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Everything posted by Do335

  1. MiG-31 footage

    well.. when satisfied with result, remember to share!
  2. MiG-31 footage

    Snailman it oughtta be a pack in the repo. If memory is correct that is.
  3. MiG-31 footage

    worthy opponent for sure... the heat seeking AA-6 is deadly!
  4. attached my copy of LE610 which is working well. Might be worth a try..
  5. On the view LOD tex panel (where you get the error in the screenshot above), try to do this: export the original AIM-9P texture, save it, and then attempt a replace with it. It should go thru since you're replacing the same texture. If it does go thru, means something wrong with your new Janhas skin. If it doesn't, means something wrong with LE. Just a first step in troubleshooting i reckon.
  6. CobraCZ BMS uses DDS format skins but F4AF only does bmp. So gotta convert dds->bmp before you attempt a texture replace. (of course just guessing the cause here)
  7. Century Series Fighters in Falcon 4.0

    That is the default F-16 pit in BMS. It's really high quality, good on the eyes and fully clickable in 3D. Only downside is it's a bit heavy on FPS. Someone was working on a replacement pit a while ago but work seems to have discontinued... So in short that is the best quality Viper pit at least imo. Agrees, there is a 'Nam era campaign set in Korea but is only good for a whirl to try something different. Compare that to the extensive line of 60s/70s AC in SF2 and campaigns to fly them in.
  8. Atm I feel their buiz decision is to tap into the War Thunder arcade crowd. It could be a good move to stay financially viable. But it naturally attracts flak from the sim community... Time will tell if it really matures into a kickass sim.... Cliffs of dover anyone?:D
  9. Just another awesome hornit pron
  10. NIce one, love seeing the vipers!
  11. Fury

    watched it. good tank porn but doesn't reach the level of saving private ryan / band of brothers imo cinematically. although... sure is nice to see one like this when hollywood is 'imploding' these days. also got interstellar. now that's a hairy one!
  12. yep one of IRCM i think was the handle.... viable tactic to deny a front quarter shot before those... focal-array thrust-vectoring High off-bore... things came about. *Do335 <- still lurking around..
  13. aha hell, i could even imagine the supposedly DCS hornet team scratching their heads trying to implement it. "these data must be... hidden in this big pile of docs somewhere.... and then... how do i write this into game code" a viper doesn't limit your G when bomb trucking for example. it's so easy to pull too much given them jets are so nimble these days, and then bam... your JDAMs are now duds. hornet seems to get better bells and whistles due to... it's McD heritage and being born a decade later? ...... "Oh I wish I had the alpha of a hornet, living to fight slow when others scorn it. When I can still pitch and roll, that other guy's going out of control, I wish I had the alpha of a hornet."
  14. o bomb truck extraordinaire speaking of which.... I still have a copy of Jane's F-18 manual on the shelf. Borrowed it from a high school friend and never returned it, feel pretty guilty about that.. sigh. Anyway in which says the hornet's flight control system automaticly adjusts max allowable G according to ammo and fuel load. that number is then displayed on the HUD. I dunno whether it's the same on the real thing..? To me it looked like pretty impressive avionics.
  15. *Climbing Safe Escape Maneuver (CSEM)* in bombing training: no turn 5G pull till fpm reaches horizon, continue climbing 20-30 deg to base altitude. so yeah summin' like 5G is a good bet.
  16. yeah, too strong a word there but hey this forum needs a bit spicing up... i suppose many just have a hard time adapting to the "grinds" and "unlocks" MMO mindset. i wasn't surprised myself at all, given that war thunder and world of tanks hit it big and are trending on that part of the world. heck by keeping it simple and familiar wouldn't they even tap into an existing customer base. otoh if a business model supports a real hardcore and immersive sim nowadays i'd jump right in. but many don't realize times have changed... gotta roll with the punches.
  17. well there'd be different kinds, some flame wars are due to shared love of the game and fans debating different preferences or views about it, where despite high flying emotions they're actually positive. this one seems to be mass disappointment. but alas you might have a point there, Cliffs of dover turned out OK, so it might be too early to say for BOS.
  18. slick cowboy, could it be that u lined up the RA-5C air units after the VPAF ones? (you mentioned it was stock sf2v campaign, and i show 165 air units in it, and the last 13 or so are reds) if so, better move the ra-5c units to the end of Blue air unit list... after that gotta re-match the unitID in campaignv1.ini
  19. mwahaha:D it is good to see that despite tk bumped up player msl effectiveness there're still no damage explosions. what's more interesting is why the 2nd shot missed... but i digress...
  20. grrr vpn continues to fail me, can't even get on u2b to see what's going on... what happened to the python shot? eh well gonna ditch this one and go online shopping...
  21. This is How You Sing "God Bless America"

    not an American but i think it's pretty darn good... (altho can't beat deer hunter:D)
  22. so, 4th engagement. to get to the bottom of this i decided to reverse my role and fly the mig-17 against the hunter. we merge and commence the horizontal turn fight as usual, only to arrive at the previous deadlock of me 45 degrees behind. But this time only seemingly so. gradually i notice the hunter's speed dropped below 200 while i was able to maintain around 220. the difference is trivia, but this close to stall it's enough to warrant an energy advantage. more importantly it points towards where things are heading. i bank a little bit to the right to put the fresco in a slight climbing turn. bit my bit my altitude advantage built until it was enough to change my plane of motion almost completely to the vertical. a few rounds later i was able to directly go up and over the top. meanwhile the hunter does something amazing as well. as we know when the AI jets fly close to stall, they periodically change to "stall recovery" mode hence displaying the porpoise like floating motion. the hunter doesn't do it here, instead it handles itself quite well flying at low 100 kts. as i come down threatening him with a gunshot, he maintains his airspeed by banking downwards while turning into me, therefore repeatedly denying a tracking shot. and so it got to the point that i had to settle with a high deflection shot unless i want to run myself outta fuel. still, the angle off had to be reduced somewhat... by banking to the outside a bit while coming down from the loop, i got to the outside of his turn and the hunter reversed to the right. that helped a bit. i opened up at his right hand descending turn, the rounds connect, but to be fair it was a dodgy shot at best. and so the engagements with the hunter come to a close for now. in the DACT arena the mig-17 was able to out fly her just a tiny bit, but the hunter can more than hold her own, and that advantage largely comes from having an engine with afterburner. in tactical situations i feel the winner will mainly depend on initial position/energy levels of each jet, and whether the mig-17 has enough fuel to support an entire engagement. in desert campaigns with the hunter i feel that long as it's flown fast and SA is maintained, the mig-17s wasn't very hard to tangle with. it's the damn vampire fb.52s that are nail biters for those things turn on a frggin' dime...

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