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Everything posted by Jug

  1. you gotta love the Marines!!!!
  2. Skyfall...

    I have thought that the American version of James Bond is Jason Bourne. Not big with the martinis and tuxedos, but fairly capable in getting the job done. In either case, the pointy end of the spear is an unstable and risky life. Looking forward to SkyFall and to the Bourne Legacy as well.
  3. Houston..we have a problem

    When I was an instructor in T-37s I had a student barf in the midst of spin recovery training. There we were hurtling down in a full spin with not much altitude to recover and all I could think about was shifting the rudders enough to get the amoeba-like ball of barf floating in the cockpit over the student's lap before putting some positive 'g' on the jet. We got the floating ball when the student was hurling into his oxygen mask (live mike) and could not get his mask unhooked. I admit that I thought about letting him pass out first, but relented visualizing the headlines of letting the kid die in his breakfast pizza. I reached over and released his bayonet clip and out came this really ripe ball of ugly stuff. Thank God for 100% oxygen selectors so I didn't have to smell the stuff all the way home. Poor youngster spent the better part of two hours cleaning up the mess to the satisfaction of the crew chief after we landed. And we did recover prior to impacting the earth, but not by a whole bunch.
  4. Happy Birthday to....

    Felicidades, Carlo!!
  5. looking for a game

    Reeled out my old FreeLancer game and found it just as much fun as the first time I tried it. SciFi genre, but there's some mods out there too.
  6. Blog: If war is the question... what is the answer?

    The greatest threat to begin a new war is a politician that cannot find another way to retain power. Once a war is declared, most are opposed to changing horses in the middle of the stream (no matter how deep the water runs). Makes me fearful for our current election situation and the Iran problem.
  7. Curiosity has landed

    To heck with the Thoats, where's Deja Thoris?
  8. Denver Shooting

    Brilliant, educated, off the beaten path, wild hair color, flaky looking at his arraignment, obviously not all there, so what! He shot over 70 people and rigged his apartment with explosives to kill investigators. Hey France, since you guys don't use it any more, can we borrow your guillotine? Love to strap his poor demented soul to the bascule, tilt him into position, and introduce him to the hereafter.
  9. Typhoid!

    Fair tailwinds and smooth landings. Happy Birthday!
  10. Streak, How do you go about transferring the YAP models to SF2? Clean SF2 or SF2 Vietnam? Really interested in this!
  11. Share your Favorite Utility

    I kinda like the Regular Expression editor called Expresso and the Linq editor made by Microsoft called LINQPad.
  12. Impressive Artillery piece

    Nice video, if you like arty. Actually, the drill crew did a good job. It is just different than what I have seen in other militaries.
  13. Isn't all of this conjecture based on news reports (always known for their accuracy) fun? I do see some other issues creeping in and am sorry that this forum has been chosen to vent said issues. Come on, guys, this is a combat simulator forum and you all should know that getting political with the world-wide attendees here will very soon get ugly. I agree with our monitors that we should stick to observations about the facts of the incident. We should all think about two young Turkish aviators that appear to have been lost. I hope I am wrong, but if they are alive, where are they?
  14. Gephard has his points and so do all the others on this thread. I think the observation that the first casualty of war is the truth is the only real truth. Nobody likes to admit they didn't do good, so everybody fudges. When I stand back and look at it, what the North Vietnamese and their Soviet/Chinese tutors did during the Vietnam years was remarkable. Look at the numbers and variety of US aircraft deployed against the NVAF's three older fighter models (MiG-17/19/21) all of which had severe problems (MiG-17 limited to below 450 Kts, MiG-19 maintenance nightmare, and MiG-21 no endurance). The NV didn't have or use anything other than the point intercept role, took on the might of the USAF/USN/USMC and did exactly what they needed to do. Put things off until they, eventually, sent the US home, as Nixon put it, "with honor". As a professional military aviator, my hat's off to the results they obtained using the resources they had at their disposal. Breaks my heart to say so, but that is pretty close to what happened.
  15. Is Stary Getting old?

    Happy Birthday, Stary. Your gifts to us all have been many. Seems like a poor return to only be able to offer you a kind wish.
  16. Justice Served!

    I don't even remember his name, nor will I....ever!
  17. Chuck Yeager up 2 no good the "Right Stuff"

    The real Chuck Yeager lives in Grass Valley, CA, right next to Beale AFB. Had the good fortune to buy the man beer as long as he would tell his war stories (there are many!) at the meetings of our Order of Dadaelions chapter. Cost me more than my meager AF captain's salary could afford, but it was worth every minute. One of his war stories saved this young aviator's life, but that is another story for another time. He was always willing to share his experiences with the young aviators and they, like me, all profited from the experience. The movie does a pretty good job of portraying the man. As a matter of fact, in the Dry Lake bar scenes, the real Chuck is in the movie and has a line or two. He is the old codger working in the background. A real legend!
  18. The New Thunderbirds...

    Ender's Game.......sortof.
  19. How to deal with a Terrorist Spanish Style...

    Ditto. Good on the Spanish Police. Act bad, get thumped, game over!!
  20. RuAF new ac pics

    Great pics, Atreides!!
  21. SupGen's suggestion worked for me. Got a new graphics card and things cleared up.
  22. Mike Wallace Dead at 94

    The only people that love the press icons are the press. Mike was one such. RIP
  23. AF Finance NCO awarded Bronze Star

    I cannot get upset over any award given to an American volunteer that went on our behalf, no matter what her tasking was. There are a bunch of our society riding on her back. My thanks to her for her service.
  24. Birthdays!

    Happy Birthday and many more.

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