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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    Damn right! If we can all come together to help Haiti, why can't we do the same at home?
  2. Really? because they're really up there on everything usable to measure, standards of living, health, etc. Military might, obviously not #1, nor the best measure to judge a country by.
  3. *WARNING* A$$hole alert!

    But who is identifiable as a comedian on the right? Sure Michael Steele and Glenn Beck are easy to laugh at, but they aren't comedians per se like Stewart, and they are all really good spontaneously if you've spent any time watching them.
  4. *WARNING* A$$hole alert!

    Leftist lack of humor? Surely you've heard of John Stewart and the entire Daily Show cast, Stephen Colbert or Bill Maher? Where is there political humor on the right? All I've ever managed to come across are a few marginally witty pictures on the interwebs.
  5. *WARNING* A$$hole alert!

    Alright, where's a full unedited transcript?
  6. Random Pic Time

    I thought people here would get a kick out of this:
  7. *WARNING* A$$hole alert!

    That's being awefully polite to him. The sad thing is, sheeple believe his sewage. Him and his kin are why america is in the sorry state its in.
  8. Someone seems to be going around and obsessively doing that to people lately.
  9. AHAHAHA Read This

    Tipari has got to be C5 in disguise
  10. The point is, its annoying as hell and turns people away, even when its true. Modesty is a far better approach than boasting (until you get into a contest that is)
  11. As are we. The disrespect we get even from allies comes most from the attitude "If it wasn't for us you'd all be speaking German" we constantly espouse rather than deeds. The great Lewis Black summed it up, if you worked in an office with a person who constantly told you how superior they are to everyone else there and how you wouldn't stand a chance without them, I guarantee within a week, you'd have killed them. There's pride and confidance are good, but like with a person too much is as much a detriment as a strength. Maybe, but nobody hates you (unless you're one of those infectiously cheery, bubbly types) Just look at countries like Canada or Sweden, they're always nice to everyone and who hates or attacks them? You can get to the top being nice to everyone, but once near you have to give the message not to f**k with you, but still be nice. As for the economic chernobyll, blame can be traced as far back as the 70s and stagflation, but could have been entirely avoidable. Enron was a huge alarm, and people had been going to the SEC about Madoff for years about his ponzi scheme. The most simple way to describe it, people forgot the lessons of the great depression. The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission will likely come to the same exact conclusion as the Pecora hearings. Hell they could practically plagiarize the entire thing word for word and change the names around.
  12. Seismic Activity

    Not exactly freaky, it's all tied to plate tectonics and the currents of magma way below the crust. Unsettling because more activity is likely, it wouldn't be all that surprising to see another quake, volcano erruption or tsunami soon.
  13. AHAHAHA Read This

    So you'd actually side with the wall street f***ers and their fantasy finance?
  14. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    The US would if there was ever a need. As for the rich arab states, the Haitians are almost entirely Catholic and since they're not muslims, they ultimately couldn't care less. Goes to show pure wealth (usually of a very few) is a poor judge of a nation.
  15. TV show pop quiz

    That's gotta be near impossible. How many shows take place in the NY/NJ area? I know they're doing 24 around here this season, but that hasn't started. Popular and worthwhile being on TV? The easiest guess would be "The Jersey Shore" but that is up there with jerry springer in trashy to the point of irrelevance, no matter how many kids watch it.
  16. Ultra Light Jet Fighter

    Some can be dropped in flawlessly, others need some tweaking, but everything is usable if you know what to do (knowledgebase has it all)
  17. Views on the war on terror

    Since last election, first name (and almost anything descriptive) has become a mocking way to refer to people.
  18. Tragedy in Haiti

    The Tsunami was far worse, but this earthquake is right up there with it. Such a large quake is unusual for the location and buildings weren't designed for it, making the devastation far worse. It really is when we take the initiative helping people that we're at our best as a nation.
  19. Views on the war on terror

    Making going green unfashionable? black flag operation for oil? What the hell are you talking about? "going green" has become such a trendy thing that if it wasn't for the real consequences of not going with clean energy, I'd be mocking it simply because it was fashionable.
  20. Views on the war on terror

    GwynO, you are perfectly right with the green movement, and another thing opponents to being more environmentally friendly keep missing is "does anyone really want pollution?" There are places in china where you can't see the sun, lets just say that no matter what humans do, it won't affect the global temperatures, wouldn't we still want to keep the place clean and pleasant? Who wants to be in bladerunner where there's nothing but perpetual smog? And of course, oil is a finite resource, even if every country in the middle east suddenly became a flourishing, modern and free society, we'd still need to get off it or one day everything will grind to a halt. Except about Pakistan really hasn't gotten on board with the modern world, Turkey, to some extent, but Pakistan is a farce of democracy as a veil over recurring military dictatorships who do plenty to fund terror.
  21. Well from over hear, it certainly looks like Europe is in much better shape and far more functional and united than we are. Anda t least in Europe you have more political parties to choose from. Here they're both owned by banks and insurance companies and the only real choice is between people who can't get anything done or people who can't get anything done and scream about everything.
  22. Views on the war on terror

    Well, my method of just kick ass and leave, even if you have to come back with the place becoming a safe haven for them, it's still cheaper to do that repeatedly than for prolonged occupations. The extremists only understand power. After bombing them to oblivion a few times and leaving them in the rubble, they'll get the message: "Don't f*** with us" As for how to end things, Julhelm has it right, eliminate the reasons for extremism and integrate. People I know with muslim backgrounds and are totally integrated, it becomes totally inconsequential. But bombing people back to the stone age is a testosterone driven impulse that is very hard to suppress In the end it's all group psychology, us vs them. Europe got over it and is now united, when it used to be the most bloody and unstable continent on the planet. But it's going to take something radical like aliens to put us all into the "us" camp and stop killing each other, because of course, even if ET is peaceful, we'll probably blow them up anyway. That, or religion gives up being so repressive about sexuality and enjoyment being "sinful". haha FalconCAF I thought of doing exactly that when they started with all their afghan strategy meetings.
  23. That HD is 250GB. SF probably takes up at least a third of it. Now if TK would just make a quick mission builder I'd never need another flight sim.
  24. Actually it's quite the opposite. the EU is very quickly becoming as powerful in every way, so is china. We barely produce anything, we're dead broke and all we can do is fight amongst ourselves publicly while the same old suits run everything and line their pockets. The rest of the world could watch us implode and probably be no worse off.
  25. Views on the war on terror

    Afghanistan very much had a real reason (oil and geopolitical chess aside) it's just become so FUBAR. We could have been done early 2002, but all the ulterior motives anyone could ask for kept us there.

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