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Everything posted by Do335

  1. Collisions (Again)

    Well, I've deleted all the collision points except the fuselage, nose and tail. So far so good. The collisions still happen time to time but feels about only 10% or even less vs before. Now I can more freely give wingmen engage orders on bombers and slow flying aircraft. Before this I wouldnt dare for they certainly will ram those. Basically, I like this method a lot! Thanks for the
  2. Person of Interest returns

    Season 5 aired today and i'm not disappointed at all. The show tackles subjects of computers, massive surveillance, artificial intelligence, bit of hard social sci-fi (especially season 3+, but for a tv show that is, and some of it for me is a believable reality) and drama/action and ticks good boxes for me. For a while I thought for sure it was gonna be cancelled. It seems good sci-fi never lasts long... like Firefly. Just glad to see it gets to be completed and audience can have a solid story, especially since season 4 the good guys have been constantly on the run and get beaten down until hanging on by a thread by the end. Good to see a comeback both for the show and story! bit of spoiler for first episode season 5: the "machine" was compressed into a single suitcase of RAM chips and they built a super computer consisting of 300 playstations where the machine decompresses into. The rag-tag super puter overheats and is about to fry, when Reese grabs a bottle of liquid nitrogen and cools down the whole thing. for a somewhat computer nerd I thought 'twas was very awesome!
  3. Person of Interest returns

    Turns out a colleague also watches it. I alwasy think the show has a bit dark/black undertone but apparently according to her, Finch is called "house master", and his machine "machine kiddie". names seem fit
  4. Gun Jams

    before finding this I thought let's try Unjam_Gun and see if it works, and voila:) guess TK was common sense enough. just necro grave digging... nevermind me....
  5. Two minutes of sheer terror

    a great and interesting video! Last but not least the top gun music feels great in it.
  6. Redfor campaign is already functional in uploaded 1.1. i'm just making some adjustments so it can last longer i.e. more missions for campaign victory. but as you can see there's some side effect but.. isn't hard to fix this bit yessss.
  7. FE2 Observations and Musings

    so much difference... in sf disabled usually means pilot bail and crash while landing! About fires does FE has progressionchance and explosionchance etc, maybe tune them down some instead, so they may catch fire but not actually be destroyed that way?
  8. BM: i'm interested in hearing the specifics on this one if you can spare. Campaigns are mostly rarely talked about black magic and has been a personal time sink hole for me, so any info/problem/discussion/whatever would be great.
  9. Thanks for the good info Geezer. to my limited knowledge neither the bf109 nor the spit in BoB seem to have the ideal armament. one is like an unweldly hammer and one is a peashooter.:D and funny that 10 years later same thing happens to the mig15 and f86. History repeats itself?!... PS i know there are probably logistics and good bits of other factors involved, but will let you WW2 grogs continue on:)
  10. LOL I see where the nickname comes from:D And glad to see the little excel sheet gets some good use About the damage model (?) I dunno the specifics but, maybe the TW standard is just about right for early ww2.. It was said that TK's planes are made of paper, but the early planes are indeed fragile so it might as well fit right there i reckon.
  11. Just a follow on to this one. After 50+ campaign missions in the mig with this pit setting aka proper testing and a few more fixes, it is finished far as I'm concerned. So I'll just UL it here. The completed avionics makes me quite like the mig atm. Could be better is the edits to the textures... the font is not an exact fit. (It's the same as the pit diagram above) It doesn't affect functionality any, but maybe someday Stary or someone may make it more proper, that would be great. Everything is in metric so it might take some mental conversion from knots to km/h and feet to meters.
  12. ehh as a firm believer of the urban myth "flying skill grows opposite of amount of 'pit" I never use external cockpit ware... hopefully someone can have the answer for ya mate! or check Simhq, viperpits.org even...
  13. Person of Interest returns

    oh, for me, 2 or 3 seasons is the sweet spot, finish the story arc and be done, gets a solid finale and it's great. Longer than that it gets soapy. PoI is already a bit long but the 2 story lines are quite distinct. I think it's like 13 eps with some 2 eps per week schedule so it's tighter than usual.
  14. LOL... willing to help if you're willing to solve it.
  15. that's unlucky:( but maybe check something basic like is file extension enabled in windows? like do you see "FalconAF.exe" "BFOpslog.txt", i.e. are the ".exe" ".txt" present.
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  17. ahahahah yeah it was also what i thought:D still contemplating if just leaving it as is for a bit of fireworks. will see!
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  20. yah good eye b is boolean/binary 0 or 1, n is like integer values, f probably float but... the better idea is if having other falcon versions like bms, you can look it up and see if it's n/b/f and get some info outta it - sometimes they come with explanations in the .cfg. I remember referencing the shit outta them old bms2.0/FF/OF!
  21. in your base install directory, make a file called "bfops.cfg" without the ". the config switches are the same as other falcon versions set g_bEPAFRadarCues 1 set g_nPadlockBoxSize 8 set g_bAWACSRequired 0 set g_bTaskAnyWaypoint 1 set g_bAllowOverload 1 set g_bUseAggresiveIncompleteA2G 1 set g_bMFDHighContrast 1 set g_nLoadoutTimeLimit 0 set g_fRadarScale 0.750000 set g_bLabelShowDistance 1 set g_fPOVSpeed 4.500000 set g_nNoPlayerPlay 48 set g_nNearLabelLimit 40 set g_bEnableABRelocation 0 set g_bForceSoftwareGUI 1 how do you know the command is working? when you launch FalconAF.exe it will generate a file called "BFOpslog.txt". if the command is working, it will showset g_bForceSoftwareGUI 1 //default = 0 if it is not working, the command line will not show up in bfopslog.txt list of commands below, they are probably extracted from readable ascii text within the exe and no documentation/explanation exists of what most do, so trial and error.
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  23. ayyy dunno whether to laugh or cry. As the united forces of NK/China/Soviet close on the pusan perimeter, the UN carrier groups somehow got full detection. So naturally this happened... it is certainly exciting to watch but maybe full fledged red side campaigns will need to be separate ones after all, and no more SF2na carrier groups.
  24. Collisions (Again)

    ok got it thanks, more tinkering indeed.... gonna post back if having anything solid. interesting that FE uses collision points for landing.... apparently sf2 is all set by the wheel model node and everything. But what happens when the wheel is shot off and the wing doesn't have collision points to contact the ground when landing? i think it is a bastage to test this bahaha

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