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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. Back up your Mod Folder, delete Options.ini, run the game once.Make sure the game work. Set up the game. Quit the game. Restore your Mod folder and copy the new Options.ini there. Don't forget to set the correct dates in it. If that doesn't help, try disabling individual mods and find out which one is causing the crash. Transfer, for example, the Flight folder Turn on the game. Game not working? Get back the Flight folder and move Effects. Did the game work? So the problem is in this folder. Dig in it. PS I didn't play on Windows 11. The game has some problems on Windows 10, and then there's a whole Windows 11. My game crashes on Windows 10 until I turn off the second monitor. The cursor jumps out of one monitor to another and the game instantly folds into Windows without ability to be restored. Windows 7 doesn't have this problem.
  2. HOTAS is Collecting Dust ...

    Your computer is cursed. An exorcism must be performed. My game has worked since 2009 and continues working until 2022. I play every day. Keep in mind that the game is old and needs to be adjusted and tuned. In addition, you could lose your pilot skills. Try to get your pilot's license again. In our country, a pilot's license must be renewed every two years. To confirm your private pilot license, you need to fly 45 hours according to the program. The PPL certificate of the ICAO sample is issued by the State Aviation Administration. And you want to immediately get on a plane and fly after many years. That won't work
  3. EAV-8B Air Tattoo 2019

    I like aircraft arts in real and in SF2. tnks
  4. US Stinger site

    BiH still have Stingers. So you can add [Bosnia] if you fly over Balkans.
  5. US Stinger site

    Thank you, international help comes to my sim haha
  6. US Stinger site

    By the way, why not GroundObjectRole=AAA but GroundObjectRole=MISC? Why not GroundObjectRole=Mobile_AAA? I changed to [SKorea] [NKorea] [WGermany] [RAF] as it is in standard Nations.ini
  7. US Stinger site

    International AA Stingerman and his spotter. Nothing to add in userlist! Thanks! at once they gone to the battlezone.
  8. Oh my gosh! What terrible teeth he has, if I see them in combat, I will run away in a panic. Beautiful pack
  9. In reality, the flight in Vietnam went like this. You are flying for a very long time. Nothing happens. You refuel the plane. You fly for a few more hours. around only clouds and nothing more. Nothing happens. In a certain place, at the command of the leader, you simply press the bomb release button. You can't see where they hit, if they exploded at all. Then you come back for many hours. I doubt it's interesting. But if you are interested in just such a game, then you can press this button and just remove all enemy aircraft. If you don't like that a particular plane often appears, then in the file, for example, MIG-17F_USERLIST.INI you change the line [NVietnam] ServiceStartYear=1964 ServiceEndYear=1998 Availability=VERY_COMMON on [NVietnam] ServiceStartYear=1964 ServiceEndYear=1998 Availability=VERY_RARE Or you open the file (for example, I'll show the file from Germany, but for Vietnam you do the same, I just don't have the mod that you play) GermanyCE.INI and there you delete everything in this line EnemyMissionTypes, leaving only "=" .... [AllowedMissionTypes] ...... EnemyMissionTypes=SWEEP,CAP,CAS,ESCORT,STRIKE,SEAD,INTERCEPT,ANTI_SHIP,CRUISE_MISSILE But i guarantee, the game will be realistic but you will not want to play it
  10. EAV-8B

    Thanks. One of my favorite Yakarov's model. Thank you for puting it all together and sharing.
  11. EAV-8B

    My Matadors, Dedalo and Principe de Asturias was very lonely and boring. Now they have a new friend. Tears of tenderness roll down my cheek. I love Harriers.
  12. I do not invoke for brainless gigantomania. Do not misunderstand me. Some of the textures I have reduced in size and converted into jpg because I did not see worthwhile details. I revise and remake in one way or another almost every plane downloaded here. The exceptions are your work. They are perfect. ha ha ha
  13. trotski00 made a beautiful work with textures, he add some seams and rivets. Its improved aircraft looking. Its made by hands and many thanks for this hard work. But. some parts still has low resolution, kinda wheels etc. I wanna say to you about upskaling i am doing for myself. All we know defauly BTR-152 texture. here it is shit. isnt it? After upscaling yeeeeeeyy!! T-72...... yak! shit! Upscaling Gooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!! All we know low res F-4b texture Pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooop! Upscaling. Not pergfect but better! So i do upscaling textures in Topaz Gigapixel AI here is the link https://www.topazlabs.com/gigapixel-ai So this is not cheap. yes. this is not. :-| BUT THIS IS WORTH IT!!!! Dounds like advertisment but i have not a dime from them. Just to say you about this porogram. If one person is interestin in upscaling old textures so may be some one will do too? ah? Ah? Guys? Is that cool? Is it? is it? Imagine! All default textures upscaled? Ah? Ah?!!! PS I believe now we woll get soon a lot of upscaled skins! Hurrrrrrray!!!!!!!!!! :) PPS Joke. I dont expect something good on our Earth in this Solar Sistem in this Galaxy in this Univers. I do not expected. yes, thats true :-| PPPS :) but anyway upscaling is cool! Lets upscale everything! :)
  14. Yes, some models not curable by textures. I Agree. We need to do the job balanced, Some models improves very noticeaby some not worth to even try to touch, just delete and forget. I just inform society that we can not just resizing but upscaling.
  15. In my MiG-29A 9-12, MiG-29SMT 9-19 and MiG-29UB 9-51 loadout is real and historick by default and no need to change
  16. Yes its important which MiG you are using. If mine one, it is possible to choose loadout only through MiG-29_LOADOUT.INI file and it have "how to" at a top of this file. the same with MF MiG-29. If you change it in game you will find the mistaken loadout. Its game issue. The game cant chose pylones right way (stupid machine, there is a long way to Skynet yet)
  17. SU-27U Flanker

    Thank you! weery needed aircraft in a moment!! It will help my ground forces!
  18. Yes, Blender works very fine!!!!!! Thanks to Mue for his LOD exporter. Blender is very cheap ($0 ) but it is not very comfy. Dificult and not logical interface. But this program is the future!!!!!!!!!!!! I use it. i tested Mues Lod exporter on Blender 2.79 i am not sure it works on other newer versions
  19. IL-28 - H-5 COLLECTION

    DEMONIC textures upscaling! Nice. Thanks for sharing.I am riding IL-28R I go flying over China to search where is a covid laboratory is.
  20. When author decide to made an aircraft he or she begin his or her work at 3D Studio MAX modelling programm. At the end you have ready model. This is a MAX file wich you can edit freely. Without dancing with fake pilots. You export it through Lod exporter to the game. But not everybody wants to share MAX files. This is kinda intellectual property.
  21. SU-27 Flanker

    Amazing work, thank you for template. I like UV Maping jn one texture file. Nice practise to think how skinners will do their job. 5 stars for everything
  22. SU-27 Flanker

    Super-Duper long awaited new model!!!!!! With these skins every simmer feels happy
  23. I am a pylon fetishist. I think a lot of people have already noticed this. Let's do a coming out. Who else gets turned and getting excited by the sight of the right pylons over the right weapon?
  24. so we r waiting for a brave, selfless, self-denying, proud but simple in communication modder who knows how to do this will write us a tutorial
  25. How looks aircraft in stock How looks its fakepilot pylons how it looks in real life How it looks in our lovely favorite best in the world gamem which are loved by everybody here from oll its sides many times a day

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