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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. cheered me up

    Found this online, hilarious and cheered me up on a s**tty day. Thought everyone would get a kick out of it.
  2. Sounds cool. Toss in an F-22 squadron and maybe even an F-35A rushed into service. Adding in a blue side russia would make for an interesting sight! USAF planes aiding migs and flankers in fights, Su-39s providing CAS to Abrams tanks or F-15s escorting russian bombers.
  3. Racism - the One-way street...

    Right on JM! Very similar to alot of what I said before it went poof! (PS. look at the code for previewing posts, I hit that and it got all screwed up) Part of my lost post put alot of the racism onto the media basically trying to make as much of an issue as they can because it gets attention.
  4. Racism - the One-way street...

    Say anything you please about him
  5. Racism - the One-way street...

    I had a long thought out post and the forum software crapped out on me, FML. It boiled down to: disagreement isn't racism, but the hatred and fear goes so far deeper than policy and left vs right that his heritage(and a muslim name and background contributes probably more than skintone) definitely plays a part in it and that you can just see it in the eyes of some people.
  6. That map could also be used for the Vladivostok campaign USNF did. Two for one deal!
  7. (In best Homer Simpson voice) Doh! It looked like from the thread you were the one making it, oh well, time to double check just who and hound them into finishing it. edit: it was jross194, hasn't been back since july, damn it looked like a good program. From scrathch by hand and dealing with frontlines and strategic nodes is a helluva lot harder by hand
  8. It's something I've been dying to make, but I'm no maven at SF mods and keeping a team together and interested hasn't been successful. Terrain's been a huge stumbling block, and time. Pureblue is working on an SF2 campaign editor, with nearly all the planes needed available now, I'm definitely taking a crack at the Black Sea campaign once he's done with the editor.
  9. 11 Sept 01

  10. AVSIM Hack makes world news

    Revenge of the Syncophants!
  11. I'm uttery baffled as to why my decal isn't show up. On the danish F-100 skin there's a small flag and number decal just like on the real version of the skin I'm making for the F-16. So I copied the tgas over and stuck them in the /d subdirectory of the skins folder. decal ini looks like this: [Decal005] MeshName=Vertstab DecalLevel=0 Reverse=TRUE DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=F-16A_Blk10-NDC/SkryStrap/d/dnrnum Position=-3.80,2.49 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal006] MeshName=Vertstab DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=F-16A_Blk10-NDC/SkryStrap/d/dnrnum Position=-3.80,2.49 Scale=1.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 There was already an entry for the tail so I pointed it to the decal files. It doesn't show up, what does show up strangely in an aircraft number on the fuselage that wasn't showing up before.
  12. Brazil Choose the Rafale

    Finally the Rafale gets some export customers
  13. Turning is also a matter of speed. If you're trying to maneuver in a starfighter at 200kts turning is impossible and you'll have a mig 21 on your tail in no time. But keeping speed very high, the F-104 does surprisingly well.
  14. on second inspection of those tracers, I do see a glow. It's gonna be fun to see how soviet tracers and gunfire at night looks with those. Who knows what little surprises there will be? If he puts in an in game quick mission builder akin to IL2 or pretty much any flight sim where we can pick a specific enemy, I will die a happy man
  15. Give the Uterus a Rest

    Unless you get a C-section. She must have gotten 19 of them because if she delivered 19 kids normally, she'd have drawn a line in the sand and said "NO MORE" after about 3.
  16. Give the Uterus a Rest

    That's where the money is coming from, that blight of television called reality TV that was supposed to have died out years ago. Damn dancing shows revived the whole concept. Probably related to my past psychology professor. I had the witch 3 semesters in a row (not my choice it was a required sequence and shes the only one teaching it) She was pregnant all 3 semesters, each with a different kid.
  17. Why would you want to? The Flanker already has an excellent FM.
  18. Yes, thats the folder name for my skin. The decal folder for the decal thats showing up is F-16_Blk10-NDC/d. But if I put the decals I want to show up in that folder and point to that same folder, neither show up!
  19. I noticed that shortly after posting and changed that to 2, still not showing up. What's really really weird is that the edits for dnrnum (danish finflash with numbers under it) make these decals show: [Decal007] MeshName=fuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=right FilenameFormat=F-16A_Blk10-NDC/d/daf Position=1.52,0.45 Scale=0.90 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal008] MeshName=fuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=F-16A_Blk10-NDC/d/daf Position=1.52,0.45 Scale=0.90 DecalMaxLOD=3 When they weren't showing before on the fuselage, but the ones I tried to place aren't showing up on the tail.
  20. Repeat of last year?

    Geez, looks like we're going to get a repeat of last year with Russia, just a different country. Same time of year too. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/28/world/europe/28crimea.html?_r=1&ref=world
  21. Repeat of last year?

    Amazing how life immitates fiction isn't it? How many games have been based on this premise? The original ghost recon aws about russia invading georgia over south ossetia, the original USNF from janes with russia invading ukraine over the crimea and ATF had the russians going after the baltic states too.
  22. F-15F - Silent Eagle? F-15G - this concept?
  23. F-14 VS F-15

    Both follow the old mantra of "if it looks right, it is right". Anyway this is like arguing whether John Lennon or Paul McCartney was a better musician. But I'd personally go with a tomcat, just for it's edge in fearsome appearance and sexiness.
  24. Another Great One Gone...

  25. Can SF2 do the same for terrains and time periods? I know it can limit nations on maps, but can it set the time period of that? ie Could it allow for the French to appear on the Vietnam map in the late 40s-1950s when they were still in Indochina, but not in the 1960s?

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