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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. RIP F-22

    If India and Pakistan got into a fight, we'd be better supporting the indians instead of fighting them. Hmm lets see? Hindu/Christian democracy or radical muslim military dictatorship (as that's all pakistan has been and ever will be no matter how they dress it up) The only real threat is North Korea, Iran isn't a threat, they're in such chaos they simply can't even think about causing a stir. NK, we can sweep aside with 187 Raptors (they're better used for SEAD and leaving the mig-21s to the F-15s and 16s) A-10s, Bones and Buffs can do the rest. While it would be cool to see typhoons in USAF colors, that will never happen unless we borrowed a few like we did with the Kfirs.
  2. RIP F-22

    I'm sure 99% of the population would agree with doing that. I doubt programs like the PAK-FA and J-12 get anything done soon. They are basically where the F-22 was in the 80s and early 90s, and look where we are with the F-22 still. I wouldn't worry about China's airpower yet, their best domestic aircraft (J-10) I read was only up to the capabilities of the F-16A. There's still the J-11, but that's a first gen flanker that shouldn't be too great a threat. Meanwhile chinese manufacturing is about as s***ty as it comes, so the chances of any of it performing well to begin with is low.
  3. Now, I wonder if TK would make a tweak to that so you could have green in the summer, spring and fall, but when winter tiles are used, ground objects use a white snow camo?
  4. RIP F-22

    Another example of shortsightedness. What he apparently means by protecting our troops is instead spending the money on more direct costs for afghanistan, so its not stupidity, but a narrow view, the rationale makes sense, but we all disagree with it. I did read McCain was one of the sponsors of removing the F-22 funding, so regardless of how the election turned out, the same thing would have happened. Considering most of our deaths in afghanistan I've heard are simply due to crashes and accidents, the obviousness of our equipment needing replacement is easy to see. The F-22 is a necessary counter to countries with a real air power, like China. Reading about plans to get manufacturing back stateside, we may very well end up with a more hostile relationship with china. If we reclaim our manufacturing, their economy will collapse (but ours will be rescued, so be it) and China will likely try to retaliate in some form, most likely economically. But economic rivalries can very much progress into shooting. Still, you don't need as many of them as we used to need of even F-15s. A relatively small contingent of Raptors can clear the skies in a short period of time at the beginning of a conflict, while the rest of the aircraft can operate with impunity the rest of a conflict.
  5. Not that clever, it just calls out for a different skin in the unit data in the campaign data file. You could also give them snow if you download the skin and fly the DBS terrain.
  6. Yes, the whole "simplified" bit is really only a matter of how many buttons you need to learn. LOMAC and Falcon turned me off because of that. Flight models are more complex than they get credit for too, our flanker can do a real cobra, not scripted on a keypress like LOMAC.
  7. But honey, it just followed me home.......

    Civilian model FN FNC?
  8. My new 1TB hard drive and 1000 watt power supply are ordered and should be in the mail. As soon as they're in, I'm installing Windows 7 RC and making the plunge to SF2. Lets pray everything goes hassle free
  9. Walter Cronkite passes at Age 92

    I knew something big had happened when CBS interrupted a show for a special report, that just never happens anymore. Probably the finest journalist who's ever lived (or will ever). The saddest part is he won't get even a fraction of the honors and coverage michael jackson got, despite being orders of magnitude more deserving than jacko ever was. RIP
  10. Quad core AMD, a monstrous videocard and so much other crap (headphones, throttle, joystick,TIR, MOMO wheel, several hard drives and case fan). Found a calculator online for recommended power supply. My current 650w would have been fine for normal useage, but not for peak loads. I'd prefer the extra power so as not to cause any problems (and future upgrades)
  11. Favorite Fast Food Joint

    Fuddruckers! Not exactly fast, but so damn good, and you can pile on all the toppings you want. Wendy's is ok, but the people there are chronically morons. Anyone else notice a particular quality of people working in each? The people working in all the wendy's are all stupified and can't understand simple deviations from the number order and size for the life of them, where the ones in KFC are far brighter, and everyone at subways has trouble hearing me, but nowhere else does. The waiters at red lobster are really strange (this one guy, I swear was some sort of voodoo priest)
  12. Words from the an unknown soldier

    It's called American Society. Glamor (and wealth) is the cornerstone of our vanity. And it comes as such a shock that people around the world hate us? Ruggbut, that's more of a side effect. It should be what is important, but as the point of it all shaolin is dead on.
  13. Afghanistan

    The coverage I've seen has been fairly positive, the population tipping us off to taliban ambushes and having cleared out towns they had been holding.
  14. Penguins...

    Just smile and wave boys.
  15. Know your limits

    That's being kind, I'd say that 90% of the population never develops good judgement in their entire lifetime.
  16. The finale of the craziest furball in a while: 4 Danish Hunters and 8 USAF F-100s against the entire Soviet inventory of Mig-19s, all while Il-28s, B-57s, M-60s and T-62s pounded the crap out of each other for control of Frankfurt, November 7th 1962. Right after this kill red crown called mission accomplished, with only my no.4 and one hun were left, so we bugged out. Campaign ended as my squadron received too many losses, but I survived and finished with a bang.
  17. New Mechwarrior to come out!

    YES! (In loudest shout possible) I hope to god they allow modding and release good tools.
  18. Oscar Mayer dead at 95

    Nope, he gets to be Red Crown
  19. I smell bulls**t

    Saw a link to this news story, headline said Hemingway was a KGB spy. http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2009/jul/0...-failed-kgb-spy Apparently nobody did even rudimentary fact checking. They claim he was recruited by the KGB in 1941, but the KGB didn't even exist until well after WW2
  20. Oscar Mayer dead at 95

    Yes, but michael jackson more than offsets that disadvantage! That explains Billy Mays, heaven needed someone to sell their strategy, just hopefully Farrah fawcet filled their ranks of 60's spies and they won't need to take sean connery
  21. There are alot of campaigns for new terrains. Not all may work without significant tweaking in SF2E though but a short list: Several WW2 maps and campaigns Korea with a campaign Taiwan with campaign Madagascar and a campaign Berring straits with 2 campaigns Cuba/Florida (OTC) a cuban missile crisis terrain Iraq with desert storm and an old IRaq/Iran war campaign Plus numerous campaigns at different time periods for the stock europe and vietnam/desert terrains if you have SF2 or SF2V
  22. The War In Israel

    And how much you want to bet we never see a post from him again? Thread necromancy is acceptable when it's relevant to something, but simply to make a meaninglessly general statement about outdated news
  23. Strange aircraft sightings

    Mi-35s? and what was an Su-33 doing over the US? A few months ago I saw a low flying A-10 while I was walking my dog, no idea what it was doing in my area or as low as it was.
  24. He isn't dead, he showed up on the colbert report joking about it. Anyway, I'd go with the RAAF, you're already in and last I heard they were going to buy the F-35. Why pass up a chance to work with those?
  25. Judging by the title I at first thought this would be a pessimistic commentary on the sim, great story, did your pilot survive and return to fly another mission or were you captured or missing?

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