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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Looking for work

    You can say that again, it's even worse if you're an older worker without a job. Impossible to be hired for anything, even consulting now.
  2. Random Pic Time

    Because it's been a while since anyone has mentioned eels, and C5 stopped by again. We are quite likely responsible for this showing up so high on google's autocomplete.
  3. I have a geforce GTS250 with 1024 of memory and everything works perfectly fine, so it's not the card. It could be a million other things, drivers, HD needing defragging, programs running in the background, heating. The ENB series dll is meant for SF2 games on vista/W7, though I seemed to get a boost on XP with WOE, then SF2.
  4. He posted pics on facebook, it was common knowledge that there was an F-14 game. But nobody knows anything beyond F-14 + new terrain, so there's not much to say or do but wait. I'm hoping for some semblance of a functioning navy, that way all the ships made will have some purpose and actually show up in game.
  5. What is the UK becoming?

  6. What is the UK becoming?

    Probably. Oh I was quite surprised to hear that from a cop.
  7. What is the UK becoming?

    I s**t you not, a cop actually said to do that
  8. What is the UK becoming?

    A cop's own advice was to shoot first if someone broke in and put a knife in his hand if he was unarmed and say he attacked you. But when they're from the Bronx, they're well aware there are more important people to go after than a self defense shooting, especially when the perp was probably wanted for a dozen other charges.
  9. What is the UK becoming?

    The greater good? Trust in the state? So when you're running things, we should absolutely trust the state to do what's right to keep us safe, even if they have to break the law, and not question or protest anything? dissention is treason, but when we're in charge, the state should not be trusted at all and protesting and dissent is patriotism and protecting freedom? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Believe it or not, every problem in the world isn't caused by liberalism.
  10. What is the UK becoming?

    Well laws vary by state and municipality, so that's no surprise it's different in Arizona from NY. Anyway, with arson, that's something I heard a long time ago the last time I had this discussion. And err...the only thing I said about the wild west was responding to xclusiv8 that we're not advocating lawlessness. Political affiliation and fearing a gun, or any assumption of weakness has no connection whatsoever. Most people are more accurately described as sheeple who would be afraid of a gun or any weapon and chances are they panic in dangerous situations, their first instinct is to run and when threatened comply. Simply put, most people are cowards irrespective of their politics.
  11. What is the UK becoming?

    Ah if only someone could get a real lightsaber working. We can contain plasma in an electromagnetic field, now if they could just shape the field like that and miniaturize the equipment and power necessary to fit into a flashlight.... I wonder what kind of permit you'd need to carry around a sword on your belt like in medeival times? That's the next best thing, and how funny would people look at you?
  12. What is the UK becoming?

    Just keep telling yourself that. What's really going on is that you perceive yourself as tough and your ideology as embodying a similar toughness. Now you see "us liberals" as different, not one of you so therefore we must be inherently inferior, weak, stupid, etc. That or you're making the mistake a number of scumbag bullies have made, that just because a person is quiet, nice, intellectual, etc or simply not an aggressive person makes them weak. No one's quite advocating that much, only that we can act like a man, not be legally obligated to act like a blonde in a horror movie. And no, two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts make a right Seriously, the use of force/violence isn't necessarily a second wrong. That guy beating someone with a crowbar once they're already unconscious, is wholey unnecessary. But, under the law there is one situation where you can shoot someone dead and have no questions asked: arson. Apparently because the threat to life and property is so great, lethal force is immediately justified. So instead of carrying a throwaway knife or gun, carry a lighter
  13. What is the UK becoming?

    WTF? Seriously? That is complete and utter bulls**t. I'm the most liberal guy around (that damn Marx must have been a Glenn Beck fanatic ) and yet there's not a person more in favor of doing whatever you have to in defense. Someone begins threatening me and all bets are off. It's a persistent fallacy of branding "liberals" as soft, usually spouted by the sewage balloon (rush). Now there is a pussification going on in society, but it has nothing to do with politics. It's because all semblance of judgement and flexibility is being removed from a dumbed down society. According to the law, one has to do like xclusive8 said, use only the bare necessity of force to protect yourself. It's the same s**t in schools with "zero tolerance" policies on fighting, where they'll suspend/expell a kid who was defending himself the same as the thug-wannabe-brat. In response to what someone should do then? they suggest this kind of bearhug thing to keep them from moving their arms and striking at you. My logic is simple: Even using only the minimum ammount of force to protect myself, my protection and being "safe" means that threat can no longer cause any harm to me. That means being incapacitated, which if they're still breathing, means they're going to have one hell of a medical bill and alot of physical therapy to be able to wipe themselves again.
  14. Go See Your Doctor

    Even if you're young it's good advice. If anything feels or looks unusual, have it looked at immediately. One thanksgiving I was feeling some back pain, I figured I'd slept the wrong way on the car ride and pulled a muscle or something inconsequential. Afterwards I suddenly got very sick. I figured something in the food didn't agree with me, I mean, try mixing traditional thanksgiving food with indian and cuban food and how do you expect to feel? Something was clearly very wrong when I turned lemon yellow and went to the doctor. He sent me to the hospital for a few tests and they decided before I left that I should stay and I needed surgery. Gall stones in my gall bladder and one of them was blocking the duct from my liver to my intestine. And then after two surgeries and had gone home for a day or so, I had to go back for another because a stone got into my appendix after getting even worse pain. At first, one would think it was just from the operation, but I could tell something was wrong after the first time. So to echo Nightshade/PR If you think you need to see a doctor: do so. If you think you might have a problem: go see a doctor. If you are scared of what they might tell you, go anyway. And if for no other reason than you haven't been in awhile: go see a doctor.
  15. More Dumb School News

    Well at least in cities, keeping kids active with X, Y and Z programs can help keep them away from gangs if they're motivated. But we can have competitive education without sacrificing childhood and free time. It's just the school system has gotten into this standardized testing obsession with a penchant for rote memorization and very pavlovian learning. Neither of which really teaches people to think and understand. Which is why our society, media, political landscape, economy, etc is where it is. 90% of society is made of sheeple. I learned very little in classes between KG and 4th grade. Then almost nothing between 5th grade and college. 4th and 5th grade I had the same class and teachers and was taught in a less conventional way. And at that age I learned such advanced areas as business management, engineering, architecture and design, infinitely more and it was enjoyable because it wasn't anywhere near the conventional drudgery.
  16. More Dumb School News

    Agreed, except the cracks about Obama. He's getting blamed for so much s**t that goes back way way further than a year. It's absurd the ammount schools pile onto students, and then it's still not "enough" to them and we had so much less than when "they" were young. Really? When did you have the time for all the things you told us you did when you were our age? And it continues into grad school the same as in middle school. Every teacher/professor assigns work and reading as if his class is the only thing you're taking and should fill all your time. I usually go to work in the morning, then have an hour to eat and drive to class. After class it's 8:30-9:00 and it takes a good 45 minutes to get home. Repeat 3 days a week, the other two is just work 9-5. So when do I have time for 100 pages per class a week and 3 15 page papers all due in the span of 3-4 days? And it was no different in high school, 7:30AM classes started, 8 and getting home about 4pm and 6 of the classes each gave homework out to last all night. I don't need to repeat the same damn string of equations 100 times to "reinforce" what I learned! I learn faster than the average jersey shore reject, I see it done once, I do it once or twice and I've got it down. And don't get me started on literature! Every sentance doesn't have some freudian meaning behind it! Maybe the author wasn't trying to abstractly express his impotency or some inconsequential personality flaw, maybe just wanted to write a story and publish it to make money?
  17. TK, as usual thinks he can't afford it. I hopefully will show him otherwise.
  18. Is that a hint of sarcasm dave? Anyway GregoryP beat me to it. If TK can't get it cheap, we need to do a fundraiser specifically for it. A whole world terrain, at that detail level is simply too good to pass up. Anybody else realize how great a step forward that engine is for gaming technology? Not only for flight sims, but everything. Shooters, RPGs, strategy games! Imagine the total war series, but with no seperate campaign map? A COD or MOH game having the whole of europe to fight in. The next Elder Scrolls game having Daggerfall's world size, at Oblivion's detail?
  19. Sweet mother of Jesus! If someone hasn't already told TK about this, get over there! Is there anything about who made it? Is it just a free project someone made or is it a company and commerical product? I'm immediately showing this to my father for our simulation design! Well the ground does look pretty uniform from the air. When you're dealing with old terrain technology like SF, the same texture constantly looks aweful, but with realistically dense and sized forests, it's not that big of a deal.
  20. do you miss it ?

    At the time of the switch, I didn't like it, but now I prefer the DVD cases. When they were using the jewel cases, inevitably my brother or a friend, dog or whatever knocked them over and they broke. Now the discs are well protected and clean, even if the case isn't
  21. More Dumb School News

    When they tried to spank me I threatened to call the cops on them for child abuse
  22. More Dumb School News

    It has to work both ways. It's utterly impossible to keep government out of religion without keeping religion out of government. (I'm quite sure this will be the next war and source of -x posts) Moreover, ethics and morality doesn't need to have any connection with religion. Yes, religion has always been the basis in the past, but people don't need to be religious to be moral or ethical. Edit: seeing the posts in between, S&E and this... Political correctness isn't the problem. It's that parents don't raise their kids as ezlead said. Many reasons for this and that's a gigantic thread in an of itself.
  23. More Dumb School News

    That EXACT same thing happened to ME in kindergarden. Only since that was back in the day, it was a toy laser gun and Optimus Prime (FTW), but I didn't get a news article, well it was before the interwebz too. And don't get me started on dumbing down of schools. This one time ignorance reigned supreme was a second grade class with basic geography. We had to cut and paste (with sciscors and glue mind you, not ctrl-X and ctrl-v) the continents onto a map of the world. At this point, I couold already read at a level that was well over five years ahead of everyone else, and had actually seen real maps of the world. The dimwit teacher told everyone that only europe and asia had land touching and all the other continents were seperated by water. So what everyone else did was put oceans of distance between North and South America and Africa and Asia. Me knowing the only water was the Panama and Suez canals, put them accurate to a map. And to the whole class and the teacher, I was the one who was made to look like I was the dumb one and couldn't follow directions. Needless to say, I've pretty much lived by Oscar Wilde's "Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong."
  24. POTUS Visit

    Nice shots! The ECM is probably way beyond what goes on a B-52, or lazercats. They've probably crammed everything they could in there besides the laser the YABL-1 had.

    I don't think one game or developer/franchise is much to worry about. As for complex, that's pure BS to hide their lazyness. TESIV: Oblivion or Fallout 3 and Crysis, far more complex games than the standard fare team based shooter, both visually and gameplay mechanics-wise all have editors and robust mod support. Then honestly, there are some games that weren't meant to really have a mod scene. Primarily single player games that focus on giving you a good dose of action and a decent story without being as open ended as say a fallout would be really aren't suited for it.

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