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Everything posted by Tony_Spike

  1. View File Mi-8 VPAF Skin this is just a quick skin for Marcfighters Mi-8 ......nothing more, nothing less i noticed that no one had bothered to create a VPAF skin for this thing and it seemed like a no brainier Submitter Tony_Spike Submitted 10/11/2018 Category Mi-8  
  2. Mi-8 VPAF Skin

    Version 1.0.0


    this is just a quick skin for Marcfighters Mi-8 ......nothing more, nothing less i noticed that no one had bothered to create a VPAF skin for this thing and it seemed like a no brainier
  3. View File UH-1H Huey Skinpack (V1) a set of skins for Yakarovs UH-1H Huey included is a skin for: a UH-1H Medevac unit of the 498th Medical Detachment a RAAF UH-1H of 9th Squadron Vietnam and a Generic South Vietnamese chopper used after 1973 more coming when i can be bothered to do some more research on this bird installation is simple, drop the skin folders into your UH-1H folder and add their entries to the UH-1H.ini and place the decals folder in your decals folder thats it Thanks to Yakarov, i borrowed the decals from his HH-1 to use on the Medavac unit its another one of his models so i figured he wouldnt care Submitter Tony_Spike Submitted 10/11/2018 Category UH-1  
  4. well your skins for this one are here, ...i will probably do some more when i have the time to, ....as for D model i may have some i can do for that as well
  5. UH-1H Huey. SF2. V1

    well i was going to upload them elsewhere and ask you to place them in with this download .....but i decided to do it separate instead ....enjoy
  6. UH-1H Huey Skinpack (V1)

    Version 1.0.0


    a set of skins for Yakarovs UH-1H Huey included is a skin for: a UH-1H Medevac unit of the 498th Medical Detachment a RAAF UH-1H of 9th Squadron Vietnam and a Generic South Vietnamese chopper used after 1973 more coming when i can be bothered to do some more research on this bird installation is simple, drop the skin folders into your UH-1H folder and add their entries to the UH-1H.ini and place the decals folder in your decals folder thats it Thanks to Yakarov, i borrowed the decals from his HH-1 to use on the Medavac unit its another one of his models so i figured he wouldnt care
  7. i cant seem to get the 3D view to rotate i have the mouse clicked but the thing wont move at all EDIT: ...nevermind i got it working you have to press ALT GR first
  8. Bring it on! Man in High Castle Season 3

    i seem to remember watching Season 1 in December, obviously thats no indication of when it was released, but i do remember watching Season 2 earlier than this ....so maybe they did push it back i hate Amazon Video .....hasn't been the same since it was Lovefilm
  9. UH-1H Huey. SF2. V1

    .....i never said that i had any plans to upload them here
  10. UH-1H Huey. SF2. V1

    yeah i noticed the templates, as for YAP they are pretty crappy but also accurate, and their are so many that i dont really need to do much research, its all their so i think i can work with them to get something solid, problem is most of them are for other models of Huey but if the same chopper body can be used across all models and variants than it wont be a problem to replicate them Hi Res, ......im just going to need to find the decal coordinates on the model is all i will wait 5 days till im not moderated to upload any i do its way easier than waiting for someone to ok my posts ;)
  11. Bring it on! Man in High Castle Season 3

    wait? .....they haven't put out S3 yet? .....feels like forever since i watched S2 i would have thought that it was out already
  12. UH-1H Huey. SF2. V1

    criticism, dosnt equal lack of appreciation, Far from it, and i feel sorry for you if you cannot tell the difference, now with all that being said .......my offer to make some skins for this based on the YAP stuff still stands, you can call it a peace offering if you will end of the day i never EVER said that the thing was bad, its awesome, and if i can help improve it even if it is just slightly i will ........i just only said that something was missing, it does say to report bugs in the description after all
  13. oh well .....im tired ..lets call it a day

  14. funny that .... i always thought that was a yank invention ....unless you mean the Dr Who episode lol hey at least you can claim their is historical basis when you see this issue in future lol remember ..its not a bug ...its a feature lmao
  15. ok this only happens with choppers from a certain creator (dosnt happen for others) but is anyone else getting this? someones legs just chilling at the bottom ...a third pilot model seems to be hidden away in the floor both my Cobra and Huey are being piloted by Fred Flinstone apparently
  16. fairly sure or he wouldnt get so upset when i point it out i mean at the end of the day ...what am i supposed to do, the guy says that he is abandoning it in the readme .......and he expects me to think their will be an update? because thats what he said in the file comments
  17. newsflash numbnuts .....whilst that might be true of food i am afraid that it dosnt apply here, if you want to be lazy than fine, ....if you want to be a crybaby .....again fine ....its all your prerogative but if thats your choice dont expect people to not ask you questions when their is a problem with your stuff and dont expect people to wait for updates on things that you say you are ABANDONING IN THE README
  18. no ....and to be completely honest i didn't even know it was a thing because its the first mod i have downloaded thats ever needed it......thanks for letting me know why? because you are too lazy to take the time to tell people the basic things that are required by your mods to run properly? hate to break this to you Florence, but we dont live in your fairy tale reality, where you get to do bare minimum and not explain how to install something of yours properly, we live in the real world where people have a basic right to ask you for these kinds of things of you like i said in your Huey mod ......dont like me doing it? ......deal with it!!!! because i would dearly LOVE to see you try to do something about it end of the day if you think i will stop telling you that your sound files are missing just because you are too childish to take it you are goddamn wrong, Edit: BTW ........i didn't name it as yours because it wasn't my intent to embarrass you ....but that dosnt mean i will go out of my way to stop you if you do it your self, case in point my question was already answered ...you chose to act like a little girl i didn't force you Edit 2: ........yeah i dont care WHY you use the thing ..im not looking for reasons, ......end of the day i haven't critiqued the model in any way .... i have asked why it was showing, and since it turns out that it is showing because you in your "infinite wisdom" dont feel the need to tell anybody that it will appear if you dont have such and such a file in such and such a folder, than i have no idea why you are getting so offended end of the day if you dont want this kind of thing to happen, either tell people it is needed or put it in download with the model ....it isn't isn't exactly rocket science,
  19. i present to you for your satisfaction, the The DD tank, one Hobarts Funnies from World War 2 (D-Day to be precise) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DD_tank sooooo challenge ......kinda Irrelevant .....for nearly 80 years
  20. AH-1G Cobra Over Vietnam ver.2016

    any reason why some dudes legs are hanging out the bottom of all your helicopters? ..its wierd
  21. Website Problems

    Ok so that old one was just a renewal of one I already had ..ok I get it now cheers
  22. Website Problems

    ok i have had a pending subscription problem last night i bought a renewal to my 2 day sub, but i have decided to cancel that and renew my 1 month sub instead, only to discover that i ALREADY HAVE a 1 month sub from LAST YEAR that you haven't activated, ...i have cancelled it now but i am wondering how long it takes to get my renewal can you cancel the two cancelled ones and why the hell was one of them pending for a bloody year because that ...kinda takes the mickey a bit dont you think?
  23. UH-1H Huey. SF2. V1

    you forgot to add the sounds dude
  24. yes i know, no offence to you but i technically i joined this forum in 2011 and have been active in the community since at least 2006 ...just not ..actively active (if you catch my meaning) i know who Wrench is ........i have spoken to him before and i like to think he will get my sense of humour ;) having said that i just bought North Atlantic and im just getting acquainted with it hence the newbie questions im still getting to grips with modding regular none LOD based terrains (i mod multiple games at once ...F1 challenge/rFactor for example, so i haven't often the time to learn complex things for any one game) so thanks for the extra info its appreciated starys mod was what got me thinking in the first place of course ...this information basically confirms what i already thought, ......its possible in theory, just too much of a ball ache so to speak, but like i say im unlikely to attempt it anyway, my questions are based more on curiosity than not wanting to live with the regular stuff
  25. yes but your reply was that wrench had said it wouldn't be historically accurate ...so im just saying ..not really a bother to me i have separate campaigns set up for that well i already added a few new strategic nodes and targets, i mean im not talking full scale ground war here, im just talking a few north Vietnamese peasants and VietCong firing their pea shooters at me as i fly over, and may be a NVA squad or two for the AI hueys to attack as if they are supporting US ground troops in the area nothing that i would call major .....just things i think should be going on along the front to .....give immersion shall we say i often feel like south vietnam should not be 100% safe territory and that the only thing the NVA ground units are firing at across the border .... is me, and whilst i do want this to happen (wouldn't want to make things too easy) it would also be nice if they had a distraction sometimes is all

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