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Posts posted by redpiano

  1. Looks good Baur.


    My point of reference for a bad flight model in case it helps is stick and rudder planes in FSX, not to spawn an argument about that game but IMO FSX's small prop planes feel nothing like they're actually flying, where as IL2 1946 and COD, ROF and BOB2 all do a fine job in that department. I had planned on purchasing P4 regardless, what Lanzfeld mentioned about being able to just fly about and run into enemies and allies particularly has me excited.


    One last question, are reload animations modeled for the Lewis gun?

  2. Hi, redpiano

    I too myself started my WWI flying with RoF and then moved to OFF.

    The environment and the immersion OFF produces is the best I've ever experienced!

    Everything Creaghorn said is very true...Watch again the video to take your answers

    About the FMs, I agree with you about RoF's sense of flight, and I don't think it's matched in OFF,

    but it has so many things to offer that you feel sucked into a whole living and moving WWI world, RoF is lacking to represent, despite the state of the art graphics it offers...





    I have watched the video numerous times, the reason I ask instead of just deciding for myself from the video is I haven't actually 'played' OFF so I'm curious to know what players think of it.


    But my main concerns are whether or not the AI can be surprised(von baur seems to have answered this) and if the flight models feel like actual airplanes, as Lanzfeld said when you yank on them do they stall and have heft to them.


    One fairly minor thing I'm curious about is whether or not the top wing mounted lewis guns can move on their foster mounts in OFF, the SE5 is my crate of choice so it would be awesome to be able to fight two seaters this way.


    So then OFF also has the channel mapped? And can I fly careers there and such, how about carrier landings and torpedos?


    Is london modeled in OFF?


    Are the missions flown at accurate altitudes i.e 12,000ft+

  3. Since they debuted the P4 video in December I've been very interested in the game. I'm fairly new to flight sims but I've been playing Rise of Flight since last August, needless to say I've grown increasingly sick of the AI in that game, as great as the visuals and the flight models are, it's wearing on my nerves. I had hoped they would announce some plans to fix the AI with the road map blog, instead Jason only included a short sentence saying they'll continue to fix AI and other features without really going into any sort of detail. This frustrates me immensely as the AI in ROF is horrendous and Jason has said that "it's impossible to overhaul the AI".


    Now that the short rant is over with.


    I have questions regarding P4, some of them may be commonly asked questions and I apologize if that's the case.


    1. How is the AI in OFF? Can they be surprised, do they have restricted vision, meaning that you can hide beneath them and that they don't react immediately when you pull in behind them?


    2. Will P4 be distributed via download? This whole paying for a disc based mod is ridiculous to me, I understand it adds a lot of content but I'd rather pay for it and just download it immediately.


    3. Is the career mode in OFF or will it be in P4, accessible and user friendly; does it support a wide variety of aircraft?


    4. How are the flight models in OFF/P4, do the planes feel like they're flying and not just..."moving through the game world?" The thing I love so much about Rise of flight is it's great sense that you're in a machine with lift and weight to it, and no other sim has really accomplished that for me quite as well as ROF.


    5. Visuals, I understand the game runs in the very old CFS3 engine so I understand it can't be top of the line. But does it at least compete with a modified IL2 or BoB2?


    And lastly what kind of release window are we talking about? It seems to be a running joke that "two weeks" is the release date but really is there any time frame, will it be this year at least? Before June hopefully(diablo 3 comes out around then and my life will end).


    Thank you.


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