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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Congratulations to My Wife

    Ditto from the Jug
  2. I have flown a couple of missions in SF2 NA and I have been a bit disappointed that the ocean appears to be nothing more than polygons (ice paks) somewhat like flight sims of some 20 years ago. Did I miss something in the installation? Are their terrain packs that can make the water, at least, look like water? The North Atlantic ocean is usually rough and, if you don't have to make your way through it, quite beautiful. The NA sim is fun in all other aspects, but the water, just doesn't look right at all. Anybody else out there have the same problem?
  3. Thanks a lot to all who contributed to dragging the Jug into the 21st century. My DX10 graphics card is on the way.
  4. 1. (incredibly) my SF2 screenshot has never worked (CTL-PrtScn) SF2/SF2 Europe/SF2 Vietnam/SF2 Israel/SF2 NA/and the two add-ons updated to March 2012). 2. Yes 3. GForce 7600 GS 4. ?? 5. Intell Quad Core Q6600 2.4 ghz 6. Ran dxdiag.exe and got no problems with system/display/sound1/sound2/input.
  5. Sh!t Fighter Pilots Don't Say

    "I was really looking forward to a RSU tour this morning." "I love SAC"
  6. Actually, the colors don't matter, I was just plain not fond of SEA.
  7. MigBuster, My water does not look like that at all. I appears light blue with no shading. I gotta get a better graphics card although mine currently is DirectX10 capable. Since I am a jet driver and not a ship driver, it is a pretty good bet that I need some help with the air launched flavor. Thanks in advance.
  8. I still am not satisfied with what I see for water or ice packs. Looks like a ripe area for our talented group of Terrain people to show their stuff. Looking forward to their work. My 32 bit graphics card was not the top of the line ($ constraints), but it shows the results of the wonderful work of our CA Terrain personnel on other SF2 apps (including water appearance)! I am not very familiar with naval weapons. Anyplace here that I can go for some training?
  9. OK, guys, I have to modify my complaint. The sea looks like what I expected, but flying over the ice pack is far below what I would expect for SF terrain. I was flying over the ice-paks in the first two tries. Dullsville! My box is a home-made 32 bit, Win 7 Ultimate OS, 3 Tb storage, 8 gb RAM, 3 ghz 4X CPU, NVidia Graphics card, digital sound using a Thrustmaster HOTAS control array. I am building up a better 64 bit box to run Win 7 Ultimate 64X.
  10. A better world - A speak by Peter van Uhm

    Geez, I cannot even speak English as articulately as this man. God bless his service to his country and may his son RIP.
  11. In my experience, and with enough altitude, you can take your hands off the controls and the jet will fly its way out (sorta). Due to the hazards of spinning an aircraft, many training programs do not really train pilots on how to handle this situation. I do recall a briefing following the loss of a B-52D returning from Vietnam to Guam where the simple pilot stuff was re-iterated. The thing I remember most is that pilots get involved in talking to each other and over the radio and forget that there is a sound effect to getting slow in an aircraft. Wind noise or in this case, the lack thereof. The poor Buff crew was exhausted by a long mission and the pilots just didn't listen for a moment prior to taking the action that ended up losing the aircraft and one or two of the crew. They thought the auto-pilot had taken them to the Mach limit, when the jet was so slow it was wallowing. Nobody listened before yanking all 8 throttles to idle and pulling back on the yoke to maintain altitude. Wallowed like a really big leaf all the way down to the altitude that the aircraft was abandoned. Striking similarities between the Buff loss and the Air France loss. Bet the Air France pilots would have known what was up if someone had told them to listen to the wind noise. (yes you can still hear it in large modern aircraft). Sad for the lost souls. RIP
  12. Non-US Movies About War

    Watched it last night and couldn't agree more. Very well done move. Ended on bit of a confusing note, but a solid film.
  13. Might be with two more engines and a large Johnson.
  14. I have been able to obtain some nifty large resolution pictures of the aircraft I fly in SF2. I love to view the real aircraft for the hangar and loading screens. However, the best I can do with Paint is to make a black background with a small resolution photo in the upper right corner to get the effect I need for the hangar screens. The only tool I have available is Microsoft Paint. I was wondering if it is possible using that program to create that nifty shaded area overlaying a full-screen photo that is used by better modders to create the really well-done hangar screens that I have seen here. I cannot figure out how to use Paint to get the shaded overlay. Any ideas or is this impossible with paint?
  15. Happy birthday to...

    Happy Birthday, Suicidal. Don't take your "handle" too seriously.
  16. Nomination for promotion - travesty

    Those of us who have served, all, have occasions where this happens. The good news it does not happen often. There will be those who maneuver explicitly for promotion, cover their bad judgement tracks well, and just seem to come out of the sh*t-pile smelling like a rose. Nothing really new here. The large majority of servicemen and servicewomen miss promotions or gain promotion based on the merits of their service. No system is perfect, but as stated earlier, "The cream rises to the top, but turds float too." The world is full of dirtbags like this guy and some just find a way to dodge the bullet. No reason, though, to cast dispersions on the entire service for a mistake or two. Sh*t happens. Good news is that those who were there keep the real history alive and these creeps cannot hide it all.
  17. I live in an apartment near my work site and have the same problem so often that I make it a twice a year cleanout event on my Outlook task list. Vacume cleaner with a hose, old toothbrush, screwdriver, and can of compressed air are the tools for the job. I take it apart and take all fans out to get to the cooling equipment. I do this one component at a time so I don't have any of those pesky left over parts from a more massive strip and search effort. My computer is my baby and I think I spend more time on keeping it clean and shiny than I do on my '85 Corvette.
  18. Gunther Rall passed away

    A valient and noble enemy during the war and a good friend after. May God grant him eternal flight. RIP
  19. Panzer Corps-having fun

    Actually, I am kind of fond of all you guys driving targets around for my fellow fast-movers. Good training for beginning situational awareness since none of the targets go anywhere fast and use about the same amount of gas..............
  20. Happy Birthday

    Kudos and Happy Birthday!
  21. Red Tails

    Saw "Red Tails" this weekend and loved every minute of it. CGI was fantastic, acting excellent and story too long untold. Only thing that was a bit hokey was the chatter between the pilots was a little over the top. The history of the flying outfit was all about discipline and the lack of communication discipline in the movie was problably not a reflection of the real action. I am sure the chatter was inserted to move the story along. Highly recommend to all who love aviation flicks.
  22. Red Tails

    You nailed the review, geekfurious. Don't know about you, but I got out of the movie and rev'd up my SF2 Battle of Britain for a couple of hours of good sim combat. I go to movies to get just what I got from the movie, lots of eye-candy, a very worth-while subject, and a feel-good finish. No one can know what it was to be a black man in America during those times, including our current African-American crop. For some, talking the talk still doesn't match walking the walk. I still insist that this country brings out the best in men and women regardless of their circumstance. These young men proved during their time that even racial barriers cannot deter men of stout heart from noble deeds. Sorry, waxing a wee bit too eloquent here........................
  23. Joe Paterno Dead at 85

    Quite a few things about the life of JoePa endear him to football fans. The thing that I shall always remember about JoePa is that he took care of his players and did everything he could to see that they got what they came for, an education. He stands tall in the crowd of coaches who have used players up to make themselves famous(e.g. Bear, Nick, and most of the rest), but JoePa made educated men of his players. He was not perfect, but I believe he made few bad choices. The choice he made to cover a long-time friend's perversions caused much harm and I know he took deep regret for that to his grave. Nevertheless, it is important to remember the many, many things he did right. Penn State is a better place for having him. RIP, Joe.
  24. hgbn, beautiful ship sights. Feel like a real swabby!
  25. No 1 appears to be the Russian version of an altimeter.

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