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Everything posted by SayethWhaaaa

  1. Fairly certain there isn't. Or if there is in development, it hasn't been released anywhere that I've seen.
  2. Pretty sure there are cooling towers in the ODS campaign. And I'm fairly certain I've seen one in Wrench's Modern Darwin one maybe... possibly. Not 100%. You should be able to find them in the guts of those Terrain downloads.
  3. So I guess I'm the only one who went here when he saw the map...? :)
  4. X Wing remod?

    Sweet! I'm liking this trend of remastering and giving face lifts to older games. This was one of those game I kinda wanted to get into, but since I spent most of my time playing FreeSpace 2 instead, it fell by the wayside. By the time I got interested in it again, it was really starting to show it's age (plus various computers over the years having little shitfits and refusing to run the game! :( ). Gonna keep my eye on this.
  5. Ace Combat 7 PSX 2016 Trailer

    Part of me wants to get excited about this, but the rest of me remembers how much the series has sucked since the release of Ace Combat 6, and Assault Horizon, imho, was a steaming pile of horseshit! That said though, LONG LIVE ERUSEA!! VALE YELLOW 13!!!
  6. Who's going to be the new President?

    Trump will ruin your country. Vote Camacho/Sure in 2016!
  7. Dead platform.

    This is why I was a little harsh in response to the F-14Z (plus I'd had a run-in with my shitkicker in-laws earlier, so sorry Gunrunner, you got both barrels of that!). This is a 15(ish) year old game, TK's moved on from this, pretty much only CA, Halcones, Emere, ID(iot) Team and a couple of other teams are keeping this alive, so contributions to the series, I feel, should be encouraged. There will be a Freespace 3 before there's a WO(X) 3. Hence why I was a little shitty regarding the response to the F-14Z, because it's a new (if derivative) model, and yeah, it's payware, but we've all pissed away more money on shittier products (for me, it was DCS which I'm no fan of). So when people come along and add legit, unimpeachable content to this game, I feel it should be encouraged. Christ, I'd do it if I had the time, good health and motivation to do it, because this is a great, modular sim!
  8. Ooh, a Kahu-style upgrade that results in something like an Atlas Cheetah is a fantastic what-if concept! (ps, loving this RNZAF IIIO!)
  9. Hey! That's literally my back yard! (well, I'm about 900kms/550ish miles to the South East). Stop blowing it up!
  10. Haven't disappeared...

    To my CA buddies on FB, sorry I haven't spoken or responded to much of late, I kinda got temporarily banned for shooting my mouth off at some a$$holes and evolutionary dead ends (which if you know me, is completely out of character for my usual, totally non-sarcastic self ). I think it gets lifted in a few days, maybe... ...and Dave, if you could give Walter my best for his birthday, I'd be mighty appreciative! Cheers AJ/SW?!
  11. Haven't disappeared...

    I know, right? Such a slanderous accusation! Gonna have to get my lawyer to thunder up...
  12. India retires Sea Harriers

    Counter to what the article says, the IN Harriers did get an upgrade (Limited Upgrade Sea Harrier - LUSH), though it was scaled back somewhat from initial upgrade plan, which itself was worked out after the Poms got pissy at India (think it might have been the nuclear tests in the late-90s) and refused to sell them the FA.2s. On a tangent, I didn't realise there were something like 5-10 RN SHar FA.2s still in service as a part of the deck training program for the new QE class carriers. Fairly certain they're not cleared for flight, just deck training.
  13. I WISH we had those in the ADF or Army Aviation. Mind you, our Bushrangers were nothing thing to sniff at.
  14. They ain't Aussie, but they look great!
  15. Stratos, you can use F10 (flypast camera) to cycle through all the aircraft that are in play, and then target them that way, irrespective of whether they're within the detection range of your radar or not.
  16. Gotta welcome Daddy home!

    The feels. The utterly adorable feels!
  17. Anyone excited for the new Star Wars Battlefront?

    I'm down, but I'll be honest, I'm going to be disappointed if there's no gratuitous GTAV/Trevor style torture scene where you get to rendition Jar Jar.
  18. The battle of the X Planes

    Damn dude, I saw this years ago but haven't been able to find it online. Big thanks for the post!
  19. Give that thing a white or yellow cowling, and it would look absolutely boss! Even with the pink, it looks amazing!
  20. Boeing 767 Skin Pack

    Dude, these are great!
  21. Hey. You can edit the weaponsdata.ini without any problems, but you then have to open it and save it with the weapons editor so it can create weaponsdata.dat for it to take effect in-game. The game only recognises the weaponsdata.dat, not the .ini file. For just about everything else, it recognises the .ini format, just not for the weapons. The .ini format just makes it a hell of a lot easier to mod/add large numbers of weapons at a time (the editor only allows you to do it individually). Also, the game doesn't ignore the loadout.ini defaults. If your LGBs aren't showing up, it means the loadout.ini can't find them. The loadout.ini is good in that it's pretty straight forward: it usually works or it doesn't, and it's easy to determine this as soon as you enter the game. Other aspects of the game can be pretty ambiguous...
  22. Hey everyone I'm engaged

    Huge congratulations, Devil! You're about to enter a great phase of your life, and what better way to to spend it than with a wonderful woman who adores you right back!
  23. Has Sci Fi Channel ...

    I say it hasn't gone too far enough! There should be lasers!

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