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Everything posted by Tony_Spike

  1. HA ...Thanks for the explanation man your a legend, i only ramble when im trying to get a point across and im not sure how to word it concisely, more than getting paid by the word but suppose we could always set up a Patreon page if you needed to get paid by the word LMAO so basically the game has an extra ini file that SHOULD stop crossover issues ....fascinating!, i will look into that file when i get my setup sorted and see what it does No but being a Series 1 "veteran" (2012 if that even counts) with a merged install (yes i have raised a few eyebrows when i have mentioned this before lol, but lets just say it involves hours of work, and involves taking a WOI install as a base, then stripping down every cat file from the other games .....all the flight data cats for example .....and merging them into one flight data cat file) im used to anomalies and i have seen soviet spitfires over the suez so i know where your coming from Well I always avoided the Single Missions in the SF1 install, so its not going to be a chore to do again, but i was hoping the game would collect its planes from the exe folder to mitigate this or something like that so i could play single mission mode without worry ........its not a case of wanting to get rid of them i just wondered if we had a degree of control over these problems in the 2 Series well what i meant by that was, people tend to call the mod folders separate installs then go on to say things that seem to contradict it, like mentioning the fact you can get Korean Hunters for example, its not the case they outright state they are not separate, but that they dont explain why they are still considered separate afterwards witch is why i was getting confused, either way if i have problems i usually ask someone with experience like yourself lol thanks for the help either way, im going to merge all my installs and risk it i guess, now i just need to know if First Eagles can be merged with the others? i remember you couldn't in SF1 because it would screw with the Avionics on the biplanes, and i know its probably more advisable to keep eras as actual physical separate installs to avoid Anachronism Stew completely, but since im planning to make my game into a history of flight game (got some sweet menu screens i made for it) and i would rather have all the fictional conflicts on a separate installation to the real world ones, then i would rather have 1 installs for the 3 eras of historical conflict i want (WWI, WWI and Cold War) and not have 4 installs if i i dont need to
  2. Sorry Wrench my man, dont mean to hijack, but this answer ties into one of my questions.....the Knowledge Base hasnt really been all that helpful in explaining any of the questions i have, and i have searched for the past week and a half since i upgraded to the 2 series (on site, google, scouring multiple threads) and i simply dont want to start new threads if i can get a answer to some of them on the existing ones if you know what i mean ....hope its not an inconvenience but can it truly be classed as a separate install? ........yeah i get you said "Separate" in quotation marks, (suggesting the answer is technically not) but do the mod folders actually have a function besides making things easier to sort through? .......is their a point to them? i mean i have read that having merged installs ruins Single Missions and since im finding that no matter how many folders i have in the mod folder it dosnt matter, (because any executable i click on still causes content from all the games to show up any way) i feel loath to try them i mean i dont want the awkward situation where say, ...a Egyptian MiG suddenly rocks up in Iceland, if you know what i mean, the campaigns it isnt so bad because the planes that appear are run by the INI files, but i dont want to worry about the same problem that plagued SF1 if i dont have to in this situation it feels to me like they are not really separate at all? and the only way to remedy it is to have multiple installs or remove the exe's of the content you dont want to show up, and its this concept thats confusing me and probably confusing others as well, as their isn't really anywhere that explains it concisely, as all that is ever said is that the mod folders are separate installs with no explanation as to how this is the case and plenty of people saying the opposite is true .......and correct me if im wrong but all content showing up and single missions using EVERY plane available instead of the planes from each EXEs respective folders doth not really make a separate install in any way i can see but i would love to know if these folders even matter in the grand scheme of things so i can plan my installs accordingly around them .....as if they somehow separate the planes that can show up in the single missions for each terrain then i will just merge them all and not worry about it for the rest of my life thanks man, i hope that was easy to understand .....i have a habit of rambling
  3. well thats just it i said mine works but its a merged Gen 1 install i built using WOI may be thats why mine works it has the newest architecture and yours dosnt
  4. hey wrench, can you set icons for the planning map in all these category? .....i would find that interesting im trying to look into it right now, as i usually do if i dont find anything here and manage to find out myself i will report back but i figured i would ask all the same update: ..i did manage to copy over the first eagles icons for nations code and that works just fine....so im hoping for good things
  5. well gen 1 always worked fine for me on Windows 7, and i managed to have a multiplayer game with my friend (the guy with windows 10) with no trouble, he has also used Wings over Vietnam just fine (we tested it the other day) most 1st gen games auto install DX anyway
  6. just adding to this (wish i could edit my posts) .....a freind of mine managed to get Wings Over Israel working on windows 10 with no issues ......its safe to say that this isnt gospel but their are no guarantees it should work
  7. no it either works or it dosnt, they were not really designed to work on anything past vista where as the 2 series was i confess i havent given the game a proper test since i upgraded to 8.1 but it worked fine for me on windows 7 .......my advice to you to is to make sure you have all the proper patches installed (one fixes the after mission CTD)
  8. i was also a member 3 or 4 years ago i got banned for accidentally downloading 1 extra file than i was allowed to (i cancelled 1 download and restarted it before you ask) so im officially joining the club lol
  9. you know how on top gun you got the fictional MiG-28 yeah its not Soviet and its not any middle eastern country in the real world (though you know its supposed to be) well you know paran, the fictional nation from strike fighters well i created a new campaign set in 1988 dhimar with the idea that like the gulf war, the dhimar paran conflict restarted again, i then added the MiG-28 (F-5e) to the paran aircraft fleet and set the americans to fly tomcats and F-5s (as well as the usual A-4s) i also changed the paran insignia to this one and created some black paran skins for all the other migs (changing them in the campaign file) and by golly i got myself a kind of top gun campaign (its incomplete yet i still have more i wanna do to it) ......im just wondering if anyone else ever thought to do that since i havent seen anything on here about it lol
  10. ok ...i have no idea what it was that fixed it .......it wasnt the new medals pack i added to it as i originally thought, ......but for some reason i switched out the old file with a freshly extracted one and they work again then i readded the medals pack and it still works so i have no effing clue, ...the new file is now the same as the old one was, soooooooooooooo
  11. i dont know if they are tbh .......their F4U-4 corsairs that came with the KAW mod, i have looked at the decal INIs and it seems the problem was caused by a bad link to the files, .........i had to change the decal path on the wings and fuselage to insignia at to get it to work strangly enough all the decals worked apart from these two positions, and the file appeared to contain a lot of conflicting decals ....or decals that had been entered twice
  12. I have the same problem with the f4u corsair in Korean air war mod .....they show up fine in cockpit but not in third person view for some reason ...would this be a decal lod problem?
  13. I have a problem and this thread is the closest I can find For some reason Denmark Spain and Holland all show up as mercenary in campaign select with no units to select, I have checked and im sure column 5 added them correctly but for some reason they don't work Doing a fresh install didn't solve it, can anyone help?
  14. can i just say i cannot wait for this .......great work mate
  15. i have the korean air war mod but the bulwalk replacement carrier (the one thats supposed to represent the straight decked essex class) dosnt work since i do not have a decent SCB-27 for series 1 i have decided to create my own and have had success taking the uss yorktown from the ww2 midway 1.1 mod i have added a deck (cos for some reason it wasnt working when i added it ...the planes were being dumped on the sea with the carrier over them) catapults and arrestor cables by taking them from the SCB-125 they work but are the wrong size and i was wondering if anyone could help me change the values .....i dont know if their is a tool i can use that i can point the mouse at an area of the deck and it tells me the value i need to input but it would sure be handy is their a way of finding this out somehow ...or does anyone know the values i need the current values are [Cat1] SystemType=CATAPULT CatapultID=1 StartPosition=7.83,55.50,15.24 EndPosition=10.63,130.13,15.24 LaunchTime=2.33 LaunchEffect=CatLaunchEffect CatapultEffect=CatSteamEffect ReadyAnimationID=1 ReadyAnimationTime=5.0 [Cat2] SystemType=CATAPULT CatapultID=2 StartPosition=-12.79,55.50,15.24 EndPosition=-7.72,130.13,15.24 LaunchTime=2.33 LaunchEffect=CatLaunchEffect CatapultEffect=CatSteamEffect ReadyAnimationID=2 ReadyAnimationTime=5.0 [Deck] SystemType=FLIGHT_DECK FlightDeckHeight=15.24 FlightDeckLength=274.04 FlightDeckWidth=62.00 LandDeckAngle=-10.0 LandingAimPoint=-3.65,-86.51 CollisionMesh=SCB-125_deck.LOD [Cable1] SystemType=ARRESTER_CABLE CableID=1 StartPosition=-16.17,-98.98,15.38 EndPosition=13.84,-93.39,15.38 [Cable2] SystemType=ARRESTER_CABLE CableID=2 StartPosition=-18.95,-92.36,15.38 EndPosition=12.68,-86.42,15.38 [Cable3] SystemType=ARRESTER_CABLE CableID=3 StartPosition=-19.42,-86.39,15.38 EndPosition=11.35,-80.53,15.38 [Cable4] SystemType=ARRESTER_CABLE CableID=4 StartPosition=-19.94,-83.12,15.38 EndPosition=10.64,-77.45,15.38 [Cable5] SystemType=ARRESTER_CABLE CableID=5 StartPosition=-20.56,-79.59,15.38 EndPosition=9.88,-73.90,15.38 [Cable6] SystemType=ARRESTER_CABLE CableID=6 StartPosition=-21.73,-73.36,15.38 EndPosition=8.62,-67.93,15.38
  16. ok im creating my own nations INI and decal cat file ......mainly because i want to and because i have OCD and it bugs me they aint in alphabetical order lol yeah pain i know but i do it for my own satisfaction and i might share it once its complete as im planning on adding every nation i can to it and every air force state i can (you know how the RAF used to be the royal flying corps ..and the usaf the united states army air force ect .....that kind of thing) i know its going to mean f***ing round with my campaigns ect if i change the order but i will be trying to do this to some extent so i can use it but it dosnt really matter ..im doing it for a bit of fun and because i love a challenge and prefer to do this than download someone elses .....because i will know what is in and what isnt but i digress ...my question first up i have examined the original nations.ini and i have noticed that some nations have a full config (ie USAF) whilst some only have the following [nationxxx] name= displayname= startdate= what i want to ask is ...does this effectivly make a nation none playable or does the game look for the rest of the information from the most complete version with the same name or something i ask this because knowing what info i can effectivly leave out will be a big help when creating nations who have made a lot of changes to their forces ...or even adding nations/forces i do not care about playing as?
  17. quick update .....i kinda got this figured now (least i hope i have got it right anyways).. i currently am as far as the Cs (columbia infact) and i have added 15 nations that were not in it originaly ....and have just over 120 nations in the file
  18. like i say mines a manually merged install ....... it uses WOI regular as a base folder as per the instructions in this thread anyways....... ..you know how i said i would report back my test findings well it seems its ..............(drum roll) ........mission accomplished chaps it took some fiddleing but i got operation kadesh to merge with the rest of my install heres how to do it create the merged install as shown but when merging the cat files remember to add operation kadesh LAST then use the folders mentioned in this post to build the rest of your game ........this seems like a chore but you will see why you should still do this momentarily delete all the cat files from WOI operation kadesh and then cut and paste everything else (folders, dlls ect......everything) to your newly merged installl ...overwrite EVERYTHING ....the reason you should build it from scratch anyway rather than just strait up using operation kadesh as a base for your merged install is to make sure you miss nothing from the older games that WOI dosnt have especially the stuff from the system file and voila ...the hunter works fine as does the harrier ....and so does the mustang now to see if it would make a good WWII base lol .....the physics should be better than WOE patched to 08
  19. no my problem is very specific the harrier and hunter work fine in my merged install ....witch works fine with the WOI exe but no planes work when i add the addon to it ...just the WOI ones ....and if i use the WOE exe only the WOE.WOV ect planes work its not hard to understand lol its only when i add the addon i have trouble ...and that depends on the EXE i use
  20. i mean everything plains groundobjects terrains campaigns ....everything not in WOI or its addon as standard dosnt seem to show up in a merged install i have extracted everything from MissionData02.cat and have converted it to ANSI from unicode and re packed the files into a SFP1 cat file .....im now going to attempt a merge again (yes i have my old files backed up) with this new cat file to see if that was the trouble i will then try using different exes to see what works best you see i cant remember if using the original WOI or WOE exe made a difference and im hoping that if i use the original WOI exe it might work .....i think that when i tried to run it with the WOE exe none of the israel stuff showed up .....i cannot be certain though so i will report back my findings
  21. after doing some research on how to do this and having checked the files with notepad both on the regular install and the expansion packed install seem to have ANSI selected by default .....does this mean they are both in ANSI?
  22. i want to see what planes are used in operation kadesh but for some reason the copy of the game (witch i got from thirdwire on digital download) dosnt have these files present so i cannot look at them .....it must be freaking somewhere surely otherwise the campaign wouldnt work would it? and yes ....after checking the only file that is in the campaign 4 folder it is called CampaignI4_data.ini ....not WOIcamp4 as you would expect EDIT: scratch that i found it ......it was in the missiondata02 cat but you need the strikefighters 2 cat extractor to open it properly lol
  23. yeah well so i keep getting told .......everytime i post on a strike fighters one board (im getting a bit sick to death of hearing it tbh) but i do have to say that just because that is the case it dosnt make it moot their are still 2% that still need to know this stuff so when it comes to me its a case of people having to get over that fact .....because its kinda starting to feel as if im the one who is in the wrong for still doing so but because im not wishing to come off like an asshole for saying that i will say probably but not having knowledge in these matters i dont know .........all i know is the only things that show up after the merging are the wings over israel stuff whereas before everything did .....the addon just dosnt seem compatible unless im doing it wrong and tbh im quite surprised that in all the years this game has been out no one has answered that question yet (or at least i cant find it)
  24. i found this rather useful and after following it to the letter i can safely say it works brilliantly but i have one question where does this method come in with regards to the WOI expansion pack .....when i tried to add it to the install only the WOI stuff showed up in game
  25. ok im asking this because im curious plus i figure finding out what other people run might help me decide what is best for me ok i will start currently i am running ...on vista no less ...(this is gonna be hard to believe) mostly the SF1 series (strike fighters,FE+expansion,WOE,WOV,WOI + operation kadesh) but im not running them on their own as standalone installs im running currently 3 versions of the game in a directory entitled History of Flight Part 1 - The Great War (1914-1918) is first eagles and its expansion pack Part 2 - WW2 and Korea (1938-1955) is WOE patched up to 10/06 as per the tutorial ..but it has no planes or campaigns as of yet - also encompases spanish civil war Part 3 - The Cold War (1955 - 1991) is WOE with WOV/WOI and Strike Fighters Gold in a manualy merged install, - merged cat files and everything ...the job lot i am currently pleased with what i have, i have added JSGME to the games and each game has a mod folder ..the idea is i have put any graphical update mods (green hell, IL2 clouds ect) in these files and if i ever experience slowdown i can switch in/out the ones i want quickly using the mod enabler and retain the original files ....i also have a section here for addon aircraft that will add them to the game and update certain campaigns ..yet again retain the original files so i can switch em out easily ......trust me its less of a ballache lol my next stage of the project involves adding 2 more areas to part 3 because at the moment it contains 2 real campains (vietnam and israel) and 2 fictional (dhimar and central europe) it is thus my intention to get 2 more real ones ...so im currently adding the falklands conflict and operation desert storm ....but to a limited degree im not one for 100% historical accuracy i just want to get the feeling .....witch is why vietnam and israel are left as is im then going to be working on getting my WW2 and korea part of the sim working ..but recently i hit a somewhat snag / possible saviour to an old problem see i have always had trouble placing korea ....do i place it in the cold war era age .......or the WW2 install i have had it as cold war era before .....but doing this screws up the physics on the Corsair then i got Operation Kadesh and had a bigger problem .....i couldnt get it to add to WOI without it f***ing up my cold war era sim then it hit me ......Operation Kadesh and Korea could go in their own era together entitled Early Jet Age (name is currently up for grabs though ....suggestions welcome winner gets a cookie lol) i would simply use a copy of WOI and its expansion pack for the base game then remove the 3 operations in the original (cos i have those already in the cold war era) and remove any planes not used in operation kadesh, then add korea to it the only questions now are .. 1 do i use this as a base install for the WW2 era sim aswell ......i used to have the korean war as part of this ....mainly to keep the ammount of games i have to a minimum ..and i could easily have spanish civil war, WW2 and the early jet age as one file (the meteor debuted in WW2) ....and if the physics in kadesh are more tailor made for this it might work better do i keep them separate and delete my WOE based WW2 install ...with the intention of replacing it with a WOI operation kadesh based version or do i keep my originial WOE based WW2 install ...hmmm choices choices lol

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