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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Don't forget the Frogs required US strike pak to fly some 11 hours overwater around France instead of allowing overflight which would have made the flight some 4 hours shorter. That political decision cost us a brave F-111 team that hit the water on low-level egress from Libya. Can't tell me that fatigue was not part of that mishap. At the time I was on Attache duty in Brazil and the French Air Attache at the time, a good man in a Frog outfit, apologized to me for his country's actions, off the record. I told him in my best diplomatic manner, that, on the record, his country could kiss my red, white, and blue buttocks........not a very good diplomat was I?
  2. I agree, they look great. Unfortunately, I am new to using the Weapons Editor and the readme leaves me a bit confused as to where I enter the values suggested to see the effect. A little expansion on the content of the readme would be appreciated.
  3. Read me file is not very clear as to what the user is supposed to enter in the WeaponsData.INI file for the rockets to get the effect to show. Help anyone?
  4. I have wandered around the forum and have made up a checklist from extracts from the posts here. Maybe it will help some since previous posts have been confusing to me (I admit that I am easily confused). This will explain how to add the CV-34 carrier to a SFP1 Korean War era specific mod, allowing you to fly from it during campaign missions. You will need the following: * Legal copy of SFP1 with latest Service Pack * Korean war campaign complete * SFP1E Extract Utility * Kreelin's Mission Editor (Optional) * A text editor (Notepad) * ____ STEP 1: Set up a new copy of SFP1 with the latest service pak, weapons pak, weather mods, and the Korean War Campaign Complete in accordance with the instructions. ____ STEP 2: Copy the Aircraft Carrier Files to the WoK\Objects\GroundObjects folder. In this case we will use the CVA-34 add-on ship mod. ____ STEP 3: Extract/get Korean War_Data.INI File From WoK\Campaigns\Korea folder. Note: If you are adding a carrier to some other game you may have to extract the various files mentioned here using the extract utility, but the steps are very similar. ____ STEP 4: Modify the Korean War_Data.INI File. Browse to your Korean War folder and open Korean War_Data.INI with your text editor. Add a carrier unit to the campaign by scrolling to the end of the carrier unit section file and add the following: [CarrierUnitXXX]* CarrierType=CVA-34** CarrierNumber=34*** UnitName=CVA-34 USS Oriskany ForceID=1 Nation=USN BaseArea=TaskForce 77.1*** NumSquadron=5 BaseSize=MEDIUM**** Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=100 *Re-number the [CarrierUnitXXX] so that it is actually the next number in sequence. **The CarrierType must remain CVA-34 so that it matches the folder in GroundObjects, but the CarrierNumber and UnitName can be changed to whatever you want, so you could use the CVA-XX model to represent any Oriskany class carrier. *** Air units based on this carrier must match this number ***BaseArea=TaskForce 77.1 - defined by task force location ****BaseSize=MEDIUM - means it can handle aircraft that operate from medium runways, but not aircraft that require LARGE runways as defined in the individual aircraft's data.ini. ____ STEP 5: Assign a flying unit to the carrier. While editing the Korean War_Data.INI file, make one of the air units carrier based. Scroll up towards the top of the Korean War_Data.INI file and find [AirUnit009]. This is VA-55, an A-1H squadron and a good unit of carrier type aircraft for our purpose. Change "BaseArea=TaskForce 77" to "TaskForce 77.1" then ensure the following lines are in the [AirUnit009] section: CarrierBased=TRUE CarrierNumber=34 Note: If you are using a carrier number other than 34, be sure to make that change. Note: In the individual aircraft data.ini, remember the aircraft basesize must match the carrier's basesize. Note: Double check the individual aircraft data.ini tailhook section: [Tailhook] SystemType=ARRESTER_HOOK MaxDeflection=80.0 Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=3.0 ModelNodeName=Canopy_frame AnimationID=7 ReverseModelOrientation=FALSE ____ STEP 6: Modify the Terrain ini files. Browse to the Terrain\korea folder and open korea_Nations.INI and at the end of the [Theater] section, add the following line: Location003=TaskForce 77.1 close this file and open korea_Targets.INI and scroll to the bottom of the file. Add the following lines [TargetAreaXXX]* Name=TaskForce 77.1 Position=598791.000000,474438.000000** Radius=5657 ActiveYear=0 Location=003*** Alignment=FRIENDLY CarrierStation=TRUE Target[001].Type=DD**** Target[001].Offset=320.07,860.34 Target[001].Heading=267 Target[002].Type=DD**** Target[002].Offset=320.07,-860.34 Target[002].Heading=267 Target[003].Type=DD**** Target[003].Offset=-308.07,-660.34 Target[003].Heading=267 Target[004].Type=DD**** Target[004].Offset=-308.07,660.34 Target[004].Heading=267 Target[005].Type=Brooklyn***** Target[005].Offset=855,414 Target[005].Heading=267 Target[006].Type=Brooklyn***** Target[006].Offset=741,-306 Target[006].Heading=267 *Make sure that the number in [TargetAreaXXX] is actually the next number in sequence. **Use Kreelin's Mission Editor to select any position you like off the west coast of Korea. Just open the Korea map with the editor and locate the coordinates you prefer. Enter them on the "Position=" line. ***Location must match the location entered in korea_Nations.INI ****Escort DDs *****Escort Brooklyn cruisers Note: A carrier placed at a carrier station is bascially a moving runway, while other escort ships added to this target area are fixed objects. Do not be surprised if the carrier, at times will appear to overrun other escort ships. ____ STEP 7: Go defend Korea from the invading commie horde from your new carrier This is an edited version of all the various www.CombatAce.com forum entries on the subject to a simplified checklist. Credit goes to all thoses who contributed the various pieces that I extracted.
  5. Actually, I support the right of folks to make their opinions known. Reminds me that I did a good job in the service and we are still free. Most of the time, I do the most damage to those who have no respect for my country or its fighting men and women that I can, I ignore them.
  6. I'm in. 4,998 to go. Since TK is the Godfather, we'd have to do something for him, right?
  7. Hear, hear. I had a 5'6" little blonde Lieutenant re-qual me in the T-38A upon my return from attache duty and she could fly me into the ground with one eye closed. Up to that point I was the best pilot I knew. Appears she is running on the same JP-7 you are, so you are certainly not alone. Don't be the least bit trashed by this crowd. After all, we're all a crowd of jolly-good wanna-be's. I think you said in an earlier post that joy and skill in this sim is not plumbing specific. Couldn't agree more and I am glad you are participating in this forum. Makes the place smell better.
  8. I agree. Still sorely missing the F-102 and the F-101 from this game.
  9. Kuznetsov

    Great photo shots. Will the Frogs deploy their Super Etendards on the Kuznetsov while their carrier is in the yard like they did with the USN?
  10. My second anniversary soon...

    Congratulations. Married to my own old Battle Axe for some 36 years and it just gets better and bettter.
  11. My delivery ATG is limited to low high speed approach (600kts), flyover with high-drag parachute retarded Boom-booms at 1000 to 2000 feet, one pass and haul-ass, ultra low egress Gran Britania style. Since this is nuzzling around with snakes and tall worms, I prefer this approach to others in a high-threat SAM environment (WoV). I have never heard from buddies that fly the mud-mover mission your particular technique. Jink coming down, get on the target, drop your payload, jink away(good against SAMs and AAA, both). Steady heading and altitute is a recipe for disaster.
  12. USAFMTL and team, and you fellows did a superb job. To the detractors, bite me! Show me the one you did?
  13. Cuidado, amigo! Merda nao e' 'hell', e' merda. Nao e'!
  14. 37mm AAA

    Bring it on. Not that I don't get hosed by what is already out there, but a gun emplacement without a capacity to 'gun' is of no use. Again, bring it on as it will add more spice to a mix that is already hotter than Texas chili.
  15. How about Rachel Wiese? After all she has some experience as a Soviet ("Enemy At the Gates") and doesn't mind flying dirty!!
  16. Wasn't there a German dude named Hartmann that walked away from WWII and 352 engagements flying a kite that was much lower capacity machine that the guys he flew against. Boys and girls, it is the heart and skill of the tiger in the seat that prevails, not the machine.
  17. On This Day

    Actually, any of the above will beat the reality most of us will face. Struggling for another breath or rotting with cancer in a drawn out losing fight. Most of the aviators that I know who have met their fate already, I remember as young, strapping, fearless, and full of life who went their merry way doing what they loved. My family will remember me as the shrunken hulk on a bed and not the character with balls of brass that spit in the eye of the Soviet Bear every day armed with a camera. Hard to define good luck and bad luck on these terms!
  18. good program

    We used to give incentive rides to young airmen who had distinguished themselves in the USAF and I had the pleasure of piloting two or three. It is a whole new ball game in a T-38, but I have never climbed our of the jet with a young man and seen anything, but stars in his eyes. It is one of those refocusing events in a person's life. I hope the services are still managing to do this for their young troops.

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