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Everything posted by Jug

  1. Veltro2k, Excellent work. Looking forward to flying these.
  2. Amigo, Quasi todos tentamos falar en engles. A pergunta e, "Voce tenta ler os postos aqui quando que a lingua e diferente de sua?" Minha pergunta seguente e, "Por que nao?" E dificil mas e possivel, nao e? Abracos
  3. The "Old Dog" from Dale Brown's imagination is not even realistic. Dale is a former BUFF navigator which gives him great liberty to describe the flight characteristics of his bird unrealistically. Don't take me wrong, he spins a fine yarn, but his "Old Dog" wouldn't get off the ground. A bomber is a bomber and a fighter is a fighter. Attempting to optimize for both roles comes out spelled F-111 (a real fast Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none).
  4. The link is still good. I just downloaded it.
  5. The Fog of War

    A rather articulate argument for the requirement for war leaders to have actually been in the service they command. Things stand a greater chance of not being skewed by ego. The real casualty of Vietnam was the relationship between the American people and their military. It has taken a lot of time, but the good news is that people these days realize exactly who is making the calls and who is the guy/gal who just volunteered to do the job. Nothing different back then, but the military was just, itself, a target of opportunity when things went South. I think the politicians are going to have to try a different tack this time around because there is no doubt that our young men and women are doing a superior job and even the media recognizes that all of them are really ours! God bless them all. Sorry everybody, this is supposed to be a Flight Sim forum, but Vietnam is a subject that still is a thorn in the gut for many.
  6. Have a better idea. Fold Army aviation and Navy aviators into the Air Force and let the flying be done by one organization that does it well. Bet the accident rate would go down.....! This ought to stir the hornet's nest.........................
  7. Sao bonitos! Meus parabens. Esperando tudo chegar aqui! Is Marcello good or what!
  8. Love to see some of our very capable modders pick this WIP up. I would love to fly the big One-Oh_Wonder as well in the Third Wire series.
  9. Excuse my wading in on this thread, but didn't someone lately offer a solution to the Starfighter showing up without the tip tanks. References or suggestions requested. Thanks.
  10. Now I get to fly one of my favorite movies. Good on you!!!
  11. I've always heard that the fighter/attack pukes go in in groups of four, armed to the teeth, and scared s***less. Recce drivers go in alone, unarmed, and unafraid. Recce drivers are smooth as glass and their b***s are made of brass When they encounter stormy weather their b***s clang together And lightning shoots out their a** Look around the pilot's bar at the backside of flight suits. Fighter boys have a collection of skid marks. Recce guys sport blast marks. Recce rules! Try a YAP recce mission on for size and when your pulse returns to normal you will know what I mean.
  12. I downloaded the CH flightstick and throttle file (.cmc) file to look at other arrangements for switchology as I am constantly in the middle of a fight using the wrong file and, thence, pounding away at the wrong button. Problem is, how do I use this (.cmc) file and how do I make it my default for WoV, WoE, SFP1? Anybody have some suggestions for this old thick-headed driver?
  13. Historical note here: U-2's were flight tested to within 2000 feet of each other at altitude and remained invisible with the black color scheme above 70K. Since the vast majority of fighters can only make transient trips to the Dragon Lady's altitude, she remains in the shadows there. SAM's are another story. Light refraction changes with air density and there is little air density at 70K. Sky only really changes apparent hue at altitude looking straight up.
  14. One engine, one seat, one heart..........everything else is listed under passenger services.
  15. Is your quote from dear leader Benito when he and his latest sweetheart were hanging upside down being flayed by his faithful countrymen in 1944? Without doubt, a man whose words were worth remembering. Translation, please? I, too, have heard rumors of a complete Desert Storm campaign, but then again, I cannot confirm or deny such stuff without frothing at the mouth in anticipation.
  16. The advent of YAP brought capitalism to the community. I bought in and have yet to regret it. I'll probably buy Edward's work too. I am just hooked on the Third Wire series. In some ways, though, it is a bit of a diss on those who have spent hours on mods that we all have appreciated and enjoyed. What shocks me, on occasion, albiet rare, is when a member here gripes a little too loud about someone else's mod. I appreciate all of the mods, good, bad and ugly, and hold in high esteem those who jump in an give it a shot. A modder here is not walking away empty handed either. We are talking skill sets here. Those who want to make a few bucks on the deal, the warning mentioned in other posts here apply. Your product had better be good, seamless, professional, and usefull. Otherwise, as in all business, you get no sale. Bye the way, when you put a dollar tag on your product, you move into a different category on the forums as well. Kind of like a professional paid athlete v.s. a guy who gives his all for his team or school. Expect "boos" from the crowd and if you cannot take the heat, don't get in the $$ game.
  17. On one hand I wish I lived in the UK, so I could sign the petition. On the other hand, I am glad I don't. A nation's real heros, that not being the latest rock band or soccer star, need to be revered by that nation or they are at the point of dissappearing from the face of the earth. Sounds like a foreign office bureaucrat that has not heard the sound of an enemy bullit in his entire self-serving life. Bet he calls Gurkhas, 'kaffirs' standing by the water cooler and trying to look important. I join you in dismay!
  18. You know guys, DVDs are cheap. Burn a couple, burn 10, or, like me, burn some 25 already for Third Wire flight sims and add-ons. I make a new one every month. Unless you mistreat them or leave them in the sun, they don't ever go away. Hard Drives are slow RAM these days. Purchase and, more importantly, use backups. Have a regular backup plan and you will be one happier dude.
  19. Whatever happend to the bad guys getting hosed and the good guys doing us proud. You're sick, dude, and you need help.
  20. Roll Call

    Jug's in.
  21. Sweet! Graduated from Auburn and spent some time in Tuskegee wandering over the historic ground. These guys were really special.
  22. You're right. I'm just a dumb old pilot that responds to questions about aerodynamics like a dumb old pilot. Not at the skill level of the modders herein.

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