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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. F-14 VS F-15

    The F-15A would probably have been a better choice than the F-14A because of the engines, but an F-14D, well thats another story even against an F-15C. The reason the F-14 isn't still in service isn't because one aircraft was better. I read the F-14D was actually outperforming the superhornet in Afghanistan until it was retired. It was a combination of politics and money. Grumman saw no viable alternative to furthering the tomcat program in the early 90s and overpriced the D models and future developments. Cheney, being a spiteful motherf***er gave it the axe for it. Much as Gates went after the F-22. By 2006 the airframes were so worn out that they were too expensive to keep flying and maintain.
  2. Random Thoughts

    Why don't they include sales tax in the price advertised and make life easier? You really can blame the British for anything. I'm not superstitious, just a little stitious. People wonder why I don't eat homemade chicken, but will eat chicken from any restaurant "when I don't know what's really in it". Maybe I actually hate chicken and like the taste of whatever they actually put into their dishes? A few more.
  3. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    Saying "forget human rights" is scary as hell, we might as well just go back to Hammurabi's code that these people still use. Does upholding human rights mean he should be released simply because he's sick, F**K NO! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...ddafis-son.html Shady much?
  4. In the News......

    Because our society is so obsessed with punishing people for anything and everything?
  5. Conservatives the New Liberals?

    You might as well just lock the thread now
  6. Its a Man Baby?

    Yeah, that definitely is a guy, no tests required. Or at least was born one, do they even do sex change operations there?
  7. Mirage F1 with R-73 missile ?

    Who cares about the missiles?
  8. Since it's probably a pre-Lima winder, I'd say "Yes!"
  9. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    Damn Swedes always getting everything right! "The point of war isn't to die for your country, it's to make the other bastard die for theirs" "Patriots always talk of dying for their country and never killing for their country"
  10. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    Nope, now they're "Overseas Counter-Insurgency Operations" or some s**t like that
  11. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    Ah but if it doesn't have to be military service, their ass may not be put on the line, but they'd still have to do work to help others and the country. It'd be a nice smack in the face of reality for people with the means to do alot to help, but don't.
  12. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    Following the law is not being at the whim of the government, nor is being part of Americorps. But being at the whim of the government for a few years is what you said. To do something for others and the country instead of putting yourself first doesn't get any opposition from me, just the matter of being under someone's direct control. Anyway, the only people who are excluded from voting who get the right to begin with are felons, where they had the right previously and lost it because of their actions. Non-citizens is a non issue, as are people under 18, as becoming either grants you the right to vote. Well that was the language brought up, which is my opposition, not the actual service.
  13. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    National debt doesn't put one's entire life at the "whim of the government". And considering our debt has been much higher in relation to our GDP and hasn't caused the end of the country before signals it's not so much to freak out over as it's being made to be.
  14. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    Now this is a serious problem. We can't be considered a free society if people are forced to be at the "whim of the government" and is one of the ultimate reasons I decided the military is not right for me. Never will I let anybody, anywhere ever have that kind of power over my life, I would rather die. And not being able to vote until afterwards brings up the problem that occured back in Vietnam where the voting age was 21, but you could be drafted at 18. Where you can be made to go to war for your country, but are given no say as to whether the country goes to war. And withholding the right to vote unless people serve is flat out wrong too, see my first post as to disabilities. To do so would be to prohibit people from having access to even gain that right, which would be no better than discriminating against someone because of their ethnicity or gender.
  15. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    I think that's just a wrong assumption to make about younger people. It's been a stereotypical image of younger generations for decades of hormonal teenage angst. For those that don't see it firsthand, it's easy to believe we aren't responsible or care about anything other than iPods, Xbox and American Idol, but "youth" is very engaged, aware, very respible and are very passionate about meaningful things.
  16. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    Requiring some form of service to your country is fairly reasonable, but I don't think military service should be mandatory, aside from the possible necessity of a wartime draft. In a country as wide and diverse as America, making such a requirment to be able to vote would create a whole host of issues. What would happen to people who physically could not serve even if they wanted to? Sure some exemption could be granted, but that would exacerbate discrimination already there against someone with a disability, having been given something others had to go through military service to earn, or being outright denied that ability to vote by circumstances beyond their control. What about people who are on the cusp of being able to serve, where they can function normally most of the time in society, but couldn't in a military environment, either the physical stresses during bootcamp or combat, or the structure of life in the military? I certainly fit into this category, I've thought about joining to military when I wasn't sure what kind of career path to take, and I was dead set on being a tomcat pilot when I was around 10, but these considerations kept that from being a good option.
  17. Check the name of the sound file called out and make sure the file name is exactly the same. SF2 seems to be very case sensitive with file names.
  18. Didn't they make the Mig-23/27 to try to have an aircraft with capabilities like the F-4 phantom?
  19. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    So why, exactly can they not keep him in prison, but simply treat his cancer? When he gets treated, he's under guard by guys with big guns and handcuff him to the bed (ooh kinky )
  20. Lockerbie bomber most likely getting out

    Drive to get some milk from the store when he gets out, "accidentally" lose control of the car, skid and hit him? Well that's too good for him too. Why not blow him up, then find all the pieces and blow those up 269 more times?
  21. RIP F-22

    I get the feeling as everyone is racing for stealth aircraft, as more people get them we may actually see air to air combat going backwards. The proliferation of stealth will eventually negate much of radar's and long range missile's usefulness. As countermeasures advance (who knows what's already on the F-35 or 22 that those without the clearance don't) that may easily limit the advanced performance of IRM missiles like the aim-9x -> we may actually see a return to a more 'pure' air to air combat where dogfighting with guns is the norm and missiles have only limited effectiveness.
  22. RIP F-22

    No, we're not planning on "exporting" democracy. The thing is economic downturns always lead to conflict, even if things were normal and stable, we'd still be talking about replacing military hardware because the current stuff is so old. Imagine driving a car from 30 years ago still, it's doable, but unless it's a timeless classic and it's your passion to keep it at top performance, a new car is cheaper and will give you better performance. Going off topic, it's simply wrong to assume everyone getting help from various social programs are a bunch of freeloaders or that people losing their homes are because of taxes, or those who are unemployed can find jobs but they either don't want to work or are expecting too much from a job. Maybe you've been lucky enough to have been isolated from the reality of it, but despite the stereotypes of welfare, the overwhelming majority of people are honest and really need the help.
  23. Car on the fritz

    Just two weeks after getting it back from the shop for a new muffler, my car is acting up on me again Now my brakes aren't working, apparently I'm leaking hydraulic fluid. At this rate, its becoming almost once a month something new needs fixing, and its about time to get a new car. So I'm shopping around. I'm dead set against a nissan, as thats what I have now. Aweful sensors, check engine light is always on and there's always something going wrong even if the engine and transmission are practically indestructable. Toyottas rust like hell. Everyone suggests a Honda Civic, my brother has one, the few times I've driven it, I hated it, awkward frustrating and uncomfortable. Also, I'd rather avoid a civic because I'm a college student, and if you look at the parking lot its just a damn alternating pattern of civics, VW jettas, subaru WRXs, mitsubishis and dodge neons. I want to actually be able to recognize my car instead of having the stereotypical tween car.....nor do I want to get profiled as a reckless young driver, which is why I got a nissan maxima in the first place. I'm looking for car experiences and advice. Digging around I've seen a few nice choices, a couple of nice hyundai sonatas and XG350s in my price range , like the look of a few chryslers (sebring and concord) too. There's also a Jaguar xj8 thats listed as the same price as a civic my father pointed out, the worry there is maintenance costs (but I love jaguars!). So does anybody have any experience driving/maintaining any of these cars, or have any suggestions?
  24. Car on the fritz

    Less than 100,000, and it was something in one of the Cylinders. Already talked to Honda Corporate and they don't give a damn. Family wants to be wimps and not take any legal recourse, despite probably being able to get our money back on either fraud, nonfraudulent misrepresentation or a dozen other contractual details. So much for Hondas. Any experience with Minis or Hyundais?
  25. Car on the fritz

    You won't believe this now! I got a Honda Civic back after first starting this thread. It was a higher end model than my brothers and liked it. Now, upon driving home from a visit to family in Maryland, it breaks down on me. Had AAA tow it and a shop look at it, they couldn't find anything wrong and our best guesses was something regarding the fuel system, since they put fuel injector cleaner in it. They drove it and had no problems, so we paid them and started our drive home again. This time we're in Jersey (getting home from there is a whole other story in itself). Left it at a honda dealer and they're saying it's a $4500 engine repair. Worse, it is literally a week after the warranty ended. :angry2: This was supposed to have been a certified used car, thoroughly inspected and in good shape, from a Honda dealer. Honda's administration will hear of this, and this will not be over until I have a pristine factory fresh car, we've gotten our money back and that dealer is no longer in business.

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