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Everything posted by SayethWhaaaa

  1. Stalingrad movie '93

    Such a gritty movie...
  2. Dammit, I've really gotta get off my dot and convert all my gear to SF2 standard!
  3. Discovery Wings

    The problem I have with the newer Discovery Channel documentaries is that they're nearly always on American aircraft or in the rare shows they do on others, it's a very American perspective. Don't get me wrong, they do some good documentaries (the ones on the F-14, B-52 and AC-130 spring to mind), but they miss some or a lot of the history when presenting Russian/Soviet aircraft. There's a Russian series of doccos called Wings of Russia that is really good that you might want to check out. There's an 18 part series that runs through the history of Russian aviation from a Russian perspective (ie, see how they present Viktor Belenko for example) that will have a lot of info and footage that you generally don't see in Western programs. There are also a bunch of episodes on specific aircraft that are quite good too, although I've found them kind of hard to find online. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI2g3iQvLAg
  4. What i would want in a space sim.

    Yeah, unfortunately most space current shooters/sims are divided into playing fields and use the segue of Jump nodes or Warp speed during the load phase which is exactly what Freelancer does, but compared to many sims it hardly detracts from the immersion. Even Star Trek Online is divided into placing fields that require a warp/load when transitioning them (warping from Regulus sector to Sirius or Alpha Centauri for exanple). The last games I remember that didn't load between fights or systems was the later Wing Commander series (III,IV and V) and the later Privateers. You could fly manually between navpoints, but it would take something like 20/25 mins without burners sometimes and it was generally in empty space. Still, good sim styles distances though.
  5. What i would want in a space sim.

    Yeah, Freespace 2 is pretty much what he's saying he doesn't want, although the scale of the ships and distances involved are pretty significant. Xclusive, have you tried Freelancer? You'll still use jump gates when jumping between star systems, but within the systems, the playing field is vast and filled with a lot of nebulae, asteroid belts, junk fields, moons and planets etc. Using your cruise engines (prolly equivalent to Trek's full impulse) some of the systems can take 10-15 minutes to cross. Otherwise, something like Eve would be closer to what you're looking for. The scale in that is truly immense! But everything takes place in real time, so it can take days to get to places. The only issue with it is that there can be a steep learning curve with Eve Online...
  6. Except for the IAI part, That. Is. EPIC!!
  7. Double check the actual TIALD lods are in the weapons folder.
  8. Does anyone know about this accident? I remember hearing about this when I was a kid and being truly disturbed by the flight recorder sound grab I'd heard. Only recently when looking it up again, I've been seeing references to someone called 'Screaming superman'. I've never heard of this in reference to this accident before. Does any one know who or what this was??
  9. Damn Spinners... that is pretty epic!
  10. Yeah, they were advertising this form the get go after the chilly response to the aviation element in Bad Company 2. I sincerely hope they increase the sight range for the aircraft this time around. I hated how in BF2 you could pull a loop, be 100ft from the ground and see nothing but sky then reach 90ft and realise, if you're lucky, you might just pull it off and only barely scrape your belly pulling out. I've heard the maps are going to be much larger to accommodate the aircraft now. Is this true??
  11. China goes to Sea...

    Mako's dead on the money. I really don't understand where this strong vein some Americans (basing this one the Seppos I work with and the sentiment here at CA) have of wanting to 'punch-on' with China is coming from. Is it a holdover from the Cold War? I mean, I would have figured Pakistan would have arguably deserved the US's ire considering their involvement with Bin Laden and their duplicitous relations in regards to Afghanistan and Al Qaeda. China has hardly done anything to the US other than rival it in several fields. China's going to be much more concerned about Taiwan, the Spratley Islands (Vietnam) and the Senkaku Islands (Japan) than confrontation with the US. Especially with all that PRC funded US debt. If there was a confrontation and the US decided to cut any debt/interest payments, the Chinese economy would crash inside of 48 hours. Money is the name of the game and countries going to war is bad for business. Whataya mean? The Navy wanted carriers since the late forties, but Stalin didn't care for them. The Navy wasn't a powerful faction in Russian politics and the design bureaus were discouraged from developing in that direction which is why Soviet ship-borne aviation didn't receive much attention until the late sixties/early seventies.
  12. Vietnam FPSs

    VC2 was bloody awful, wasn't it?
  13. Vietnam FPSs

    Yeah, Vietcong was the best, hands down. Sweet co-op, lots of great features and atmosphere. The best of what's left these days is prolly Battlefield BC2 Vietnam. Plays a lot like contemporary shooters but with a nice Vietnam era feel.
  14. Who's on Steam?

    Left 4 Dead, all the way. No better bloody, mass violence co-op out there. No other 'zombie' title comes close. Plus they have some pretty sweet deals from time to time! Check out Ricochet, an old Half Life 1 mod that can be bought as a standalone for something like $5. It's closer to Tron than even the actual Tron games!
  15. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    I thought the acting in the trailer was pretty hammy, which seems to go hand in hand with most films, tv series, etc, these days with historical military themes. It really sucks. There are some fantastic stories to be told, why must these studios seek to 'improve' the narrative by confusing drama with melodrama?? But Jedi makes a good point. The trailer my gf and I saw was only about a minute long, so hopefully it'll be better than those snipets.
  16. Old school video games...

    WOOT! Wing Commander Academy! And WORMS!!
  17. My debt with films

    Michael Mann is known for his dedication to realism in his action sequences and shoot outs. That's why his movies stand apart from all other movie's action sequences! They're nearly always fantastic!
  18. Is this the one he started about 4 or 5 years ago, or is this one completely new?
  19. Yeah, but that shouldn't affect the use of the APU rack or R-60s as there's not much in the way of ordinance that's smaller, and certainly now IRMs that are.
  20. Yep, but you have to change the loadout.ini for the aircraft to use the dual IR rack specifically. You're talking about the APU62 dual IR rack, or whatever it's name is, yeah? Example: Loadout[01].WeaponType=AAM-3 Loadout[01].Quantity=1 Loadout[01].Racktype=APU Dual IR <<---That's just the name I use for my additional entry for the rack.
  21. I know for certain that my campaigns (ones I play) launch aircraft with SEAD loadouts, so they are, but their effectiveness on the other hand is a completely different story.
  22. No arms would make playing this difficult. I wouldn't be able to control my plane using my feet.
  23. I get scared

    It just means someone is about to fart there Knight.

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