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Everything posted by Nippy

  1. Version 1.0


    Dogfight for Thirdwire Simulators (Series 1) Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder. This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor. So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!). As a template for the Missions I used a standard 1v1 fighter encounter so the action begins very close together (2 km seperation for WWI types, slightly further for faster types). To use you: 1)Start Dogfight. 2)Setup mission. 3)Press the Red GENERATE button. 4)LEAVE Dogfight running. 5)Start the Thirdwire Simulator. 6)Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu. 7)Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight"). 8)When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously. 9)Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red GENERATE button. 10)Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer). 11)ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Misiion Menu to update the information. 12)Play the mission! Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it. Testing DogFight has been tested with FE1 extensively (with virtually all the add on aircraft from CombatAce, the Skunkworks and Peter01 fms), SFP1 (chiefly SCW) and WOE1 (chiefly WOR and WOA). I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets (SFP1). I have only briefly tried it with more modern types (WOE) and though it works I'm not too sure how useful regular fliers of these types will find it (it's the one period that I never really fly). I have no access to any Thirdwire Series 2 sims so I really don't know if it will work with them. The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ and FLTK. FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily. Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program. Thanks Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming. I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users. Gary Ireland
  2. Fantastic effect and a real game changer if you're using an aircraft that doesn't have usable sights!
  3. Thanks for the feedback gterl, its good to know that its of some use. I'm going to release a slightly updated version soon because I realised the other day that I'm using the directory names rather than the plane names in the lists. I'm going to add a couple of extra slots to the player and oppossing side as well. By the way, thank you for the Castillac SPAD, It looks really cool and it actually got me using the SPAD for a few nights (I'm more of a turn fighter type usually). I bought a copy of the graphic novel as well (even though my french is virtually non existant). Really beautiful artwork and I think I was able to follow the story - maybe missed a few nuances. I use your Italian terrain as well. Fights around the peaks are really good fun and add an extra element to the combat! So thanks for those as well.
  4. Glad that its working ok for you. Thanks for letting me know that it works with WOI
  5. File Name: dogfight 1.0.zip File Submitter: Nippy File Submitted: 30 March 2014 File Category: First Eagles Missions and Campaigns Dogfight for Thirdwire Simulators (Series 1) Dogfight is a quick mission generator much like Microsofts Quick Combat and Ubisofts Quick Mission Builder. This simple little program is an attempt to add similar facility to Thirdwire products without editing Mission files by hand, or struggling with a complex Mission Editor. So, using it you should be up and flying against a selected opponent within a few seconds (once you're use to the system anyway!). As a template for the Missions I used a standard 1v1 fighter encounter so the action begins very close together (2 km seperation for WWI types, slightly further for faster types). To use you: 1)Start Dogfight. 2)Setup mission. 3)Press the Red GENERATE button. 4)LEAVE Dogfight running. 5)Start the Thirdwire Simulator. 6)Go to the Single Mission page and then Load Mission Menu. 7)Click on the name of the mission that you just created in dogfight(default is "0 Dogfight"). 8)When you want to change the mission click on Alt and Tab simultaneously. 9)Select Dogfight, make your changes and then press the red GENERATE button. 10)Return to the Thirdwire Simulator by clicking it on the task bar (or alt tabbing if you prefer). 11)ALWAYS RESELECT THE MISSION from the Single Mission-Load Misiion Menu to update the information. 12)Play the mission! Repeat 8-12 as many times as you want This sounds a bit long winded but you do soon get used to it. Testing DogFight has been tested with FE1 extensively (with virtually all the add on aircraft from CombatAce, the Skunkworks and Peter01 fms), SFP1 (chiefly SCW) and WOE1 (chiefly WOR and WOA). I've also tried it with some early Korean War era jets (SFP1). I have only briefly tried it with more modern types (WOE) and though it works I'm not too sure how useful regular fliers of these types will find it (it's the one period that I never really fly). I have no access to any Thirdwire Series 2 sims so I really don't know if it will work with them. The program was written using Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2010 C++ and FLTK. FLTK (Fast Light Toolkit) is a great free package for constructing GUIs really quickly and easily. Without it I doubt that I would have had time to write this program. Thanks Thanks to TK for creating a marvellous set of Sims. I love the way they work with TrackIR. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many add on creators at Combatace and the Skunkworks who have given me many hours of great gaming. I hope Dogfight helps to provide some entertainment for Thirdwire Simulator Users. Gary Ireland Click here to download this file

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