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Everything posted by Do335

  1. KJakker I'm on it. Apparently my latest all nighter is spent on them ships and it's not done yet... Wrench, roger that C-54. Mayhaps I'll dig into the ww2 DL section a bit after this...
  2. KJakker, As luck had it I just did it using these two of yours (for SCB-125, Gearing the Sumner). http://combatace.com/files/file/14561-sf2na-us-stock-ships-data-file-modupdate/ http://combatace.com/files/download/14510-scb-125-data-file-update/
  3. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    taminzahid, Make sure you have a merged install, i.e. SF2I, SF2V, SF2E, SF2 Exp1, SF2NA all of them merged together in a single install. Just copying the SCB-125 data files is not enough as there're 3D models in the base install files. Make sure you followed the install instructions, as this sounds like a mix up of step 2 and 3. Campaign for the red side is only for testing purpose atm. I'd like to stress to follow closely the install instructions. It still requires some file swapping etc. but it's the best I can do under current restrictions.
  4. Wrench: wow sweet! yes yes upload them please if you can.
  5. Gents, apparently I missed a file in the original upload. If you've already downloaded the pack, please pop the linked file to your terrains\Korea3 folder. (full path C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Terrains\Korea3) http://www.mediafire.com/download/eri35z7vc3ftz91/DESERT_AIRFIELD6_kimpo.INI If you've not yet downloaded the pack, please discard this post as the pack is updated to include it. Reason for the .ini is for Kimpo AB to use formation takeoff for AI wingmen since Kimpo is so close to the frontline. If you're assigned a CAP mission and the AI follows the default TW takeoff routine, by the time no.3 and 4 is airborne the Migs will be right on top of them.
  6. Dave63, the default keystroke for toggling debug info is Alt+D
  7. roger that Wrench, no hurries. i've integrated the Li-2 indeed as the reds need a transport in camp mode as well. But gonna wait a bit before updating the pack and let the bugs creep up/accumulate as there always are bugs...
  8. Wrench: No apology necessary at all, without you and the modders' selfless work we'll have nothing on our hands in the first place. Unfortunately we can only thank you guys so much via the limited interface that is the internet forum. I'd like to take the chance and send another big thanks from someone that benefited greatly from your work, that is if you haven't already got enough of those!.... Looking forward to the tupolev, even as WIP it looks great. the PLAAF should make quite a few bomb runs with them. i've always wanted to try a mig-15 campaign, with this in play it will be more interesting, escorting them should be tricky and challenging.... I'm not half bad with ini fixing etc so ping me if you need help or wanna save some time.
  9. cocas: sorry, i misunderstood and see your point. wrench: is this the C-47 skin you mentioned.. which is from Paulopanz. I searched and only found this one that's applicable for korean setting. http://combatace.com/files/file/13384-lisunov-li-2-cab/ http://combatace.com/files/file/11750-tw-c-47a-upgraded-base-pack/
  10. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    Tommy2Fast, Go to this path: C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\Flight, and delete the VIEWLIST.INI file. Alternatively, open ViewList.ini, and find this section [ViewClass002] ViewClassName=CockpitViewClass .... .... LimitPitch=FALSE <-- change it to TRUE LimitYaw=FALSE <-- change it to TRUE LimitRoll=FALSE <-- change it to TRUE SgtSaunders, Make sure you have Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam? the SCB-125 CVs come from that package.
  11. I'd like to stress that purpose of this pack is not to cram as many goodies into it as possible but make what's already available fully functional in a campaign environment. So it should be easy to setup, minimum amount of bug fixing thereafter, and have a full fledged campaign to fly when it's done. For example the Razbam banshee is: payware, has a rough FM, and a high poly model but no lower level LODs. Basically it is only good for a screenshot here and there.. So remedy is 1: use only 1 squadron of it in campaign, if one doesn't have it then it's ok. 2. fixes the hitbox and AI gunnery in data, it is a guns only environment afterall. 3. caps LOD range so doesn't have a big fps impact in high unit density campaign play. In fact many aircraft and ground unit that doesn't have sufficient lower LODs have the ranges capped. Some ground unit that causes slow downs (even CTDs) are deleted. It is done so flying is smooth, especially no slide shows when you're trying to shoot something. I know many modders have put time into this. Without your work we wouldn't have this theater in the first place. Wrench I understand the amount of time and energy you sacrificed naturally makes you very protective of the work. But the single mission oriented state of some mods really hinders their use especially in a campaign environment, so changes have to be made in order that more people can use the mods to begin with... I hope you're open to that. malibu43: once you set "GroundOffensiveAllowed=TRUE" the ground war will commence. By mission hopping you can lose it in ~10 missions. It's got 38 strategic nodes and they're built by luk1978 (was gonna give it a test but RL intervened badly.. I need to update credits). I bought the book "Korean War Order of Battle" by Gordan Rottman and was considering a ground unit OOB update but, obviously the whole campaign lasts 3+ years and should be more suitable for a Rolling Thunder style aerial affair. The best way to do it imo is to separate it into like 3 phases, reds attack phase, blue counterattack phase and the last trench warfare phase. But then as a -86 pilot you're more likely pulled into engaging low level attack aircraft like Il-10s and Yak-9s when ground wars are in effect, which isn't the med/hi altitude dogfight that it historically engaged with. So in the end I chalked it up to SF campaign engine limits. Still a ground war would be a great addition, it appears for me I just needed more incentive...... FastCargo/Cocas: Exp 1 is critical, the Mig-15s are in it. Actually tho I'm not sure about exp2 and Strike fighters 2. I built it on full merged ofc but gonna do a test install. will update readme. To Wrench et all If you have any finished goodies hidden on your HDD, please upload them and i'll update. Gonna try to integrate the F2H2 skins and hunt down that C-47. And Wrench yes plz upload that 67th Sabre skin.
  12. File Name: Wings over Korea (2 of 3) File Submitter: Do335 File Submitted: 29 December 2014 File Category: User Made Campaigns Wings over Korea Part 2 of 3. Part 1: http://combatace.com/files/file/15221-wings-over-korea-1-of-3/ Part 3: http://combatace.com/files/file/15587-wings-over-korea-3-of-3/ Click here to download this file
  13. ehehe scratch that wrench i'll do it. I did DL ravenclaw's templates, maybe it is time to start beginner skinning steps. one thing i do like with the gen1 skins is they look more weathered, they're just too low-res to display much detail. will see what i can do on a higher res template such as ravenclaw's. old time mud movers are supposed to look dirty i reckon.
  14. Wrench, what if we swap roles. the 1st task seems requiring more skinning and 2nd one seems more like ini editing, I'm obviously more suited for the latter..
  15. hi Wrench, thing is some bomber squadrons in the campaign will upgrade to F-86Fs from P-51s or F-80s (12/35/36/67/80FBS) and there aren't skins for them in your sabre pak, so i had to use some from the 1st gens mods. If you can supply us some premium skins in the future that'd be awesome. can't find it! checked the A-1 section (http://combatace.com/files/category/612-a-1/), the "others" section, and all your uploads (http://combatace.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=downloads&mid=2153) but no joy... Affirm on other points. I do have the essex and banshee, gonna include the ini as optional and leave out the skins and lods. had to ditch the DAT essex tho as the 3d model is really too simplied.
  16. Brain32, maybe can use the default pits and include the f100 pit as optional?.. as i find myself alternating between the 3 as well (Zurawski/yours/F100)
  17. thanks for clarifying! gonna try it out on the rare chance i survive 37mm golf balls!.. (however i wonder why the phantom is still flyable after losing the tail fin. shouldn't it spin out?..)
  18. ahhh grrrr such a BUMMER man. i remember someone mentioning (caesar?) that bailing out on the runway would salvage a pilot kill or... something like that?
  19. woh never knew there was the 3rd option! i guess alternatives are the formation takeoff mod (downside is landing aircraft touchdown point is runway middle) or drag 'em waypoints on the mission briefing map (downside: more mouse clickies before t-off). or reduce throttle after airborne for wingies rejoin like RL if one's in mood (rarely bother myself lol...)
  20. Just got the email... woh 70% off. Bought the Charlie hog at regrettably full price so this is tempting. I only wish the Faggot could've been out before this so I can grab it together with the Sabre. Anyway sale lasts from December 23nd,15:00 UTC to January 5th, 9:00 UTC. What's the most popular module next to A-10C these days?
  21. Thanks guys! Gonna mediate on it a bit to avoid impulse buys

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