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Everything posted by Do335

  1. Have done a detailed comparison between the 2 in lodviewer (just to know what i bought). YAP one has an additional cockpit seat while the free one at CA has extra damage nodes. The cockpits show differences with a hexeditor compare, but no visual differences except some textures. Plus free one at CA has a LOD2. So it's all about the Essex CV far as I see. If WhiteboySamurai completes the long hull essex someday korea won't rely on this mod. The essex is pretty hi-def and has adequate data for the flak guns etc so not bad. Downside is no low level LODs.
  2. Been lurk reading:) Seems it'd been tough especially with the complete loss of squadron starting roster, but hopefully things are looking better. Pretty nice progression there. SF campaign can be quite engaging and I can read that from the concise but consecutive reports.
  3. Found another space game

    Nexus: the Jupiter Incident It is Real Time "Tactics" as there's no resource gathering or base building, but more detailed sub-system modelling and player control compared to Homeworld. The story line is also rather fascinating, not as epic a saga as an entire race's intergalactic quest for home, but focused on the personal adventures of one Marcus Cromwell and his ride, the cruiser AngelWing which was "accidentally" discovered. All in all pretty fun. ++ Open modding!
  4. Found another space game

    The campaign is even more scripted than HW2, so it is mostly like an interactive movie. Modding a cruiser into episode 2/3 though...
  5. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    The collapse of the Soviet Union has resulted in a multitude of problems, as if to some extent former eastern bloc states have been facing an identity crisis, and many have morphed into national/oligarchy capitalism. Like you said nothing is black and white, even in the western world I've had some European friends consider the US the most "capitalist" while the rest is mild comparatively. But while one cannot just do a copy-paste of any existing system, some fundamentals are key, such as rule of law, proper regulations, free press and free speech, to prevent mass abuse of power (from the 1%) and maintain upward mobility. Just like in any organization, the flatter it is the better, but revolutionary changes don't happen overnight. It'll likely take a few life times. It is so good of you to think of the children, I think it is imperative to guide them into better human beings. I have a distant memory, in junior high school a straight-A student wrote an essay that quoted an old saying, "If one doesn't taste the bitterness of bitterness, one will not be the man above men." The saying was considered to promote hard work in the old days, but he was later called into the classmaster's office and they had a talk. I did not understand why at the time,but I do now and am grateful for our classmaster.
  6. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    The Russian "Dukes" of extreme wealth, likely the 1%, are opportunists risen from the ashes of the old system, likely resembling the autocrats. The reins were tightened since Putin and likely created the ruling oligarchs all over again -- while I believe a basic institution principle is important, it surely has been confusing for Russia over the past 25 years Therefore I have to say, that yes, doesn't matter if it's democracy or communism. The real matter is people's minds, behaviors, habits, and others accumulating to the huge inertia of a highly hierarchical social structure. The monster doesn't stop overnight.
  7. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    Could it be "In Time" ;) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1637688/ I think the problem has only gotten worse after the 2008 financial crisis since which the democratic world is in decline (Greek debt like being one of the secondary effects). And it is inevitably more profound in (formerly) authoritarian/totalitarian societies. My personal take on this, or the question that really matters: What should I do. That is one worth pondering, and I reckon each will have his own personal answer. I believe in what Gandhi said: "whatever you do will be insignificant, but it's important that you do it".
  8. Interesting fact about the Greek Bailout

    You're talking about inequality. But I believe there'll always be classes, even in your Stalin/Soviet era there's the large group of ruling oligarchs the system created, There isn't an existing social structure that can eliminate inequality so far. But that is fine, as long as there is upward mobility, as in creativity and hard work warranting success for the average guy is believed to be achievable. But when chances of moving up the social ladder becomes minimal, unrest within the working/under class would then follow. Fundamentally... it is a problem of hope. IMHO.
  9. Windows 10

    Much like in aviation the A version of anything would always have more problems. But it's shiny new. So there's a tradeoff there I reckon:p
  10. Massive explosion at Tianjin

  11. My understanding is simple.. in the 'nam era, and especially for phantoms: Go Navy, Beat Air Force.
  12. Combat Air Patrol 2 preview

    Dynamic Campaign YYYESS!!.....
  13. ah I fixed this on the B-29 for Korea, the cause was remaining ordnance. If there're still bombs on board past the target point, the aircraft will keep flying on forever. It helps by checking the loadout file and make sure only 1 type of bomb is loaded for and make sure the plane can drop them all in one pass. Also I remember eburger68 mentioned something about RWR in play and affect escorted flight's course... when aircrafts do get electric gizmos onboard that is!
  14. Got a timeout on the download center. But the DLs on update page are still functional. Although wouldn't be surprised if TK stops putting em up one day so.. local storage rules I reckon. /rant/ Just came to me as funny that flight sim capitalism is centered on Russia nowadayz. Western sims are practiced with free modding all around. :p /rant/
  15. ehehe thanks Baffmeister:) It's always been a document of sorts, like Do335 what have you been doing for entertainment in 2014? They can help me remember plus I think many times screenshots alone is not enough... But yeah when looking at early 2012/13 videos it's nice to see how the refinements have progressed. Will make more for sure some day later!
  16. Cool:) Likely my "making videos" phase has passed. All yours Shrikehawk!
  17. A-w-e-some ShrikeHawk, you're in a sabre! I think this is where one wishes there is multiplayer..................... And out scissored a mig, and then out turned a La11 Unbelievable. It is amazing! looks like my likes are used up..
  18. oh bloody hell. Thank you Stary!
  19. eh thanks ShrikeHawk! Somehow missed this post probably it being masked by three videos:D BnZ is easier for jets with their higher speed limit I think. With props the enemy usually catch up with me after 2 or 3 passes and it becomes impractical - that would be where the kungfu is needed I reckon. I deliberately set the Ilyushin's rudder to disabled, as it's got a very small rudder and if set destroyed it becomes too vulnerable... Although the guy in the vid was still afloat after losing both elevators as well Likely he's quite high up there, have seen them crash if down in the weeds without elevs. The flying tanks are tough, AI with machine guns mostly just end up ramming them
  20. eh I like all good FMs, especially ones made with love, some may not be extremely extremely historically accurate but can't really complain... of course hi-fi FMs would be very awesome. In the (likely very rare) event that you get some free time, streakeagle... And Shrikehawk please keep the vids coming man, SF videos are so scarce these days...
  21. Ah I see, I switched over to Pasko's as well due to it more fps friendly. From my own experience the mustangs are surely a bit weak also because of a small airframe... so it's more vulnerable to gunfire. The Yak is no better though, it's quite fair to balance them I reckon.
  22. ShrikeHawk, If you got the Yak-9 FM from wings over korea pack Baffmeister had pointed out to me that I forgot to use the latest version. Basically CLa on the wings needs to be increased, although i reckon some CDL reduction would have the same effect and there's nothing like enjoying own work. But mostly I see it has prompted you to make 3 videos so I rejoice:D Thanks for visiting Korea ShrikeHawk!
  23. http://www.simhq.com/_naval/atlantic-fleet-review-interview.html "The artist Przemek who did most of the effects and the various event images has worked in the Strike Fighters mod community where he is well known for his terrain mods and cockpits." Nice job, Stary. Apparently it is an excellent game too. Now...... are PCs really becoming obsolete due to mobile platforms? :bomb:
  24. an old BMS vid

    Moving all my video collection to youtube. This was made as a tutorial in 2010 for my squad. https://youtu.be/HntG-ECaG2s

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