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Everything posted by SayethWhaaaa

  1. I Quit My Job... and proud of it.

    Burying the hatchet in his head, is still burying the hatchet. No one ever stated where you had to bury it. Good on you, you can't put a price on the effect someone else's bullshit, coupled with your organisation's inaction will have on you and your family. Sounds like you didn't need the gig, so getting out sounds like a strategically wise move. Good luck with your next job nevertheless!
  2. Yeah, they've really gone hard with the scareware approach in the last 18 months.
  3. Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark

    When has 'more trouble than it's worth' ever stopped China?
  4. B-2

    Yeah, the only B-2 I've seen is a a beta over at the Skunkworks.
  5. Can someone throw me a bone (ie, link) to the tutorial that describes the functions of the coding in the campaign.ini/campaigndata.ini? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I've somehow managed to make my entire OpFor air force disappear, airfields and all, during the campaign, but they work fine for Single player. I managed to get the airfields back (no idea how) but the all of the enemy air forces are still MIA. My modding seems to be good-- the campaign starting dates, the individual air unit starting date and aircraft availability dates seem to check out. The date I'm working with is (in your silly American format) 2/23/2002. All aircraft are available on this exact day. All aircraft and airfield names are accurate... it all seems to be a-ok. I just want to check to see if there's some miniscule detail I'm missing, because it's driving me mad! More so, that the blue forces work 99% as intended (except for aircraft tasked with transport missions imbedded in the ground), just no red air forces at all.
  6. I didn't, only because this is essentially a copy of a short campaign set in 1999 that ends in something of a stalemate. my intention was to use that as a basis and flesh it out more in this one. What really bugs me is that that campaign seems to work fine. The only edits I've made for the 2002 one were in the dates the campaign takes place (2/23/2002) and the starting dates for the individual units (either 2/23/2002 or 3/3/2002) and in the names of the aircraft. I order my aircraft files by service, eg, TNI-AU F-16A for Indonesia, RNZAF F-16A Blk20 for NZ, RSAF F-16D for Singapore, etc, That way I have all the respective nations' aircraft grouped together for ease of use when modding. I've changed these accordingly in the specific campaign inis, so they should be fine (I've tested them all in single mission, they show up). I think I changed some of the carrier group airfields and they may not necessarily work, but I'm focusing on blue AF right now to get the core working, then build around that, If the worst comes to worst, I'll just copy and edit the old one again and make ver minor changes until it works. But I remember there being a link somewhere to a multipage description of what the coding meant and did. I don't think it's in the KB, because I've been through there.
  7. Truth About the F-35 RAAF

    The $230-$250 is in Australian dollars, and that's the number of the projected unit cost if the official build numbers remain relatively static, assuming there are no more reduced orders. That's not including training systems, through life support, minor upgrades, etc-- that would come under the AUD $16.1 billion we were considering paying for 100 aircraft, now down to 75. 2500 is a number that seemed legit some time ago, but that number now seems optimistic given the current economic climate and with sequestration given the significant issues LM and it's subs are having, along with the crisis with the US government (that's going to bite the US in the arse for some time to come!). If more buyers sign on, if intended orders stay at current levels or increase, then, when the full production rate starts, you'll see the eventual economy of scale come into effect and the unit prices will drop significantly if the total build numbers 2500 or more. Remember 2500 units was the projection way back before countries started reducing orders and committing to small numbers, rather than committing to replace entire fleets of aircraft currently serving, and in regards to the US aircraft, back before the USAF was facing reducing it's size. And part of that initial projection figure was based on replacing F-16s on a one for one basis. Then again, once it gets into service (assuming all goes well operationally), much of this will be forgotten and new customers will be found, extending the production life. But right now, there's a lot of hype, and not a of runs on the board lot to back it up.
  8. Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark

    Interesting that there's still no mention of the navalised J-10 though. When snaps of the J-10B were released, there sightings of a J-10 with a striped arrestor hook also. But there's almost nothing about it online...
  9. The game I've been working on is finally on iTunes

    That looks like a sh*t-tonne of fun, Julhelm!
  10. Truth About the F-35 RAAF

    From an Australian perspective, we screwed on this from the beginning for several reasons. It was discovered some time after the decision was made that the government of the day had close ties to LM. Some off-the-record statements were being leaked to the press that it was LM who'd pressured the government with incentives to not go to tender for our Hornet replacements. The decision to go with a single fighter type was against RAAF doctrine of having more than one type for operational, tactical and logistical reasons. It was considered to be former Air Chief Marshall Angas Houston's pet project that he was to retire on. Our leaders were sold on the stealth aspect and that somehow stealth equated to a 'super fighter' and, after the debacle of the Super Seasprite*, were determined to ensure they didn't fall on their respective asses, again. I particularly liked it when, in 2006/7, when prompted by journalists who'd done their homework, rather than immediately going to the non-peer reviewed articles of Peter Goon and Carlo Kopp and Nigel Pittaway (They're like Australia's version of GlobalSecurity.org), and asked about why advanced F-15 Strike Eagle proposals or F-22 didn't fit the RAAF/MoD's criteria, the response from defence minister Robert Hill was that it was on grounds of cost. It seemed that, at the time, AUD$100 million for a Mudhen that wasn't too dissimilar to what became the F-15SG was "too much" as was AUD$200+ million for the F-22. Yet now, we're potentially looking at $230-$250 million per copy for 75 F-35s, down from 100. Yeah, so that worked out well then. Maybe they'll do something smart, like keep the Super Hornets and AusGrowlers... But I doubt we'll have the good fortune to have someone in the MoD... or government who knows what they're doing. I had the fortune of working at a defence contractor in 2007 when a defence minister at the time, Robert Hill, was on-site and, in the process of responding to journalists, referred to our new fighter as the "F-35 Wedgetail", not once, but 4 times. This is the general calibre of Minister of Defence that we have. PM Rudd should have axed it when he had the chance, but I think he was too busy abusing RAAF cabin crew for not stocking vegetarian options on the VIP flights (look it up, this actually happened!). (*where a new patrol ship was selected requiring a new multi-role helicopter, but was eventually cancelled, except, they forgot to cancel the helicopter, and after realising the mistake, decided to use them attempt to turn them into mini-AP-3C Orions, complete with EW capability, but failed miserably, after wasting $1 billion and ten years on)
  11. Footage of SuperSix 1 going down released

    The association with Al Qaeda is just lazy journalism. Well, I suppose they're consistent at least, because 60 minutes here is lazy too. It's usually where our faux journalists go to die.
  12. Shenyang J-15 Flying Shark

    Except there are two slight issues here. Firstly, the Liaoning is projected to enter service, it's not expected to be a fully operational carrier, simply, because what the PLAN want in a capability, the Liaoning isn't going to provide. It'll be used primarily for developing a robust carrier operations program, to fly the flag, and essentially, to look good. The last is mainly for the public, the media, and international attention. People (when I say people, I mean media agencies) will make cursory comparisons to the contemporary model Mig-29s and Su-27/35s, and like all cursory comparisons, they'll be based more on impression, not detail. It's the next series of carriers that'll be the yardstick. They're supposed to utilise a combination of ski-jump and catapult capability, and the J-15 is supposedly being designed with this in mind. Whether or not the new series will just be a relative copy of the Kuznetsov class produced with modern manufacturing improvements, or whether it's a completely new, larger carrier designed from the ground up is the $64 million dollar question. Either way, the J-15 that operates from that, will markedly different from this one, even if it the current model more closely resembles a navalised J-11B than a more advanced Su-33. And secondly, it's not weird that that website criticised the J-15 at all. It's a Taiwanese media outlet. Need I say more...?
  13. So this happened... http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-10-04/us-capitol-placed-on-lockdown-after-shots-fired/4997858 No news on motivations or identity just yet. One very interesting thing to note, all the police involved in the event, none have been paid since the shutdown. Just makes the elected officials look better and better, huh?
  14. ...but that's only applicable to a single mission, isn't it? For a campaign, you'd have to settle for a tanker set to fly recon or transport taskings, then catch it either to or from it's objective.
  15. Woman shot dead outside US Capitol building

    ...she had a kid though, so she's ineligible as she's potentially spread her stupid already. I don't understand why she didn't get out the car and hide in the bushes. Totes works in GTA V.
  16. Tom Clancy Dies at Age 66

    I always thought he was an arrogant, self-important prick, particularly from interviews, some commentaries he recorded and from statements he made after Sept 11... but I was a huge fan of Red October. No film seemed to capture the cold war in the 80s are well as that film did. Plus I was a huge fan of his Ghost-Recon concept before it went all Call of Duty. He redefined the political thrillers and is responsible for today's techno thriller genre.
  17. Why i like the NSA

    Okay, from day one I've never understood this sentiment, maybe you can help me because I really don't get it. I would have figured you Americans would have been MEGA-PISSED to discover your conspiracy theorists and foil hatters were right all along about big brother, governmental intrusion, et al. I mean, he discovers the government of the day is violating the constitution by grossly violating the freedoms of it's citizens via a huge secret network of data gathering with only one failsafe that pretty much does as they are told. I don't get how this is traitorous behaviour. I mean, yeah, holing up in Russia was never, ever going to look good, but to me, that seems like such a lower priority compared to the government violating it's constitution. I mean, it's not like he sold national secrets to China or allowed them to hack into something super sensitive government system. Is this an intrinsically American thing, like cheese whiz, Danny McBride's relative popularity or why the ground floor is marked as 1 in a lift, when it should clearly marked G, then the first floor you travel to is 1, or something else that foreigners simply don't get about you guys?
  18. There is an E.T Here at CombatACE and I got Proof!

    God, I wish I had now...
  19. Daily Ceremony At the Indian/Pakistani border crossing

    It's a walk off... Bowie needs to officiate this.
  20. Scorpion

    They have the capacity to think? Could have fooled me with some of the 'decisions' of late (including the proposal to axe the A-10)....
  21. EXP 3

    I have to admit, my wife and I both fell asleep during Exp2. I'm not sure if it was from a long-ish day or that we felt it was a bit meh, but we both passed out and woke up during the airport scene. I need to watch it through from start to finish because technically, I still haven't seen it. I hadn't done that since the last time someone tried to show me LOTR.
  22. A minor update on Jet Thunder posted

    I can't believe they're still trying to go ahead with it.
  23. EA Origin account setup issues

    So I've never signed up to EA's Origin service, but just now, in the process of doing so, I've noticed the two email addresses I use (exactly, no typos) have already been registered with Origin. I'm going to use a third one, just to be sure and avoid any potential issues because I'm smelling an ambush, ie, I attempt to recall my password and in the process of doing so, expose myself to any forwarding addresses associated with the account, or something of that nature. Has anyone ever encountered this with Origin before, or for that matter, anything like this?
  24. EA Origin account setup issues

    Heh, I got the account set up, then it tells I'm "unable to log in due to 'issues'". lol! It's like the Pepsi Max of gaming servers, or I just have impeccable timing. Probably a little from Column A, and a little from Column B.
  25. EA Origin account setup issues

    Nah, nothing with EA, only Steam with those two addresses.

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