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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Indian Air Force on high alert

    Ghostrider, my thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and your countrymen as well as with the Pakistani people. Leaders start wars, not people trying to earn a living. My hopes are that cooler heads prevail, because a nuclear cloud is not discerning as to who it envelops. Wars need to be fought on the CA site, not for real.
  2. Beautiful shot, Veltro. Have you thought about a Tu-128 Fiddler? That is a Century series era Soviet jet that is missing. Somebody of your caliber could turn out a real sweetheart..........................
  3. Happy Birthday BongoDriver.

    Many happy returns.
  4. Reserve the right to disagree, she flies smooth and sweet, not heavy like a Thud. Turns like a banshee in heat (most un-Thud-like) and I like this bird. Sorta looks like a variation on the British Jaguar, except bigger and with better engines. Kudos to the development team, well done!
  5. Favorites/cool pics

    Ah..........................ye of little faith.....................
  6. Right on the spot, Blackbird. It was great as a point interceptor and useless in a dogfight. Sorta like the YF-12A (fighter predecessor of the SR-71) lots of Mach, Mach, but no turn. Just look at the jet....at a high angle of attack the wings would cut off the elevator resulting in no pitch control or a "pitch up" out of control event. McDonald Douglas actually put a kicker on the stick to punch the stick forward when extreme angles of attack were approached. The Voodoo was made for the "get there fast, shoot and go home" missions. Come to think of it, isn't that real close to what Eric Hartmann said was his favorite tactic in the Bf-109G in WWII (352 kills). Come to think of it, isn't that what a lot of real pilots and campaign survivors here say, "Get in fast, do your thing, and go home." Dogfighting is left to SeaGulls (long on tales and short on time) clinging to the end of the bar in the Pilot's bar. If your intent is to survive the war, come home as a hero, and marry the prom queen, leave the dogfighting to those with more balls than brains. You can do a respectful flyby of their smoking hole. The One-Oh-Wonder was made to do just that (in-shoot-out) and it was very good at what is was made for.
  7. Fem-Bot

    You know, guys (and gals), I just cannot help but feel sorry for the disfigured lady. Slave to fashion and youth, she has done things to herself that have been, my guess, painful and the results, I don't believe, were what she expected. The good Lord made us the way we are and that is the hand that was dealt us. We also get old and gather baggage along the way. Grant us all the good common sense to play the hand we are dealt instead of fighting it. My wife says that everyone needs to choose their fights. Fighting against time, body, looks, etc. is wasted effort. Every day when I shave, I look in the mirror and say, "You good lookin' dog, don't you ever die." Hasn't improved my looks one bit, but it has done wonders for my attitude.
  8. Favorites/cool pics

    Who knows what fate awaits those who have given their youth to the upper ether and the Dragon Lady.............................
  9. a weird thank you.!

    Welcome, racindriver1. I see your heart is in the right place.
  10. Follow the attached addon to make Tupolev's finest a bit brighter. Blinder_AddOns.txt
  11. Best of luck and fortune, Dave, in your new endeavors and thank you for your time spent defending the nation.............
  12. Happy Birthday Kukulino!

    Happy Birthday!
  13. Much better, Blackbird. Thanks. Send the Tu-22Kd to me and I'll give it a go.
  14. Veltro, you good lookin' dog, don't you ever die!!! Cannot wait......................
  15. Geezer, I am not a modder, but this is a fantastic start and I just want to encourage you to complete it. A true hole in the ship mods available. Press on.
  16. My suggestion is to extract to the C:\Temp folder (if you don't have one then make it) and follow the read.me instructions that normally accompany the package. You also have an opportunity to see what you are going to replace in the game folder. Why this is a good idea will come later as you put more mods in, but suffice it to say there are some files that get replaced when the instructions clearly and strongly suggest you make a backup file prior to replacing them. There is good reason for this and it is valuable time spent.
  17. Sure, I'll give it a go. Blinder_AddOns.txt
  18. How about: "Wings of War : On the Leading Edge" Stick's idea expanded a bit.
  19. Very well done, FC. Great job!
  20. Jeff, you've done the horizontal bop with this beauty, so love to hear your input. Veltro, very well done. Hope I don't insult anyone with some lighting tweaks (tested in WoV fully patched): // Lights --------------------------------------------------------- [landinglight1] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Position= -0.14,15.324,-2.485 Brightness=0.40 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE LightNodeName=LandingLight IsLandingLight=TRUE [landinglight2] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Position=0.167,15.324,-2.477 Brightness=0.40 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE LightNodeName=LandingLight IsLandingLight=TRUE [landinglight3] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Position=-2.639,6.896,-1.6 Brightness=0.40 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE LightNodeName=LandingLight IsLandingLight=TRUE [landinglight4] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.66,0.66,0.6 Position=2.743,6.986,-1.6 Brightness=0.40 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE LightNodeName=LandingLight IsLandingLight=TRUE [LeftPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.06 Position=-19.709,-6.562,0.382 LightSrcOffset=-0.2,0.0,0.0 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE [RightPositionLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.25,0.88,0.25 Brightness=0.06 Position=19.79,-6.562,0.382 LightSrcOffset=0.2,0.0,0.0 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE [TailLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-0.0,-18.691,9.679 LightSrcOffset=0.00,0.00,0.20 Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.03 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=FALSE [TopFuselageLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.05 Position=-0.0,-0.033,2.408 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,0.1 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=TRUE FlashTime=0.70 [bottomFuselageLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.88,0.25,0.25 Brightness=0.05 Position=-0.0,-0.033,-2.448 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.0,-0.1 LightSrcRange=0.5 CanFlash=TRUE FlashTime=0.70
  21. One released beats two or three in the planning stages any day. What you and Eric are putting together is excellent! Kudos all around........
  22. "Whiskey Dave", Sled-driver and fearless aviator, told me that flying the SR-71 was boring. That is the real SR-71. Yea it goes fast, but not perceptably so. Yea, its high, but not perceptably more so than in a zoom climb in an F-4 to 60K. Air refueling is air refueling. RSO in back does all the work and pilot spend his time fiddling with the spike control wheels racing the computer to keep the shock wave captured on the inside lip of the intake. Anybody yawning yet. Sexy jet, dull mission, same as in the Dragon Lady. Sorry if that pops any bubbles.

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