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Everything posted by Jug

  1. First off, what a magnificent job Wrench has done on the aircraft loadouts articles he has authored (Knowledgebase). Helped solve my own problems and, I am sure, many other users of this forum's problems with the MiG loadouts (and other jets) as well. I wonder if you could take a look at my personal favorite, the MiG-25 Foxbat, in all of its different flavors? With your permission, I am downloading all of your separate files and making a word document for others to download as a single document. I will include all of your references to builders, modders, and others. I will split the documents into nations and would like to invite the members of this forum to point me toward other files in our archives that may be of use in building a single document for all aircraft loadouts available. I will plan to make this a living document and add contributions as they appear. First, I need Wrench's permission then I'll get a sample up for viewing. Jug
  2. Wrench, Hardly much return for the quantity and quality of your contributions to the Third Wire flight sim community. OK, attached is my first try at a combined file. Thoughts, comments, criticism or whatever welcome. Jug RussianAircraft_Loadouts.rtf
  3. NGHENGO, Back in Okinawa again. Lovely mornings on the Rock. You might think of the elevons as operating together as part of the lifting job on the wings and independently as part of the roll mechanism for the pilot. They go up together and down together when adjusting the camber of the wing for the various stages in flight (e.g. landing - down as part of the flaps) and as independent opposites for roll control (one up the other down depending on the direction of the turn). Some aircraft limit the number of degrees of deflection depending on the flight condition (e.g. landing - down as part of the flaps - max deflection as part of the roll control for the desired response at low speed). Does this help?
  4. Once again, good work. Engine thing applies here too. SU-17 has one and the H-5 has two. Picky aren't I?
  5. IAS was about 108 kts and Mach at about .82M, but, in reality, at about 78,000 feet, your running 2 kts IAS below the mach limit and 2 kts IAS above the stall. It is called the 'corner' by all who have spent too much time there. Really hard on you to hand-fly for extended periods (9 hours) like this.
  6. Kelvin, good job! Excellent work. Having said that and trying to be careful about how I offer any criticism to anyone who contributes as much time and effort it takes to contribute to our community, I still think it would be a good idea to stand behind the MiG-19 and also the MiG-21. Note carefully, two exhausts for the Mig-19 and one exhaust for the MiG-21. Guess what is reflected in the cockpit of each. It just goes against the grain to fly a two-engine jet with only engine instruments for one engine. Somebody made an F-4 (two engines) cockpit colored like USSR cockpits and it would be much better for the MiG-19. Please accept my criticism as constructive.
  7. Welcome aboard FC! Sierra Hotel on the Bone tactics brief. I am surprised that the B-1 attack/penetration speed is 540 kts. The Buff attack/penetration speed at low level is 480 kts. That is pretty close for aircraft that are generations apart. Of course, dash speed is another matter entirely. However, good to have your expertise aboard and I cannot wait to put the Bone through its paces. Good stuff. BTW, ever seen a fighter pilot with flash protection goggles? First KFB that goes off and they are flying blind while the bombers continue on. Sorta like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
  8. You guys are way too violent for a recce puke.
  9. F-35A

    Great progress. Lookin' good in the neighborhood.
  10. English my oriental friend. Even bad English is acceptable.
  11. Target Info

    Welcome home and thanks for a job well done.
  12. Wow! Good flying from the Frogs.
  13. All true. However, the USAF U-2R and U-2S still uses carriers to this day as alternate landing sites. The outer six feet of the Dragon Lady (R and S model) wings fold nicely to fit the carrier elevator. The tailhook is added for the particular mission, but probably would not used since the approach speed of the U-2 is around 60-70 knots (with 40 degrees of flaps) and the carrier would have to slow down to get the Lady aboard if there were any wind around (when is there not wind at sea). We used to fly down from Beale AFB to NAS Lemore in middle California to practice approaches to the carrier deck painted on their runway there. Use of a carrier does requires the U-2 motor to be running and if the motor is running the U-2 can fly a LONG way. Actually, it can glide a long way without the motor running, but a carrier landing is out of the question in that circumstance. There are, therefore, only a few very extreme circumstances where a U-2 would consider coming aboard a carrier and it would not be nearly the spectacular crash and dash stuff the Navy does on a daily basis. In comparison, it is rather benign. Back to the original subject, USAF fighters usually have a tailhook for departure end engagement (when you have run out of runway on landing) whereas the Navy boys look for an approach end engagement (higher speed, lots more stress, and much bigger hook). USAF has attempted approach end engagements when the wheels are stuck up (long way to slide), but convincing the pilot to attempt it is quite a bit more tedious.
  14. Is this where your trusty wingman says, "I'll take the fat one."?
  15. Multiplayer

    If I may join in...maybe a special campaign for players with an interesting scenario that goes to the heart of some serious matters (YAP realism comes to mind) like can a country with larger numbers of lower capacity aircraft overwhelm a country with fewer high-capacity aircraft. Wouldn't I love to get in that furball with Flankers against F-22s. The campaign would probably be an extension of WoE, SFP1 Korea conflict, or say an US/Taiwan/China slugout (Isn't there already a Taiwan 1950's scenario already out there). The campaign would have to include an install that requires a clean WoE install properly patched with the most current patches and add all add-ons required for the campaign installed for the user. User would not be allowed to modify from that point. The campaign could be modified, but not by the user. User would have some sort of program flag marked if he/she attempted to enter the online fight with something other than the default install. It could be handled, but then again, we would need players and a weekend schedule to match the worldwide participation in this sim. TK, if you read this stuff, do you have any suggestions?
  16. Marcfighter, I hope that I am not to late to join in the congratulations for this superb Flanker. What a jet! In other forums, I have said that this is the best fighter jet on the planet and the US would do itself well if we bought about several wings worth for Air Defense duties around CONUS. Not sure how the US stealth thing is going to prove out in combat. I send two fighters you cannot see with limited internal loadouts and you send a hundred loaded for bear I can see. I expect when the smoke clears my F-22s will have no place to land and my higher math still predicts me as the loser. Love to test the theory online with this jet as one of the hundred. The cost is about the same, a hundred Su-27s for two F-22s. Has FAB thought about buying some? Wouldn't that be fun!!!! Anyhow, hope it is not too late to add my "Parabens, muito ben feito!
  17. Ditto! English spoken here (good and bad).
  18. Has anybody done any testing with the new VISTA operating system? One of the biggest deals about VISTA is the abillity to attach a memory stick via a USB port and select use of that stick for an alternate location for the OS to use for extra space when it exceeds RAM capacity. XP uses the slower HD, but VISTA can use the much faster memory sticks instead. In and of itself, this seems to be a good reason to use VISTA, but has anyone found any difficulty with the Third Wire flight sim series and VISTA?
  19. Enrico, Congratulations and nicely done. This is the carrot that Maurizio has been telling me about. Sweet! Zio Tim
  20. prayers

    My thoughts and prayers are with you from the far reaches of the south pacific. May the good Lord wrap his loving arms around your brother and gently tend to his soul.
  21. Absolutely fabulous project and it looks like you really have the look and feel of the XB-70. It seems to me that the downward droop of the wingtips would be linked to the landing gear position. Gear-down; Wingtips up. That sort of thing. Many other aircraft like the A-7 have a similar connection. Gear-down; airbrake (between the main landing gear)- limited travel. You know, the kinda thing pilots need to keep them out of embarrassing situations. Really looking forward to this. Attaboy!
  22. No shortage of brass 'b's in that crowd. Thanks for sharing the story. Looking forward to trying my luck in an Intruder at night over lovely downtown Hanoi.

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