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Everything posted by Do335

  1. A question for the old timers: was there ever a time when AI had a blind spot in its deep six? Apparently all the data inis have "VisualBlindArc" and "VisualRestrictedArc" callouts, wonder if there was ever a time they had real effect.
  2. yep depends on their mission and route. generally when enroute or landing they do not fight. or if mission is ground strike. my favorite shooting test is a CAP flight against a recon flight. The recon flight is mostly inert, provided I shoot down the wingmen first... don't take me wrong, still one of the best AIs in flight sims. SF AI for one does not see thru clouds, as in take that! falcon4 dcs and whatnot.
  3. Roger that, tis a shame indeed, reminds me of the missile effectiveness "fix" and carrier attack "fix". I see most VisualBlindArc callouts are "5,6,7". Maybe he'd just changed all of them to "6" only and limit the vertical arc a bit in the code... but just one idea among many better ways to do it... getting the OPEN SOURCE rush again. ehy.
  4. Il-2 '46's new supermod!

    I've always thought of these big sealed off packs the lazy man's solution. Real man use Modact and add whatever mod of his choosing one at a time -- After he's decompiled the class files and taken a look at them in a java editor that is, so that one knows exactly what's happening with his install. It sounds daunting but as a dedicated Il2 flyer it'll pay off eventually. :diablo:
  5. DA, spin is Alt+left click and move is Shift+left click. Direct left click selects the node in window, i suppose tis why to deconflict with view moves..
  6. baffmeister see if you wanna use this damage modeling. Trying to adhere to TW standard segregating it into nose-fuse-tail 3 sections. The 3d model doesn't have a tail node so one is separated from the fuselage node, other wise the fuselage component is so large that it becomes very resistant to gun fire. Also the fuselage hitbox is raised to cover the pilot as per TK's data, so hits on canopy area can kill the pilot. The nose node is too small and I lengthened it a bit to cover the entire engine section. As for the fuel tanks they're probably placeholders since you'll rework the fuel stuff. [Fuselage] ModelNodeName=Fuselage DamageRating=DESTROYED ... MinExtentPosition=-0.60, 1.21, 0.95 MaxExtentPosition= 0.60,-3.19,-0.73 [Nose] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=Nose DamageRating=Destroyed DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE ... MinExtentPosition= 0.7, 2.73, 0.63 MaxExtentPosition=-0.7, 1.21,-0.78 [LeftWing] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=LeftWing DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED ... MinExtentPosition=-0.60, 0.70,-0.56 MaxExtentPosition=-3.55,-1.27,-0.13 [RightWing] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=RightWing DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED ... MinExtentPosition= 0.60, 0.70,-0.56 MaxExtentPosition= 3.55,-1.27,-0.13 [LeftOuterWing] ParentComponentName=LeftWing ModelNodeName=LeftWingOuter DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED ... MinExtentPosition=-3.55, 0.48, 0.02 MaxExtentPosition=-5.60,-1.02,-0.24 [RightOuterWing] ParentComponentName=RightWing ModelNodeName=RightWingOuter DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED ... MinExtentPosition= 3.55, 0.48, 0.02 MaxExtentPosition= 5.60,-1.02,-0.24 [Tail] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName= DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED HasAeroCoefficients=False MinExtentPosition=-0.33,-3.19, 0.67 MaxExtentPosition= 0.33,-5.74,-0.38 ... SystemName[001]=TailGear [VertTail] ParentComponentName=Tail ModelNodeName=Tail DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED ... MinExtentPosition=-0.08,-4.85,-0.04 MaxExtentPosition= 0.08,-6.35, 1.98 [LeftStab] ParentComponentName=Tail ModelNodeName=LeftStab DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DISABLED ... MinExtentPosition=-0.16,-4.80, 0.47 MaxExtentPosition=-2.27,-5.96, 0.37 [RightStab] ParentComponentName=Tail ModelNodeName=RightStab DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DISABLED ... MinExtentPosition=0.16,-4.80, 0.47 MaxExtentPosition=2.27,-5.96, 0.37 ... [Pilot] Position=0.0,-1.26,0.82 MinExtentPosition=-0.25,-0.6,-0.2 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,-1.6, 1.0 ... [Engine] MinExtentPosition=-0.55, 2.70, 0.56 MaxExtentPosition= 0.55, 1.22,-0.70 ... [FuselageFuelTank] MaxFuelAmount=400 MinExtentPosition=-0.50, 1.10, 0.16 MaxExtentPosition= 0.50,-0.12,-0.35 [LeftWingFuelTank] MaxFuelAmount=200 MinExtentPosition=-0.85, 0.17,-0.27 MaxExtentPosition=-1.72,-0.83,-0.51 [RightWingFuelTank] MaxFuelAmount=200 MinExtentPosition= 0.85, 0.17,-0.27 MaxExtentPosition= 1.72,-0.83,-0.51
  7. Thank you baffmeister. Did some search on the net on fuel tank layout but nothing as well. About ash-82fnu only this page on japanese (google translate) https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2F2chland.net%2Farmy%2F1215216867.html so if the info is reliable 1850hp can last 1 minute.
  8. I wanna help but u don't really say much:| But if the missions can run, it's probably some small glitch. Check your menu folder (C:\Users\[user name]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Menu) and see if there's an MISSIONEDITOR.INI in there. If yes delete it. Or,, try another fresh install as the install procedure isn't exactly error free. That's the two ideas I have atm..
  9. Del2i more info please. Does the ME icon appear on the UI; if yes what happens when you click it? Are u able to run single missions on the korea terrain?
  10. Fury looks very nice! And yea latest Lodviewer is such a big help.
  11. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaah! noob question, what's the difference between hitbox and bounding box? edit: self explanation.. bounding box: calculated by lodviewer, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_bounding_box hitbox: coords read directly from data.ini
  12. Stary, the pack is already out. Updating it like daily tho, atm ground war for campaign and data ini fix-me-ups with Lodviewer. Plus test whatever is released and add them in ofc. But I think Wrench and FastCargo and maybe others have goodies hidden on HDDs. ..Yes I might be in trouble. But don't really mind, what's already available is pretty amazing. As for polishing, hey I can help. Not modelling and skinning is reaching. The rest totally can do. Like say what happened to the F-84, it looked OK from the screenie.
  13. If any of you guys have stuff please please upload. There's enough material to piece things together even if it's somewhat incomplete, so it's like... a 3D model and a skin will do. (Even no skin and no one takes it I'd take a shot.)
  14. 33Lima what do u think of the UI? Uncomfortable to use, or can be gotten used to after spending some time with it?
  15. Looking forward to it 33Lima. I'm on the fence with this one...
  16. Same. Although I'm not partial to DCS, this one becomes tempting. The question is... who will be my backseater.
  17. Hi Baffmeister, Yea once I added 6 fake pilots for aesthetics and found my jet some 500kg over weight with debug on. searched and found in aircraftobject.ini [DefaultPilot] ... Mass=90 So apparently TK already defines the pilot weight here which I think is nice of him. (And so I added mass=0 to my fakepilots and voila the over weight is gone )
  18. Well, they've announced the Cat. There goes the neighbourhood. :D
  19. Any chance of an AAR, 33Lima :)
  20. Oh when using fake pilots make sure to add a "mass=0" statement. otherwise the jet becomes 90kg heavier for each (fake or not) pilot added.
  21. Appreciate it Baffmeister. As for LODviewer it's still tedious and tricky as one can't draw boxes around components, so there's no way to know if a defined box is too small or too big. Like if 4 37mm hits can't shoot it down the box is obviously too big.... But yea still much much better than not having access to the LOD coordinates at all I reckon. Just checked out FastCargo's ruler... wow I think it is a bit sadistic. Why oh why does tk lock the LOD. (I know but still..) 1st post updated with Baffmeister's La-9/11 thread.

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