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Everything posted by Do335

  1. President Obama plays Destiny

    smooth lol. skyviper for president!
  2. President Obama plays Destiny

    One day an american president would proudly say "I am a gamer!". Is entirely possible.
  3. fixed in wings over korea on several aircraft with this bug among many damage modelling stuff;) Ditto x 1000! I think LODviewer brings damage modelling to modding which was almost nonexistent before.
  4. When hitchhiking in the galaxy, remember to bring your towel.
  5. ^well there's the answer. No dx10 gfx card, no water shader. The fastest (and cheaper vs. buying a new card) should be gerwin's IcelandNA terrain mod no? Older ones before NA still do DX9.
  6. Water set to "Medium" is just a bland blue surface, "High"+ uses shader model 3.0 (?) which is like it in fubar's video. Best guess, if the gfx card is old enough to not have SM3.0, medium and high makes no difference...

    Have kept a few cats growing up. They always slept a lot towards the end and not around humans as much:(:( Thinking back I wish I could've spent more time with them those times. Very honestly 10+ is old age for cats so it needs care and love now. But each cat is different, a summer born cat is usually afraid of the cold for example and curls up in the winter.
  8. Your -51 will work as long as you put the prop skins in. Wrench's notes was written quite early and as you can see there is new info. Your B-29 problem is one of a kind so far. I can help troubleshoot further, but as always in modding, how much does one want to bother;)
  9. It is confirmed to work without Wrench:) Reason is simple -- the aircraft and cockpit LOD is in SF2I.
  10. The 3rd package (Wok 3 of 3) have the necessary files for installs without Exp1 as per (long and distinguished....) install instructions. RF-51D uses a standalone 3d model and textures so, doesn't rely on TW installs. B-29: Tis weirdness never happened to me. Did u release brakes just in case... What happens when putting on autopilot?
  11. ok frenchie I've checked my setup and the propellers are visible. Do you have expansion pack 1 installed? The propeller disc skins are in exp1 (easy to check, in a fresh unmodded install if the P-51D is flyable means yes)
  12. Looks like a bug finally . I'll check when back.
  13. Most if not all of these data problems were fixed in Wings over korea campaign pack. But if just adding a few single mods, you can pretty much revert to TW default data.ini or use baffmeister's edit. B-29 is more problematic, hopefully someone (im outta town) can attach a working data.ini.
  14. ^yah. But was just idea about that airbase problem. No biggie.
  15. yep. iirc the first vid there was from yours truly:D
  16. There is also [NeutralLocation] Neutral001=4 Neutral002=5 Neutral003=6 from SF2I campaigns
  17. Hiya ragnarokryan, it is likely because the pre-selected campaign is one where there is no flyable plane within the mod (like the 1979 europe or 1982 Israel campaign etc) Try this, open up your Options.ini (location C:\users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Options.ini) and find the [campaign] section. You'll find something like this CampaignName=820606 Lebanon War <----delete the bolded part so it is blank after the = PlayerService=IDF PlayerUnit=69IDF AircraftType=F-4E_Kurnass_78 and relaunch the game. The game would refill that line and following sections with korean campaign infos.
  18. very intense mate! Nice shooting there.
  19. okie didn't know that. Recently took a bit look at the hunter flight model and it did seem to have very high lift past the buffet point (AlphaStall). but contemporary foes are afterburning frescos so maybe TK tuned it up a bit? (conspiracy theory? ....)
  20. Hey the force is strong with TK's delta wings:) Love 'em notes Eric (cough *Sherminator* cough), they explain much better what is happening and what you're doing.
  21. Could be the exe is not made to detect throttle position at mission start, once you do something there's input signal from the controller and it changes. I've had other flight sims do/don't do the same thing.
  22. Pearl Harbor

    I liked it! o.O .....
  23. 3 points: ya old guys will probably say "always been like that" but it's new/very interesting for me yet:D:D Ok, about relating to captured terrain, it is what I thought also. the dogfights took part close to the contested strategic node. but i took a closer look and between the first and second mission, there were no frontline changes ie. no ground units was in offensive. yet, one pilot made it back. But we did move forward one node on the 3rd mission. But then again I never remember having 2 pilots return in 2 consecutive missions so it is probably related somehow. Which means the campaign engine remembers the location of bailed out pilots. Which leads point 3: How AWESOME is that?...
  24. Thought I was seeing things before but found hard proof now.. MIA pilots have a chance to return. In mission 2 and 3, each of the two MIA pilots returned

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