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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. hehehe and thats only aircraft. Weapons and groundobjects are just as big.
  2. Views on the war on terror

    This topic has trouble all over it, but I haven't gotten into an artillery barrage with typoid in a while You live in Europe right? Here Christianity is devolving into backwards fundamentalism in ways that are frightening. Anyway, we're stuck in a damned if you do, damned if you don't position. We suck at nation building, and the only successful counter insurgencies took far longer than anyone is willing to tolerate now (see phillipines early 1900s). So unless we're willing to sit through the most expensive war in history lasting at least til the end of this decade, people will have died in vein. Like with Vietnam, its worse to continue going through what simply won't be winnable in the end. Democracy and civilization have to evolve, you can't impose it on a tribal culture that has changed little since the third century. It would be better to leave a small special forces group to hunt al queda and nothing else. Screw everything else, Karzai, elections, afghan security, the taliban, let the place remain a hellhole. We have enough to worry about and it's called the graveyard of superpowers for a reason. As for the global and ideological end, bombing people isn't the best way to stop people hating you. For less money we could feed the entire world's hungry and it would get us much farther. Warfare only works if your aim is the complete destruction and submission of an enemy.
  3. First of all, the plane may have been completely imaginary, it is Chavez... Second, why should we give a damn about him, we're rather preoccupied at the moment and we have a whole other country we need to sink into the sea now (Yemen) Lastly, who made those F-16's for him to be able to use? *cough* *cough*
  4. Wings of Prey

    http://store.steampowered.com/app/45300/ Saw this on steam and hadn't heard of it before at all, does anybody know anything about it? They claim it's flexible and does a realistic simulation or simple arcade, but considering everyone says that from HAWX to Falcon 4, can anyone give an accurate representation? Graphics are nice, supports TIR.
  5. PAK FA Exposed in MAKS 2009

    Singing and dancing jets? No, no even disney would try that.
  6. I originally felt the same way about switching to series 2 and eventually made the switch with the big modders focusing on SF2. I've ported over everything I have, it was alot of work. I didn't think the changes were that big at first, but moving to the SF2 series is really worth it. In Windows 7 it runs more beautifully than WOE ever did, decals aside (why oh why did he have to screw with that?) everything else is easier to install.
  7. Other Games You Really Got Into

    It's exactly that godly accuracy that was impossibly frustrating. Other than Arma or the original ghost recon, in what game can the AI perfectly lead a shot when you're moving and account for gravity perfectly over 300m, take a single shot and get a kill, with iron sights on an automatic rifle? Not even the most experienced Navy SEAL could do that. What makes anyone think every private cannon-fodderski of the red army can do it? Magic sniper tailgunners in flight sims aren't even that good. What and where's this FFUR mod?
  8. Other Games You Really Got Into

    Flashpoint frustrated me too much to be glued to it. Same with Arma. I'm still stuck to rome total war. I have medieval 2 and empire, but I'm just not through with Rome yet. Mechwarrior is an on again, off again addiction. CFS3 keeps me addicted for long periods as well, if only you didn't have to make a whole new aircraft for a skin it'd be WW2 heaven. Titan Quest is another one, just like diablo, but with havoc physics and modern graphics.
  9. It's something that's bugged me since day 1. *I think* it happens so often and badly because the way the pilot/cockpit is parented to the fuselage (or nose, which is in turn parented to fuselage) And when the parented part is hit and destroyed, the pilot is considered destroyed. That would account for 9/10 times you're dead instantly regardless of plane or armor. In that 1/10 instance the killing shot probably hit a wing or tail and the pilot unaffected.
  10. Lucky this went like it did

    Much worse. Tidbits I've heard: He hid the fireworks in his crotch and got 3rd degree burns (serves him well) and we knew the guy was trouble and were looking out for him. So now in addition to our shoes, we're going to probably have to take off our f***ing pants. He boarded in Nigeria apparently, plane made a stop in Amsterdam. That's where the security problem is, you could probably bribe a airport guard for a single dollar and get onto a plane with whatever you want in Nigeria. Simple solution: On flights from backwardsass countries that make stops, force another security check once the plane lands in a developed country where security can be trusted, before continuing. What I don't get: His father's a retired banker. They have money, why would a rich boy take up a jihadi mantle?
  11. Place your Christmas greetings here!

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  12. OMG WTF?

    Huh? I thought this thread was supposed to be for griping about people ruining classics with aweful remakes? Anyone else see any ads for this Sherlock Holmes? Do they really have to turn that character into a trigger happy wisecracking gunslinger? Pray they don't try to remake Airplane!
  13. OMG WTF?

    The Italian Job The day the earth stood still One of those horror movies, they all blend together. The songs are the worst, I can't even remember how many great old songs got dug up again and butchered by whorely cyrus and the myriad of Britney clones. I actually heard a woman try to do Steppenwolf's magic carpet ride in a commercial. If suddenly the jonas sisters redo stairway to heaven or any other brilliance from zeppelin or the 60s and 70s I might actually shoot someone. Just about the only song remake that was worth anything was the "I'm a believer" they did for shrek. Ironically, alot of the awesome older songs from the 60s and 70s were actually remakes of songs from the 30s 40s and 50s. But when they did them, they took really bad songs and made them awesome. Anyone ever look for Cream's Sunshine of your love(great) and find the old Ella Fitzgerald(ubercrap)version ? The horror. The horror (and they damn well better not try to redo that one either)
  14. The Past Decade

    Globally....blew Nationally....sucked hairy ass personally....rollercoaster of up and down
  15. Yet another great reason to loathe Wal-Mart...

    My entire family refuses to shop at walmart, period. Anyway this is pure fraud, where are the charges?
  16. I just saw this news piece and thought it would make an interesting campaign premise http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/12/18/iranian-troops-seize-iraq_n_397054.html I just may have to tweak the 1980s Iran/Iraq campaign when I get done with finals
  17. EA Acquires Sierra Entertainment,

    Until I read the merging of (I still don't give a s**t about) tiger woods and leisure suit larry I was afraid it was real. Speaking of which, of all ancient franchises that should have died off, that thing is still around?
  18. I guess the CAT #3 explains why I did what brain said before patching and my phantoms are still gone. Inis are just fine. GRRRRRR
  19. F-35 Production to be Cut

    In a way it makes sense when you're dealing with COIN ops. The problem is we suck at COIN, always have, always will. The only war we were in that we really were prepared to fight since Korea was Desert Storm, quick and conventional, and that was a breeze. I could write my masters thesis on this and the approach Barry is taking, so I'm not going to go into it beyond saying I understand (if disagree) with the move. Regime? hardly, he's about as ineffectual as Jimmy Carter and the democrats in congress are as much opposition as the republicans. Again there's also the hypocrisy. The Mantra is "stop the out of control government spending!" But simultaneously "Don't cut X Y or Z!" You can't have your cake and eat it too. Well maybe if I was in charge and people listened. Executive order #god knows how many: All State and Federal government acquisitions will be done as standard consumer sales. IE we buy a craftsman hammer for $2 instead of $700, multiply across everything we spend money on. BOOM! There's your full fleets, healthcare and just about any social program.
  20. F-35 Production to be Cut

    Bleh, I just finished a paper on defense procurement. I wouldn't harp on the Obama administration so much as on the DOD as its always been. The persistence of the acronym SNAFU kind of attests to that. I just love contract law. We must protect the sanctity of contracts we keep hearing regards to bonuses. But contracts with the government, either side seems to be able to modify the contract as they please. In normal business, you make a contract to do something (or a number of somethings) for a particular price, you can't do the job with that ammount of money, you eat the cost because you made a mistake. So why not force Lockheed-Martin to abide by the damn contracts they made and provide the original number of planes at the original price! And if their profits disappear and they lose money and stockholders get nothing, boo F#$%ing hoo, there supposed to be a risk in investing! [/Rant mode]
  21. Or very easily you could be firing the missile too close to the sam site. All the ARM missiles tend to be pretty long range.
  22. After you're done I'm just going to send you the X-32. I simply will have not worked on it and don't see being able to anytime soon.
  23. Unauthorized...

    Ever so familiar with that! I've become the unofficial IT person at the office because (can't, won't, don't want to) DoIT are either useless, take forever or you lose all your work.
  24. Read This BS.......

    Well this takes the cake for idiotic neighborhood problems. So amazing what people make issues out of, it seems like even just ten years ago people just weren't as completely absurd.

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