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Everything posted by Do335

  1. iirc when available pilots is less than 4 the campaign will lose. as Hans said better supply for your side will help reserve pilots arrive sooner/more frequent.
  2. eh a fan of DBW171 myself, could still use TrackIR zoom with it which TD 412 patch took away.. way way back i dumped all the classes and java modded the hell outta it including a super Me262 hee.... Hopefully CFM is less buggy, apparently they're somewhat emphasizing on it so IL2 46 is looking pretty good indeed.
  3. Hey alright, gets me itchy for some IL2 action for sure, was seriously looking at CloD but apparently... no modding with that one. Looking forward to the next report 33lima. (Could it be bombing ships ) Oh... what mod base are you using? Plain 412, SAS Modact, HSFX or the new DBW?
  4. MrGoTime, all the units that fly out of USS Bataan are already selectable, so just pick a Marine F4U/AU-1 corsair squadron and start the campaign.
  5. Been a bit confused myself still, but this explains it somehow. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4018569/1 It could be the makers themselves are a little confused towards the end. They might intend to shift target market, but since all the work was done before towards a "sim", it was too late to change to "game", so it ends up being a mixed product. (but tis just my deduction)
  6. OrangeFr3ak92, you can use Alt+D to cycle it. Alternatively if you never wanna see it again, go into the flight folder (C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Flight) and delete HUDDATA.ini I shouldn't have included the .ini in the first place, twas my bad.
  7. Nvm, reading back might convey the wrong msg, always hate those kinds myself.
  8. if the stick is indeed on pots reckon i agree. they are a pita... mostly wish there's an easy way to clean them, a few yrs ago i tried cleaning the pot on the cougar and failed miserably:( (later went thru ordering via email, and shipping turned out another disaster. oy..)
  9. 33Lima, Any chance of a BOB2 AAR? I'm tempted to pick it up from sites like GOG.com and such. That Emil looks awesome and I read that the campaign is as well.
  10. right! i didn't realize by ejecting over friendly territory, the pilot survives and the mission is success. im digging it. i really need to have a better awareness of fuel consumption... not only how much is needed for RTB but also pound per hour.
  11. Yea Wrench check attached. (disclaimer: file author is thread OP mue and simply ULing here for file sharing)
  12. bah..... Could it be the 2 carrier groups spawned/merged into the same place? or is it another final countdown spinoff... and you could've just pressed "Esc" without the "shift":p
  13. FastCargo could it be the file hosting site, it tricked me into downloading a "download.exe" which's around 1MB in size. The tool itself is a .zip ~7.3MB. Been running it to check component assignments in the data inis and got no problem AV wise (MS essentials).
  14. Holy crap this tool is great. Thanks mue. Does this mean we no longer have to 100% rely on the .out files?
  15. Rarely check my stats. After a few missions today, suddenly wondered and took a look. Astonishingly across 3 pilot records in SF2 I've already accumulated 770 flight hours! I suppose when you run x8 time accel, actual game hours are still logged? I'm curious to see what other SF pilots logbook look like. Is it possible anyone got a few thousand of them flying since SF1/WoX
  16. After putting up a "maintenance" sign for a few weeks, it is now completely offline. A wealth of info lost on this game....
  17. I knew it was just a matter of time a few months back... the regret is not saving some of TK's info posts when it was still up.
  18. Hawker111 I dunno about SF1 but in SF2 you can change it in "FOV=" in the Viewlist.ini. Mayhaps SF1 has a similar entry? [ViewClass002]ViewClassName=CockpitViewClassViewType=FIXED_VIEW...FOV=60...
  19. About to install Falcon 4.0 . . .

    //off topic Hi AB! You may not know me but I go by Skwabie, used to fly tons with Leech/Moort and gangs. Suffice to say ataribaby the name was very often heard when good news comes. Nice to see you're still around! /me bows off topic//
  20. Hiya captainschwarz, to summarize.. lots and lots of ini edits. Firstly the individual mods were provided "as is", secondly they don't work together well when in a campaign, so edits were made to sand off the rough edges and fit them together so to speak. A little weird thing for the campaign engine for example, when a squadron upgrades aircraft, the new aircraft's skin folder name must match the old one or it won't upgrade. I think the three longest projects for me were landing speed adjustments for AI in the data inis, fixing missing decals, and lastly getting the AI gunnery/damage modelling (these 2 go hand in hand) more or less spot on. For me the last one's still ongoing plus the forever ini typo hunting. Eye candy wise very little is new tho except Paulopanz's Mig-15 skins so it might disappoint.... File size is my fault, I should've used 7zip and the whole thing can shrink down to <500MB. Grrrr. If bandwidth limited you might as well wait a bit as i'm planning an update.
  21. @KJakker, data tricks in good effect The effectiveness are mostly from your settings like super heavy warheads plus bumped up muzzle V since it seems AI can't lead targets at all. The gunners are all given best stats in data.ini in hope it makes some difference in AI accuracy. Survivability is about 50% for a 16 ship and 25% for a 8 ship. I reckon it is acceptable.
  22. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    files for the scb-125 are in the SF2V base game hence no need to include them in this pack. the independence cvl is a standalone mod so it needs everything like the 3d model and textures. anyway tamin the cause to the problems should be in my posts above.. do a fresh install of the mod but, leave out the files from the optional folder.
  23. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    taminzahid, I might have a clue: Did u use anything from the optional folder? I replicated your problem by putting the Korean War_DATA.INI and CV-9_SCB-27 folder into my mod folder --> ghost carrier results.

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