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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    I think I'd rather stick to my flight sim than take on the USN in a runabout.
  2. Actually the politics of the whole deal are beyond me. I'm just looking for an Indo-Paki war campaign to try out the aircraft that were used in that war. This is a flight simulator forum, right?
  3. If they were really smart they'd copy the F-23.
  4. If you remember, the Hun had a hard-lighting afterburner and really sounded like an explosion when it was engaged (F-102 and F-8 as well). Be nice to model that, because speed, thunder, and whiplash is what we're talking about here, right?
  5. I cannot recommend YAP enough. Real missions from real pilots who flew them and they all make the hair on my neck stand up. Small price to pay for some priceless aircraft. Setup is a piece of cake and is well documented. The YAP staff, small, but vigorous, is always ready to help out. I have loved taking the Thud on some real live missions and the Misty FAC Hun up north. I don't believe that any of those guys have anything less that a set of bell clappers swinging. Cannot endorse the product enough. A really fun expansion of WoV.
  6. 'Speaking of phantom downloads, I saw a skin for a Mirage 2000, but has anybody put up the aircraft (at least not here) for download. Did I miss something?
  7. hanriot hd.1

    Well Done!
  8. The Loss of a Veteran

    Thoughts and prayers for you and your family and your wife's family.
  9. Ok, I give up, what does Aikona mean? Isuthu!
  10. Brainless, StreakEagle, Thanks. Wilco. Forgot completely about the anti-virus thing. It is really nice to have some fellow gamers like you two around when you're stuck. Happy New Year!
  11. Longestpants, Living and working in DC and the cost of living is high here. My opinion is worth not much more that the effort involved to spit it out.
  12. Looking forward to any and all add-ons for this brief and bitter war. When I attended the Brazilian AF Command and Staff School in 1984, it was our term study project for the foreigners (all students that were not FAB officers). I found it most interesting that the contributions from my fellow officers of Argentina, Peru, Chile, Uruaguay, and Venezuela were very professional given the passions surrounding the conflict generated in South America. Brazil, for its part was delighted to not have to spend money on a growing arms race with Argentina in the years leading up to the conflict following the Argentine defeat. Nobody actually said that, but it was very obvious that my fellow FAB officers were not interested in spending their resources on competition with Argentina and were relieved at the war's outcome. There is little doubt from any study of the conflict that the only Argentines that took the fight to the enemy were the brave Argentine AF and Navy pilots. As a fellow aviator, I salute each and every one of them in their doomed effort as I salute my stout hearted British veterans of that remote island siege. Please excuse me, lots of jaw flapping to really offer encouragement for new terrain. Press on and I cannot wait to see your results.
  13. Real pilots don't particularly care about chest hardware. When you retire, there is a box near the door where you can reach in a grab a handful and slap them on your chest for late night bragging rights with fellow aviators. Deep concern for medals lies in the heart of "Seagulls" perched at the end of the bar long on war stories and short on flying time. Let the other guy die for his country and smoke his home for good measure. Even in sims, its all about where your heart is. For as much enjoyment I have gotten from the TK's Third Wire series, receiving a medal or proper medal means about the same as it did in the real world. No offense meant here, I'm just stating my opinion, which with $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
  14. Wrench, this probably needs to be in another thread, but this thread reminded me of a question I have had for some time. During VietNam and since, pilots could label their aircraft with their names (left side, just below the canopy rail) and their crew chief (right side, just below the canopy rail). I have seen a red strip with white letters on F-4s, low-vis lettering on F-16s, and various other kinds. Do you have an idea as to how it could be done in this sim? It would add a real personalization to the sim and would be kinda fun to fly your own bird. I assume it is a matter of assigning background color, length, width, letter color, and then positioning. Got any good ideas?
  15. SAMs Inbound!

    Might I suggest real low and as fast as the jet will move on egress (the Thud is really good at this). Attempt to get some terrain between you and the SAM sites. It does work. Ingress; you are constrained to all of the above techniques, but once the target has been eliminated, dump unnecessary external stores and head for the dirt, balls to the wall. To make a mission really fun, try a self-imposed time-over-target (TOT) constraint on free release. Most real missions that are coordinated strikes have this parameter as part of the strike package and is set to avoid blowing up the other good guys in the package. You adjust your speed to make your designated TOT.
  16. how to...

    That would be "Close only counts in horseshoes, handgrenades, and thermonuclear war!".
  17. I copied this note here from CombatAce and I do not know who to credit with the help, but it fixed my MiG-21 pilot not showing problem: MiG-21 Crew Positioning The "crew positioning" problem in Data.ini for the mig-21. I fixed mine by playing with the numbers: Try this with: Open Mig-21xxx Data.ini with notpad Scroll down to "crew" Change position as below: // Crew --------------------------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=TRUE Position=0.0,2.83,0.85 <---------------------this is the number to change! (2nd number is fore and aft and is the usual suspect, start by adding about 0.5 to this) MinExtentPosition=-0.30, 2.37, 0.05 MaxExtentPosition= 0.30, 3.42, 1.05 HasArmor=TRUE ArmorMaterial=GLASS Armor[FRONT].Thickness=62 CanopyNodeName=Canopy Try this.
  18. On a Good Note.....

    Nice family. Happy Birthday!
  19. If You Could Be an Animal........

    I prefer to remain as I am, an Auburn Tiger.
  20. I got hooked on the BoBI and purchased BoBII some time ago. However, I never could get the doggone thing to work. There are four patches out there and I have tried various combinations of install and patches on Windows XP. I have tried running in Win98 compatible mode and it seems to make no difference. The program starts, select a sortie and aircraft and the program hangs up on a beautiful picture of the channel with faint fleets of German aircraft in the clouds. Anybody got any ideas? (2.8 Gig processor, 500 Gig HD and 2 Gig Ram, PNY GForce Graphics w/512 onboard, AX9c)

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