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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Change Again

    Hang in there, James. There is an old saying that the night is never more dark then just before dawn. Faith helps.
  2. And then this happened

    Just come to light that all of that was staged. Looks like he could do well in American politics too.
  3. Prince Harry in Afghanistan :)

    You know, Prince William puts his pants on just the same way we all do. Vegas is made for doing wild stuff. So what! I, for one, admire a guy who could live an uneventful richboy life, taking a tour in Afganistan. YOLO!
  4. The True Story about Mars.....

    You guys! Just made a great Saturday morning start with a good chuckle. Thanks.
  5. USS John Finn

    Good on the Navy. Good to know, also, that they have chosen, thus far, NOT to name a ship after Clinton or Obama!
  6. RIP Bear

    RIP big fellow.
  7. My best guess is that heaven's review of killers is short and, oh, so sweet.
  8. The Adventures of U.S.S William D Porter

    Actually, I think Martin Sheen, Charlies' dad, served on the Porter. I thought he was the captain though. Perhaps he changed his name......
  9. U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

    A culture where any disagreement must result in the death of one party or the other will never be able to come to terms with a culture where agreeing to disagree is the norm. Nuc em all!
  10. Middle East problem fix

    Mako, I'm good with that! Where did you get that poster? I want one bad.
  11. Darwin Award 2012

    Everybody dies of something, but dying because of being a dumbass is a bad way to go. Especially if you take others with you.
  12. Neil Armstrong Dies

    Would that we could aim high now with a national commitment as we did in this great man's time. Clear skies and a following wind to a real hero.
  13. 70 years ago: A Canadian disaster !

    I stand guilty of 20/20 hindsight and off-the-cuff commentary without all of the facts. My heart still rests with the cannon fodder of the day.
  14. Tony Scott died

    Evidently he had just received a medical report about a possible brain tumor. I understand the need to go his own way. RIP.
  15. 70 years ago: A Canadian disaster !

    I am a (poor) student of WWII history and only knew briefly of the Dieppe raid. Now I know why. How can you piss away over 3,000 fighting men just to test the waters. That was more than the losses of the USN at Pearl Harbor and the Dieppe raid CC got a DSM!! Anything strange here to anyone else??? Who was the idiot who approved the go, Churchill under advisement from Monty. Lots of lip-slapping by non-participants or survivors on the positive achievements of the raid, but, I gotta tell you, the whole thing appears to be an absolute disaster from start to finish. Does tarnish the image a bit! Reminds me of Halsey deserting the landing force in the Phillipines on the other side of the planet when it comes to calling a military disaster "positive". Small wonder that the Canadians offered one more man for the war effort following this monster malfunction.
  16. Skyfall...

    Sean is the man! In my opinion, the best real actor of the lot.
  17. Kiwi A-4K Skyhawks to fly again

    I guess the non-existant Kiwi AF is based on some threat assessment study. Hope nobody wants their islands that is better equipped.
  18. Olympic Opening Ceremony

    Invigorating ceremony. Well Done. Not quite sure I understood the National Health Service hospital beds relationship to the the Olympics though?
  19. Remembering The Fallen

    Capt Tommy Zorn, USAF Pilot F-105G Died 17 Sept 1972 Capt Al Henderson Pilot U-2R Died (location and date undisclosed)
  20. Houston..we have a problem

  21. Kiwi A-4K Skyhawks to fly again

    What kind of aircraft are the Kiwi's now flying?
  22. BAF F 16 down...

    That was some outstanding airmanship to get the jet back on the ground. Respect due to the pilot.
  23. Worthy advesaries. Congratulations!

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