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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Have you locked your keys in the car?

    My car has to use the remote. If you simply try to use the key, it's absurd car alarm will go off. That's right, with the original key.
  2. Maybe not free, but pay for grad/law school and a little extra flexibility and I'll fly one
  3. It's photoshopped alright, but it's Julhelm's lovely F/A-24 shadowcat. A what if based on artists concepts for a stealthy tomcat replacement before the JSF program got underway.
  4. Underground Water Slide

    Better than being above ground in Newark :no2:
  5. The card that melted on me was an 8800GTX, so I wouldn't be too sure.
  6. Heat is most likely the problem, my card did that before dying. Even newer than 186 drivers are out already.....maybe they'll fix my bioshock problem...
  7. Could a regular HUD be positioned over where the screen is instead of out in the forward view?
  8. One thing you can try if you don't want to do that, is ask red crown to call out the location of the nearest threat after you'v locked a target. If you've locked an enemy and there's nothing closer to worry about, she should call 12 o'clock. Check the approximate range of your target against red crown's call and that can help identify then without "cheating". And besides if it is a friendly, it's not as if the game investigates it and court marshalls you and ends your campaign, it just calls out there's been friendly fire, check targets and doesn't care afterwards.
  9. Edited loadout.inis to carry nukes as a default for strike missions? or another undocumented SF2 feature, AI flight selecting different loadouts on their own?
  10. Now F-35 is in a bit of trouble

    Wasn't the reason we went with the X-35 was because boeing would have made design changes to the X-32, but we could have moved to a production F-35 much faster? We ought to shake up the leadership of LM like we did with the auto industry and a few banks, they've got the same (we can do anything and get a guaranteed flow of cash) mindset. Normally when you have a contract for something at a particular price, if you go over that ammount, you've still got to deliver the product at that price and work at a loss. Why don't we just buy some Typhoons afterall, we've bought a british aircraft from time to time (harrier, canberra)? Or do what most any organization would do when one is taking forever and too expensive to do something that is essential, give it to someone else! "Sorry LM, you F'ed up on two critical planes, Northrop gets the designs and construction rights"
  11. RIP F-22

    Did a tiny bit of research. They only made 64 F-117s, compared to 187 F-22s. And with less than 100 airframes the nighthawk had a ~25 year service history. It was a very specialized aircraft, but then again, so is the F-22. If only used for what the F-117 was, we've more than doubled the inventory of aircraft with stealth capability and can operate in the day without sticking out like a sore thumb.
  12. She has Arrived

    Congratulations! I doubt I'll ever be ready for that day.
  13. It's being worked on by the people who made it, called NF4+ Don't know if its coming sooner or later, but all the stuff should work if you follow the knowledgebase for porting over content.
  14. RIP F-22

    So what, it was a guns only turning fight?
  15. I was wrong about American beer

    Yes, it's called Budweiser, you can find it in any gas station.
  16. I was wrong about American beer

    That's because Bud and most major brands are cheap watered down crap. The more specialty brands are infinitely better (or home made beer like my Bro does) actually have flavor and alcohol in it instead of tasting like carbonated piss.
  17. Well This is Just Dumb

    That explains it all You'd think someone should be able to understand writings from medieval times cannot be used for how to behave in the 21st century. How he called police and reported the car missing as if the daughters took off, so he clearly knew the concept of "honor killings" was a savage act in the civilized world.
  18. RIP F-22

    Well said, I hope after fixing up this procurement system, we can go back to building more. Another thread one of the military guys here (I think it was USAFBLT) talking about the system and if we had the current system in WW2, we'd be flying spads. I've told the story about engineering drafts and serial numbers for floppy disks a few times already. Given the iconic $400 hammer (or $70 for a floppy) compared to a Craftsman hammer for $3, if we fixed up the system so that $700 hammer costs a normal market price (or at least close to it after whatever specifications) Imagine how much that same system is inflating aircraft! Imagine getting raptors at $15m each. How sweet would that be? Unfortunately, to get the system under control and reform it, these kinds of things need to be done, however painful.
  19. RIP F-22

    The F-15 is up to 100 million now?! Well they are right in the sense that they need to kick the defense contractors in the nuts to get their costs under control and stop treating the government as an endless bowl of cash. Killing the plane isn't the way to do it though, but everyone in that arena is part of the old boys club, so instead of being stern about contracts and doing tough negotiations to get a good price, they fill each others pockets. Maybe they should put out a competition to the other aerospace companies for who can build additional aircraft at the best price? LM is sticking all the R&D costs that were already paid into it, so what if boeing/MDD or Northrop just did the rest of building? The tooling might be a little expensive at first, but then they'd simply have the cost of the actual construction and materials.
  20. I think with the October '08 patch gen 1 are supposed to run fine, but gen 2 is the way to go as all the modders are moving over. I just got my new hardware in the mail, so I'm installing it all and downloading 7 tomorrow.
  21. RIP F-22

    This is absolutely nothing new, especially as far as aircraft procurement goes. Be glad we have 187 operating planes. It could have gone the way of the F-107 or Comanche.
  22. Until we have true AI, we can't replace a pilot's judgement, quick thinking and reflexes. When we do manage true AI, we then run into the Skynet/matrix dilemma. Asimov called it the Frankenstein complex, to which the answer is his three laws. But having those laws essentially makes UAVs for war useless. But even then you wind up with the problem of the zeroth law allowing robots to harm in the interests of humanity at large, and taking over control to protect the whole of humanity as in I Robot. So the end result is either A- Skynet destroying humanity Or B- Losing our self government to that by AI....which might actually be a better way to go....R2D2 in 2112!
  23. Maybe comparison pics would make it a bit more obvious? The buildings do look softer compared to the terrain once mentioned, but without stating exactly what was changed, I couldn't tell.
  24. Get TrackIR, and you'll wonder how you ever used padlock. It is that good, more important than having a throttle IMO

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