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Everything posted by Jug

  1. In looking around at the small number of pictures available, the PSP runways and ramp matting in the Korean theater was very seldom pristine as we see in the photos here. Normally, the first rain turned everything a uniform brown. The matting is very well done and I assume some realistic texturing will be added to it later. The matting appears to be just a wee bit overscale as well. It was made to enable to spread the load of the jet over muddy unstable soil, but the holes in the planking modelled here appear to be large enough to give the tires of the jets a bit of trouble going over them. The holes in the PSP are a littler larger than the size of a silver dollar. Just thought I would be a perverbial "stick in the mud" amid all of the other enthusiastic comments (none of which I disagree with). I assume positive criticism is acceptable. Is this going to be good or what?
  2. Page 2, top right photo is of the thrust attenuator I wrote about earlier. It works like a speed brake in the engine exhaust path. I guess it works sort of like a thrust reverser, but not quite as dramatic. There are also some up close photos of the "coffee can" nose gun muzzle shroud. Pictures of the nose also show the "spin strakes" on either side of the front fuselage. Good stuff, Ianh755
  3. I think the mini-gun looks more like a coffee can sticking out rather than a multibarrel gun nose we are used to. I think this was a flashguard to keep from night-blinding the pilot when he was strafing at night. There are also the spin strakes on either side of the nose which look like the fins you see on Russian aircraft wings that, I think I recall, are to stabilize the aircraft in a spin condition.
  4. Contacted a friend of mine who flew the A-37 in Vietnam. Lt Gen (retd) Wally Moorehead managed to crash one of his on the runway at Da Nang and flew on the mission when Mike Blasse was killed by a 57mm AA site. He was the guy that occupied the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier until his remains were positively identified recently and were returned to his family. Sent him some of the pics from here and he agrees with me that the canopy bow appears too wide. It was really a bit more slender in appearance. Hope you don't mind some constructive criticism, Centrissimo. The model is still looking terrific.
  5. Spent some air time with students puking on me in the last of those pictures. The sick student had to clean the aircraft, but my wife had to clean me. Didn't happen often, but each experience was memorable. Have you guys noticed that the real A-37 pic is with the FOD screens up over the intakes. Bitchin' animation in the SF1 version. When you lift off the ground the FOD screens retract folding under the intakes creating a more unrestricted airflow through the engines and a noticable increase in thrust. Be nice if we could have it in the SF2 animations as well as FM. Also, at around the 10-25% thrust position on the throttles, small thrust attenuators would extend into the exhaust port of the engines which enabled the pilot to control his airspeed in the final turn (semi-speed brakes). A good pilot could hear them extend and retract.
  6. Truth about RV reconnaissance, when you've got an aviator attached, so is the tether. Some dumbsh*t RV controller took a dump at the wrong time. Currently can be seen hanging by his thumbs off of the Bagram AB flagpole.
  7. Happy Birthday Sundowner

    Many more to come, Sundowner.
  8. Happy Birthday Erik

    Many happy returns, Erik.
  9. If the Brits are as smart as I think, there will be a emergency clause that allows those aircraft to be transferred back to RAF/RN should the need arise, fit to fly. Slap a roundel in place over the stars and bars and you're in business. Hey, it's a thought..........
  10. Its Life or not...

    Been to Roswell..nothing there. Never was. Somebody just making money off of flights of fantasy.
  11. The Corps!

    Hoo-Rah, Semper Fi, and Happy Birthday!
  12. Youtube

    It is the Jug's opinion that there are some good uses for YT and an equal number of bad uses and they both are in full swing. Little people who have nothing in their hearts and souls spew forth in any forum which makes them feel bigger and better than they are. An open forum, the internet in all of it's flavors, is the go-to place for the bad users as well as the good users (here we all are). Remember when you were in secondary school and the loud redneck/thug/bully/idiot was spouting forth on whatever subject, most people just walked away. Same applies to the internet and YT. All you got to do is move on. Sorta like passing a smelly bit of something on a walk through the woods. A few more steps and it is not even a memory. As a Christian, I usually offer a small prayer for the author of these putrid things to eventually see the light. Probably not going to happen, but I feel better offering up the thought and thank the piece of sh*t for the opportunity.
  13. Well done, but I can't imagine in my wildest stretch why UK would sell Typhoons to Argentina. Chile is another story.
  14. So, Super Sabres

    I just read that the MiG-17 was mostly uncontrollable above 450 knots. The elevator is manual without hydraulic assist. The stick in the MiG-17 is longer than in most jets so the pilot can use both hands and get more leverage, but 450 is where the pilot loses elevator control. If the sim has the MiG modelled correctly, throw bullets at them nose to nose, extend following the merge and get real close to the dirt. Stay above 450 and entice a tail chase which will end up with the MiG flying into the dirt or going home. If you are trying to turn with the MiG-17, you're toast no matter what you're flying (of that era). Keep your speed up and follow some of the suggestions on this thread. Energy is life!
  15. I'm with Capitaine Vengeur here. Great flicks!
  16. New Guy!

    Welcome aboard.
  17. Sick as a Dog....

    Hope you feel better soon, Dave.
  18. Happy Birthday

    Many more days upright, in all senses of the phrase.............
  19. USA vs Russia

    Gotta tell you boys, things have changed:
  20. I have just updated my SF2 from the game interface for the Oct 2011 update and my SF2, WoI, and WoV will not start. Froze up my computer (Win 7) and had to restart. I went to ThirdWire and downloaded the Oct 2011 directly, ran the update outside the game, and the update worked fine. I now have WoE, but the other three are still messed up. In contact with ThirdWire on this, but advise caution from running the update from the link inside the games.
  21. Addendum: Re-starting the game several times appears to have cleared up the update problem. Be prepared to use Win 7 Task Manager to close the program down (CNTRL-ALT-DEL, Start Task Manager, select the game, End Task) while you are re-starting the game several times.
  22. I was able to get all games running by re-starting the game several times. All times required me to use Windows 7 Task Manager to end the game, but three or more tries got all games running after the update.

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