time if interested in being historical. Some aircraft were seen carrying all olive drab 370 gal wing tanks, so those are presented here. Also a camouflaged centerline 600 gal tank sometimes seen is here too. Almost all airplanes seem to have had the original 6-inch serial number on the vertical fin painted out with olive drab paint. Mig kill markings were carried over from previous units (the 497th eventually ending up with most of them). Some 497th TFS planes seem to have had red nosewheel door numbers, but photos show that most other squadrons had none.
    I made this package for the post-October 08 patched version for Wings over Vietnam (which is what I'm flying). Textures are again 1024 pixel resolution to help frame rates on modest systems (like mine) - so view the external views at arm's length, not extremely close-up please. Versions for SF2 with higher resolution textures are sure to follow.
    Description: The airplane depicted is the Air Force F-4C as it appeared in early 1967 or later in Southeast Asia – Air Force MAU-12 pylons, tail fin tip radar homing and warning antennas and several other small antennas added, three tone camouflage and tailcodes.
    New features include:
    - New vertical stab and rudder shapes
    - New nose radome and IR sensor housing shapes
    - New detailed pylons and Sidewinder rails
    - New 3D model cockpit (mostly invisible though...)
    - New nose wheel doors
    - Animated air refueling door (Sift + 8)
    - Opening canopies of course (Shift + 3)
    - New horizontal stab bases
    - Camouflaged Fletcher wing tanks (with pylons that correctly jettison along with the tank) plus new centerline 600 gal tank with retained pylon
    - Numerous small detail changes
    Note that all textures for the stock Thirdwire F-4s can be made to fit with minor alterations - watch leading edge flap, vertical stab/rudder and intake splitter plate locations mostly.
    Issues: I used many parts that I already had built, so separate bmps are included for the pylons, nose and rails - these should have been combined into one I guess.
    My sincere thanks (in addition to Crab and TK) go to Sundowner - who originally shared his F-4 texture templates with me and what I started with originally, and also to drdoyo for his 1024 templates which helped, Ravenclaw_007 for the kind permission to include his super Martin Baker ejection seat in this package, and to Old Diego for kind permission to include his superb pilots. Also my thanks to Mike france and Alan Howarth who know more about F-4s than I ever will!
    Please contact me for any problems or issues - we'll do our best to correct them and make this even more authentic for what's to come. PM me at Combatace or E-mail at mppd@att.net please.


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  3. F-4C_1966 Da Nang & Phan Rang AB

    F-4C 1966 – Da Nang & Phan Rang AB - By Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski
    **Notice - this package is for the die-hard rivet-counting historian. No colorful squadron markings or tailcodes onthese planes as they flew during 1966**
    Please contact me for any problems or issues - we'll do our best to correct them and make this even more authentic for what's to come. PM me at Combatace or E-mail at mppd@att.net please.
    I made this package for the post-October 08 patched version for Wings over Vietnam (which is what I'm flying). Textures are 1024 pixel resolution to help frame rates on modest systems (like mine) - so view the external views at arm's length, not extremely close-up please. Versions for SF2 with higher resolution textures are sure to follow.
    My sincere thanks (in addition to Crab and TK) go to Sundowner - who originally shared his F-4 texture templates with me and what I started with originally, and also to drdoyo for his 1024 templates which helped, Ravenclaw_007 for the kind permission to include his super Martin Baker ejection seat in this package, and to Old Diego for kind permission to include his superb pilots, and to X Ray who did the superb pilot repaints (and whose name was forgotten in the original readme of the 1965 version).
    Description: The airplane depicted is the Air Force F-4C as it appeared in 1966, after the first USAF three-tone camouflage scheme was field-applied - Navy LAU-17 pylons with adapters for A/G ordnance were still in evidence (as per the 1965 package), no radar homing and warning antennas nor all of the small antennas added later on. Four styles of 370 gal drop tanks are available - both old McAir and later Sgt Fletcher style, in either all-white or camouflage. The planes have the initial camo paint scheme applied to the early F-4Cs (still with the Navy-style LAU-17 pylons) and typicaly had the rear fuselage camouflaged all the way to the drag chute door. Aircraft often carried a minimum of stenciled markings.
    New features include:
    *New vertical stab and rudder shapes
    *New nose radome and IR sensor housing shapes
    *New detailed pylons and Sidewinder rails
    *New 3D model cockpit (mostly invisible though...)
    *New nose wheel doors
    *Animated air refueling door (Shift + 8)
    *Opening canopies of course (Shift + 3)
    *New horizontal stab bases
    *New early McAir and later Fletcher wing tanks (with pylons that correctly jettison along with the tank) plus new centerline 600 gal tank with retained pylon
    *Numerous small detail changes
    (Note that all textures for the stock Thirdwire F-4s can be made to fit with minor alterations - watch leading edge flap, vertical stab/rudder and intake splitter plate locations mostly.)
    Issues: I used many parts that I already had built, so separate bmps are included for the pylons, nose and rails - these should have been combined into one I guess.
    Historical bit: TAC's 366th TFW at Holloman AFB, NM transferred one Phantom II squadron to PACAF in 1965, the 390th TFS (officially transferred to PACAF's 6252nd TFW at Da Nang as of 29 October 1966), and arriving ca. 17 November (moving with grey/white F-4C aircraft, which were soon field-painted in the new three-tone T.O.1-1-4 camouflage scheme). Photos of these recently camo'ed aircraft show undersurfaces untouched and still retaining the large star and bar and USAF. The unit was joined at Da Nang by the 480th TFS as of 01 February 1966, which arrived already painted in the new camouflage scheme. As of 08 April 1966 the 390th TFS was assigned, and the 480th TFS was attached to the 35th TFW at Da Nang. Due to overcrowding at Da Nang, the other Holloman F-4C squadron - the 389th TFS, (which had been deployed TDY to Elmenfdorf AFB, Alaska in late 1965) moved with already-camouflaged F-4Cs to Phan Rang AB along with the transfer of the 366th TFW to PACAF as of 14 March 1966 (although with none of the same airplanes it flew in Alaska). As of 10 october 1966, all three squadrons were again re-united at Da Nang under the 366th TFW.
    Color photos are somewhat rare for these airplanes during 1966, but it seems that the last two serial number digits may have been painted in red on the front nose gear door for all three squadrons. (It is possible that the squadron color was eventually used during 1966, but I have no evidence of this yet). There is some variation from plane to plane as to vertical spacing on the tail of the "AF" and the serial number, so I have tried to reproduce this. Several 480th TFS F-4Cs had the serial presentation as "USAF" instead of the more common "AF" as well. Stencilled markings varied from a lot to a little.
    Notes about the flight model: Basically the default post Oct 08 patched data.ini, but I have modified the landing gear rolling coefficient to have a bit more drag (the plane will not move by itself and take off like a rocket when the brakes are released!), I have reduced the wheel braking effect so that a few taps will not make the thing stop on a dime (however they will not hold the plane in place when the power is brought up to over 78% - adjust as desired), I have increased the nose gear spring factor to give it a bit more of that “springy” feeling when the brakes are applied, and I have increased the speed brakes effect to a more realistic effect (to me). The original values have a triple slash in front of them, so modify as desired if you don't like my changes.
    Cockpit notes: Uses the stock post Oct 08 patch WOV cockpit, but I have added a sight reticle which is a brighter orange - matches photos I have seen a bit better I think.


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  4. F-4C_1965_Version2

    F-4C 1965 Version 2- By Crab_02 and Mike Druzolowski
    ***This corrects several small issues. I have also included serial numbers for a third unit – the 45th TFS, which is famous for getting the USAF’s first mig kills in Southeast Asia. Please overwrite all previous files. Sorry for any inconvenience!***
    This project started out with my early attempts to make the stock WOV F-4s a little more authentic. Crab_02 eventually contacted me and kindly shared his Phantom II update project with me, which is what this is based on. All credits go to him, without his basic work, help and guidance in learning 3D modeling, I never could have come this far. Our continued thanks to TK and Third Wire to allow us continued freeware development of his work.
    This first model will form the basis for every subsequent F-4 variant that flew in Southeast Asia (and hopefully, beyond). Please contact me for any problems or issues - we'll do our best to correct them and make this even more authentic for what's to come. PM me at Combatace or E-mail at mppd@att.net please.
    I made this package for the post-October 08 patched version for Wings over Vietnam (which is what I'm flying). Textures are 1024 pixel resolution to help frame rates on modest systems (like mine) - so view the external views at arm's length, not extremely close-up please. Versions for SF2 with higher resolution textures are sure to follow.
    My sincere thanks (in addition to Crab and TK) go to Sundowner - who originally shared his F-4 texture templates with me and what I started with originally, and also to drdoyo for his 1024 templates which helped, Ravenclaw_007 for the kind permission to include his super Martin Baker ejection seat in this package, and to Old Diego for kind permission to include his superb pilots, and to X Ray who did the superb pilot repaints (and whose name was forgotten in the original readme of the 1965 version).
    Description: The airplane depicted is the Air Force F-4C as it appeared in 1965 during its combat debut in Southeast Asia - Navy LAU-17 pylons with adapters for A/G ordnance, no radar homing and warning antennas nor all of the small antennas added later on.
    New features include:
    *New vertical stab and rudder shapes
    *New nose radome and IR sensor housing shapes
    *New detailed pylons and Sidewinder rails
    *New 3D model cockpit (mostly invisible though...)
    *New nose wheel doors
    *Animated air refueling door (Shift + 8)
    *Opening canopies of course (Shift + 3)
    *New horizontal stab bases
    *New early McAir and later Fletcher wing tanks (with pylons that correctly jettison along with the tank) plus new centerline 600 gal tank with retained pylon
    *Numerous small detail changes
    (Note that all textures for the stock Thirdwire F-4s can be made to fit with minor alterations - watch leading edge flap, vertical stab/rudder and intake splitter plate locations mostly.)
    Issues: I used many parts that I already had built, so separate bmps are included for the pylons, nose and rails - these should have been combined into one I guess.
    Historical bit: Five USAF F-4C squadrons of Tactical Air Command rotated TDY to Southeast Asia during 1965 as follows:
    *45th TFS, 15th TFW MacDill AFB TDY to Ubon RTAFB April to August 1965
    *47th TFS, 15th TFW MacDill AFB TDY to Ubon RTAFB July to November 1965
    *68th TFS, 8th TFW George AFB TDY to Korat RTAFB August to December 1965 (acft remained
    to form the 433rd TFS at Ubon)
    *431st TFS, 8th TFW George AFB TDY to Ubon RTAFB August to December 1965 (acft
    remained to form the 497th TFS at Ubon)
    *43rd TFS, 15th TFW MacDill AFB TDY to Cam Rahn Bay AB October 1965 to January 1966
    All originally carried the gull grey/white scheme as factory applied - similar to the Navy F-4B but with markings differences (especially no intake walkways or splitter plate turbine warning markings). The FJ- "buzz" numbers were removed from all aircraft USAF wide from ca. September 1965, and then the three-tone camouflage scheme was locally applied in SEA from November 1965 through ca. January 1966. The 68th TFS aircraft are depicted as they arrived at Korat (with FJ- fuselage buzz numbers and TAC vertical stab insignias). The 431st TFS is depicted as aircraft looked at Ubon late in 1965, after the buzz numbers were removed and several had the TAC insignia removed as well. Few personal or squadron markings were seen.
    Notes about the flight model: Basically the default post Oct 08 patched data.ini, but I have modified the landing gear rolling coefficient to have a bit more drag (the plane will not move by itself and take off like a rocket when the brakes are released!), I have reduced the wheel braking effect so that a few taps will not make the thing stop on a dime (however they will not hold the plane in place when the power is brought up to over 78% - adjust as desired, and I have increased the speed brakes effect to a more realistic effect (to me). The original values have a triple slash in front of them, so modify as desired if you don't like my changes.
    Cockpit notes: Uses the stock post Oct 08 patch WOV cockpit, but I have added a sight reticle which is a brighter orange - matches photos I have seen a bit better I think.


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  5. Updated USAF F-4 370 gal wing tanks

    Updated USAF 370 gal wing tanks for the WOV F-4
    This is an update for the 370 gallon wing drop tanks I made for the Wings over Vietnam F-4C/D/E. The tanks are higher polygon versions a bit more accurate in shape and with a few added details. Five versions are supplied - the first three are minor variations of the standard SEA tanks, the other is all olive drab version and the last all white. (Both the latter two were seen on F-4Cs in 1965-1966).
    You must be able to use the Weaponeditor to install these tanks. These entries do not overwrite your old tanks, but will overwrite my first version tanks files. I have enclosed an F-4D data.ini as an example if you are still uncertain how to install these - both pre and post-October patch versions are given. The first three tanks are given as selections in the files.
    Mike Druzolowski


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  6. F-4E sharkmouth fix

    In case you didn't download my long gun mod for the F-4E-35, here are the decals.ini files for the stock F-4E/long gun mod and the short gun F-4E-35. Also the sharkmouth decals which are slightly different.
    Add the decals to the Objects-decals folder of course. Add the decals.ini for the version you are using to each texture folder.
    Mike D.


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  7. USAF F-4 Tailcodes Version 2

    This is a complete overhaul to the USAF Southeast Asia Phantom II tailcode decals I did some time ago. It is now working for the post October patch for WOV as well as the original install versions. It depicts every USAF camouflaged F-4C/D/E Phantom II unit which flew in Southeast Asia from late 1966 until 1975 (a total of 66 schemes).
    All new decal art is provided, and many minor corrections were made as new information came to light. The textures are still 1024 pixel but should be considered as a placeholder until my newer higher resolution camo textures are finished. The original random F-4 serial numbers are included if you don't already have them. The new squadronlist.ini has many additional entries, but the default entry designations are unchanged so that you may still fly any missions or campaigns without any editing (although I have revised the descriptions).
    As before, it adds correct fin tip colors to the vertical fin tips and RHAW antenna housing, and wingtip tape light decals as appropriate for the time periods. Also included is a nose landing gear door decal with the last three digits of the serial number - which is repeated on the inside of the nose gear side fairing door (for F-4Ds only for non-TAC serials 000 thru 039). Although not appearing on every PACAF F-4D, this was very common on many F-4Ds in Southeast Asia. I have presented the most typical (and sometimes more colorful) markings for units - and in some cases even uncoded aircraft (as was typical at Udorn from late 1972 through 1973).
    Note that many squadrons have multiple entries in the squadron pull-down list, depending upon how many schemes a unit used. (Many squadrons have five or more entries).
    Mike Druzolowski


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  8. North Dakota ANG F-101B skin

    19 F-101B/F Voodoos of the 178th FIS, 119th FGp(AD) North Dakota ANG at Hector Field, Fargo N.D. as they appeared in June 1973. The unit flew the Voodoo from November 1969 until March 1977.
    Skin per request!
    Mike Druzolowski


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  9. ADWC F-101B skin

    This was intended for the initial release of Enrico's superb F-101B Voodoo, but somehow slipped through the cracks.
    The 16 F-101B/F Voodoo interceptor aircraft operated by ADC's Air Defense Weapons Center at Tyndall AFB, Florida during the year of 1970.
    Mike Druzolowski


       (1 review)



  10. Alternative underside Hurricane texture

    Here is an alternative texture for my No. 1 sqdn Hurricane package. Many sources quote the underside Duck Egg Blue color as having a distint greenish tint. Both A and B schemes are presented here - the A scheme in the post-August 1940 period with the smaller fin flashes and larger underwing roundels.
    Mike D.


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  11. No. 1 Sqdn Hurricanes

    These markings are intended for Capun's Hurricane I as installed in Baltika's Battle of Britain SFP1 campaign. Back up your original files if you wish, then add these files to the "1" folder. There are still a few texture mapping issues, but all-in-all it looks like a Hurricane to me.
    I take little credit for the textures - they are mostly borrrowed from the best that I found on the Internet, I just adapted them to the model. Thanks go to "Stag", Gramps, Baltika, Wrench, and anyone else I forgot that deserves the real credit.
    Legal bit:
    Since these textures are hardly my original work, please don't use them for any commercial purposes - they are for free to increase the enjoyment of the Battle of Britain campaign. The .TGA decals are mine, so do what you want with them.
    Historical bit:
    No. 1 Squadron of the RAF equipped with Hurricane I aircraft in 1938. The original "NA" codes were replaced by "JX" in September 1939. After operations during the Battle of France, the unit was relocated back to Tangmere 23 June 1940 where it operated under 11 Group, entering combat during the Battle of Britain from August 1940.On 09 September the squadron was withdrawn to RAF Wittering under 12 Group to rest, recuperate and refit.
    More units to come.
    Mike D.


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  12. 45thTRS AH decals update

    This update to my WOV 45th TRS "AH" decals for Erikgen and team's excellent RF-101C fixes a couple of mistakes I made, and revises the actual size of the tailcode letters and serial numbers. As before, only 56-0166 carries the polka dot fin tip. Just drop the enclosed files into the "AH" folder in your RF-101C folder.
    Mike Druzolowski


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  13. Historical 45th TRS RF-101C serial number decals

    This small package provides accurate RF-101C serial numbers for the "AH" coded Voodoos of Det. 1, 45th TRS, 460th TRW at Tan Son Nhut AB, South Vietnam for erikgen's excellent RF-101C package. All 31 airplanes which actually flew with the unit from early 1967 until 1970 are presented here. The serial numbers were created from actual photographs of these airplanes, and microfilm records obtained from the AFHRC, Maxwell AFB, Ala.
    I have no photos of the blue polka dot fin tip so I did not use it - I think that it may have been pretty rare. I also tweaked the colors to the great camouflage artwork, and deleted the tape lights which were not added until around 1970.
    The 45th TRS, 39th Air Division at Misawa AB, Japan had been deploying on temporary duty with RF-101C Voodoo aircraft to Don Muang Airport, Tan Son Nhut AB and Udorn RTAFB since November 1961. The squadron moved into Tan Son Nhut during July 1966 as Detachment 1, 45th TRS attached to the 460th TRW, PACAF. The squadron on paper remained based at Misawa, and in fact was reassigned to the 475th TFW as of 15 January 1968, but conducted all of its flying operations in the combat environment at Tan Son Nhut. The unit was operational there until 31 December 1970, but supposedly the last Voodoo left Saigon on 16 November 1970. Shifting back to Misawa, the unit converted to RF-4Cs in 1971. (The 20 surviving Voodoos were flown back to the states where almost all flew with the 153rd TRS, 186th TRG, Mississippi ANG).
    The 45th TRS RF-101Cs seemed to have adopted tailcodes a bit later than other tactical aircaft in the theater, but certainly by late 1967 or early 1968. It was the only tailcoded RG-101C unit in Southeast Asia.
    Fixed the bad files now.
    All credits and thanks go to erikgen and his Voodoo team for a terrific add-on for WOV. I only tried to make it a bit more historical for myself and anyone else who is interested.
    Mike Druzolowski


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  14. F-4E-35 with long gun muzzle (MIDAS IV mod)

    Mod for the F-4E-35 with long gun muzzle (MIDAS IV mod) from 1971-72:
    This is a small mod to the F-4E-35 Phantom II (available for download here at CombatAce:
    This version is correct for a Vietnam-era unslatted F-4E model and is a must-have, whereas the F-4E as presented in Wings Over Vietnam has slatted wings (a post-Vietnam modification).
    During 1971-72 the USAF F-4Es in Southeast Asia were modified with the MIDAS IV extended muzzle for the plane's M61 20mm Vulcan cannon. This presumably helped the issue of ingesting muzzle gases into the engines during the firing of the weapon.
    I have enclosed the stock F-4E-35 data.ini modified to include the enclosed long gun part. (In my own install I duplicated the entire F-4E-35 by renaming the folder, aircraft.ini and data.ini files all to "F-4E-35LG" and in the F-4E-35LG.ini I renamed the AircraftFullName= to "F-4E long gun").
    Drop the .LOD file loose into your aircraft folder.
    My thanks to Dave and the rest of the team which brought you the original F-4E-35 package, and for allowing me to release their original data.ini file with the text entries to allow the long gun to appear.
    Mike D.


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  15. New USAF F-4 drop tanks

    This is a replacement for the 370 gallon wing drop tank and the centerline 600 gallon drop tank for the Wings over Vietnam F-4C/D/E. The tanks are higher polygon versions a bit more accurate in shape, which didn't cause a slowdown on my fairly modest system, so hopefully it won't on anyone elses.
    You must be able to use the Weaponeditor to install these tanks. These entries do not overwrite your old tanks, but must be listed as entries in the aircraft data.ini files to appear. I have enclosed an F-4D data.ini as an example if you are still uncertain how to do this.
    Mike Druzolowski


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  16. Vietnam-era ECM Pods for WOV

    This package offers eight ECM pod antenna configurations for the USAF ALQ-71 and ALQ-87 series pods, and a new QRC-160 pod for Wings over Vietnam.These pods represent about 90% of all photos I have seen of USAF ECM pods under USAF F-4s and F-105s in Vietnam. I have also replaced the QRC-160-1 pod as supplied with WOV as it seemed a bit large, and most I have seen had a quick coat of camouflage green paint applied. Feel free to repaint them as no two seemed exactly alike. I have elected to designate them as dash one thru dash four to represent the antenna configurations since I could find no accurate information for real designations for these. If anyone can provide additional photos or info please let me know and I will accurize these.
    Mike Druzolowski


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  17. WOV F-4C and D Upgrade

    This package upgrades the visual models for the F-4C and F-4D in Wings over Vietnam with several small details that have been bugging me for a while, and is really intended for the detail nut like me until the Mirage Factory releases a real F-4C/D upgrade. It also upgrades the textures for the basic USAF camouflage which I created some time ago, fixing some errors. The decals.ini for each plane are set up to use my USAF F-4 decals package available here at CombatAce (also due for an overhaul and update), but can easily be replaced by the default version for the F-4C/D if you don't like it. The LORAN F-4D uses the default F-4D decals and markings - so if you installed my LORAN packages don't use the
    decals.ini in this.
    This package adds four new airplanes so as to not over-write your default F-4C or F-4D. It consists of the F-4C block 21 (a typical post-1966 C model), an F-4D block 30 '67-'69 (the basic F-4D used between those years), an F-4D block 30 '69-'75 (the basic F-4D after the four nose ECM bulges were removed and capped off) and an F-4D with the LORAN AN/ARN-92 Chelton "towel rack" fuselage spine antenna.
    The textures vary in worn appearance from plane to plane as presented here. The '67-'69 F-4D version has upper surface star & bar with no blue outline as as typical of these airplanes when they left St. Louis for the first years of service in Southeast Asia.
    My minor add-ons include:
    Four nose AN/APS-107 ECM antennas on early F-4Ds (not in quite the correct ositions, but probably good enough)
    Silver radome tip
    Revised under nose RHAW antennas for F-4C and F-4D
    Upper fuselage IFF antenna on F-4D behind canopy
    Two black under fuselage antennaa (TACAN I think)
    Pitot tubes under nose, on left side of nose and inside air intakes
    Structural braces in between intakes and fuselage
    The inboard leading edge flaps work as they are supposed to. I have also added a newer shape for the 370 gallon external wing tank, which I have enclosed. Each data.ini defaults to this. You must know how to use the Weaponeditor to install it. I used the default values from the simulation's default 370 gallon tank in the weapondata.ini:
    Mike Druzolowski


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  18. New CBU-24/B CBU shape

    I built this to replace the blunt shaped CBU-24/B CBU munition in the sim, as that shape is actually the SUU-30B/B dispenser. The CBU- designation for munitions is actually the combined SUU- dispenser and BLU-submition bomblet combined. A bit complicated.
    The weapon as supplied in the sim should actually be the CBU-24B/B (using the blunt nosed SUU-30B/B shape). That was introduced in 1969 or so and was seen during the 1972 Linebacker operations.
    This weapon is the CBU-24/B (using the more streamlined SUU-30/B shape) and was used until about 1971 or so when it seems that USAF stocks were pretty much used up in Southeast Asia.
    You must be able to use the weaponeditor to have both shapes available.
    My thanks to NGHENGO for converting the GMax files into a workable .LOD and .bmp file for me!
    Revised 7-08 with better texture and resized shape.
    Mike Druzolowski


       (1 review)



  19. Resized CBU-24/B CBU shape

    This is a replacement visual model of the CBU-24/B CBU shape I made. The previous one was too long (converted from GMax issue perhaps). This one fits fore and aft on an MER. Skin is a bit better also.
    Mike D.


       (2 reviews)



  20. 366th TFW "Gunfighters" F-4Ds for WOV

    366th TFW "Gunfighters" F-4Ds for Wings over Vietnam
    This package is an attempt to give a more accurate look to the F-4Ds of PACAF's 366th TFW at Da Nang from 1968 to 1969. As was the case with the wing's F-4Cs, the 366th TFW adopted their own unique tailcode system where the first letter represented the squadron (A for the 389th TFS, B for the 390th TFS and C for the 480th TFS) and the second letter A thru Z was assigned to each individual aircraft. A total of 51 airplanes are supplied, all of which are serial numbers of actual F-4Ds from each squadron. Almost all tailcode/serial number combinations presented here are real.
    There is some variation in markings from plane to plane as seen in actual photos.
    Everyone enjoy, and if you have additional details to help make this package even better, please let me know!
    Mike Druzolowski


       (2 reviews)



  21. 370 gal Fletcher Tank for F-4B/C for WOV

    This is the original 370 gallon drop tank for the F-4B and F-4C, made by the Sargent Fletcher company in California. The tank is slightly different than the later MacDonnell tank introduced in 1965 in that it is slightly shorter and wider, and has a constant taper from the middle out to both ends. The Fletcher tank was most common in US Navy and Marine Corps service, as I have seen photos still in use by 1970. The USAF replaced it by 1966 - very few are seen in the 3-tone Southeast Asia camouflage scheme.
    You must be able to run the weaponeditor to install this file.
    My thanks to NGHENGO for converting the GMax file into a workable .LOD and .bmp file for me. This is my first step into the 3D modeling world for WOV!
    Mike Druzolowski
    Minor fix to bitmap and position


       (0 reviews)



  22. LORAN F-4Ds in Southeast Asia Part 2

    LORAN F-4Ds in Southeast Asia Part 2
    This is part two of my attempt to represent every F-4D serial number which flew with the AN/ARN-92 LORAN-D "towel rack" antenna in Southeast Asia in 1971-72. These additional airplanes are really for the die hard like myself that just had to have every one, which now total 65 (68 total decal schemes that you can select). Just add the files supplied here to your existing F-4DLORAN folder from my Part One.
    In addition I have added a few corrections which will over-write a few old decals, plus the 11 black-bellied "Night Owl" F-4Ds of the 497th TFS at Ubon are here again which were LORAN birds.
    Mike Druzolowski


       (1 review)



  23. LORAN F-4Ds Part One

    This mod depicts the first 28 F-4Ds (by serial number) modified with the AN/ARN-92 LORAN-D long range air navigation system which served with PACAF in Southeast Asia ca. 1971-72. The 3-D antenna part was created by FastCargo for everyone's freeware use and I am in his debt. I used the idea from BadFrank to add the antenna as a permanent installation. Not included are the black-bellied aircraft of the 497th TFS (Night Owls). Part 2 will have the last bunch of serials for those die-hards that need them all.
    The mod is set up as a separate aircraft, and you will need the original F-4D.lod file from your original WOV install for this to work. Version 3 has minor textures and decals.ini fix (Thanks BadFrank).
    Mike Druzolowski and FastCargo


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  24. Fix for F-4E serial numbers

    This is a fix for F-4E serial numbers used by TAC when deployed to Southeast Asia in 1972-73. The first two digits are the Fiscal year of manufacture, unlike PACAF's system of dropping the first digit of the serial number.
    Just drop these into the objects-decals folder and over-write the old files.
    In addition, new TGA files are supplied for TAC F-4Ds of the 49th TFW from Holloman which deployed to Takhli RTAFB. These aircraft had serial numbers in all white and were of a split-stencil style. The new F-4D decals.ini has these at the bottom of the list with "HO" after the serial number. All 20 listed aircraft actually flew with theone of the four squadrons of the 49th at Takhli with "HB", "HC", "HD" and "HE" tailcodes, then all recoding at Takhli to "HO" codes in mid-1972.
    Sorry for the mistake,
    Mike D.


       (0 reviews)



  25. 497th TFS Night Owl Textures

    Night Owl 497th TFS F-4D textures Version 2
    This is a small add-on for the stock Wings over Vietnam F-4D (that I forgot I did). Although done before in several nice packages packages (one by Sundowner available here and one available through a Yankee Air Pirate mission set) these textures are all black-belly Night Owl birds from the 497th TFS, 8th TFW at Ubon RTAFB, Thailand which match my other F-4 texture packages, and of course all are actual serials from photos. The previous version had some missing files - my apologies to all.
    The LORAN airplanes require the mod created for Yankee Air Pirate, with a slight ini tweak as sent to me by Sundowner, so I cannot include it here.
    As usual, drop the folder into your F-4D folder and fly.
    Mike Druzolowski


       (1 review)




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