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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Denver Shooting

    The supreme court ruled back in the 70's or 80's that they couldn't forcibly institutionalize people with mental illnesses. Completely aside from the practicality of such mass 'screenings', it's unnecessarily lumping everyone that's ever had any kind of psychological issue together with the few violent people, and is incredibly harmful to them. There are so many people with some kind of disorder, that it's hard to find anyone who doesn't fit the description of something. It's actually a problem they've tried to solve (read gloss over) with the new version of the DSM they released, removing and replacing criteria so fewer people meet them, lowering the statistics, but also cutting off access to help for people that need only a little. Gun laws wouldn't have helped much in this case, as the guy had no record aside from a speeding ticket, he'd have been clear to buy whatever. The problem is how do you distinguish in law between someone who plans on a mass murder versus a collector who might not even use them or someone who does so safely for sport? The expired "assault weapons ban" may have helped, since it had restrictions on magazine size and the guy wouldn't have been able to shoot so many people as quickly. But that law also had some idiotic things like restrictions on guns with a pistol grip, which has nothing to do with purpose or capacity for killing people, but simply an ergonomic design.
  2. I think perhaps the easiest thing to do is bring the missile code back to what it was before SF2NA and all the bitching and whining about hit probability. Just make it what it was like before when nobody was complaining about it. This realism/sim/game argument is suffering from the vocabulary. All of us having different ideas of what these mean and in what respects and just how TK is going about making changes (and what he plans to do).
  3. Problem is software companies have a hard time getting any loans. Very little can be used as collateral. I already looked into it for my business (indie game dev like TK) But otherwise you're right. He reflexively rejects anything outside his comfort zone, and you'll never get anywhere if you don't leave that zone. Running your own company takes risks, which he's unwilling to do. It's not all that hard or expensive to vastly improve things. Unless of course, he's coding everything from scratch himself, which I get the feeling he's doing. There is tons of code out there available to use. There's a huge variety of terrain tools he could integrate to vastly improve the terrain. Well, 38 studios did have some output, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is out on steam. Looking up the implosion, it looks like they way overcapitalized and hired too many people right out of the gate, then couldn't get the revenue to sustain it. TK could go the kickstarter route. Double Fine productions got 3.3 million to do a point and click adventure game, which is very 1990's retro and more dead than flight sims.
  4. Game Of Thrones

    Yeah, Sean Bean is a walking spoiler. I've literally seen him survive only 2 movies: National Treasure and this movie where he's an airline pilot and a woman's daughter goes missing in flight, don't remember the name (that sean bean survived and wasn't a bad guy was more memorable) Same kind of goes for Michelle Rodriguez, she's only survived SWAT and Battle: Los Angeles, much to my surprise.
  5. New Chinese Stealth Fighter F60

    Well they definitely copied the F-35 and stuck an extra engine on there. Iran made a model of one of our drones a few months ago when one of ours crashed, that doesn't mean it was real. Lets see it in the air with a pilot first. Has anyone actually verified this plasma stealth as real and working? The Russians have a history of making up s**t like that.
  6. There's no guarantee democracy means reasonable or level-headed governance. Much more of this and we really will be headed for WW3 soon.
  7. I've heard the Turks are actually taking this up with NATO, anyone over there know anything?
  8. And even messier having read of Russian military units in Syria.
  9. OT But Some Good News for Once

    I utterly despise the disparagement of environmentalism. Go to Beijing and take a deep breath, then whine about treehuggers. Because they have absolutely no regard for the environment there and it is neither healthy nor pleasant. There are places in China you can't see the sun from all the smog and water is unrecognizbly polluted. I don't give a s**t about trees and prancing forest animals. I care about health and the safety of our food and water supply. Until you find a way to travel faster than the speed of light so we can find other habitable worlds, we're stuck here. You keep your own how clean because you live there, just scale that up. That said, I had heard of these Thorium reactors earlier and they sound promising. Solar and wind are great, they don't run out, but their generating capacity is limited. Amen!
  10. Ground Branch Kickstarter

    Same here, especially since I plan on a kickstarter funding campaign by the end of the summer.
  11. Syria massacre: UN team reaches Qubair village

    I wish they would. The sad thing is, the UN could be very effective in security instead of a joke if we got rid of veto power. Again, pretty much all of the blame is on China and Russia. They block nearly all international action to stop such slaughters. A lot of it is out of their economic interests, but what the reds don't understand is their economic interests in such regions are much better served by stability. Basically the only time the UN had its act together was the Korean War. And that was because at the time, China's seat was held by Taiwan and Russia was boycotting the security council. Yes, we'd lose some power too by getting rid of the veto, but with the UK, France and usually several other NATO/US/Western aligned countries on it at the same time, we can still effectively control things.
  12. Prometheus

    Should have named it something different then, because everyone pretty much agrees hollywood is out of ideas and 99% of people will simply think it's a remake.
  13. Al Queda is Now Hiring....

    Job requirements: Fluency in religious gibberish mandatory. Ability to maintain crazed and violent look in eyes. Must be willing to wear bullseye for flying killer robots. Familiarity with beat up VHS cameras and tapes a plus. Literacy not required. Personal hygiene optional.
  14. Prometheus

    Well aside from the monochromatic CRT computer screens, I vastly prefer the appearance of older scifi films. Tell me the look of the original Star Wars trilogy wasn't vastly superior to the prequel trilogy. BTW anyone else see posters for the next heresy to come along? They're redoing Total Recall with Colin Ferrell.
  15. I mentioned something over at Sim-Outhouse a week or so ago. Over there, there is a small community still dedicated to CFS3, another moddable flight sim with serious issues, waiting for something new to satisfy their needs. And here we are almost in the same boat, watching SF2 slowly die. Like diego, I'm tired of TK's same excuses. He's far too timid to move ahead in a rapidly advancing market. While overall I'm quite happy, especially now with the mission editor and campaign editor to make use of the huge plane set, the limitations are sinking in. I haven't played DCS, as I wasn't very fond of LOMAC, but I have doubts about it's ability to fit our needs. I think we should plan and make our own contingency for the next generation. We've got the talent. The tools and technology are out there. Lets get together with the SOH CFS3 people to make a new, moddable combat survey sim that gives us the realism we crave with the accessibility we're getting now. A quick rundown: -easy to add planes, weapons, ground objects -global terrain with modern quality -flight model that handles early prop planes up through 5th gen jets -easy to use systems while still achieving realistic performance -dynamic campaign -polish Who else is interested in making it happen? Collaborate online, we can crowd source the money for necessary tools that we don't have or can't get freely.
  16. The Judge of the Shoe Bombers words

    Oh to be sure there are those who are simply as ignorant/hateful as you're saying. But you've also got to consider the 100+ years of geopolitical/economic games played by the British and us.
  17. The Judge of the Shoe Bombers words

    The only thing I would disagree with is that terrorists zeal against us isn't so simple as some platitude about hating our freedom.
  18. Wasn't there a 3rd party A-6A with a cockpit from a long while back (freeware not Razbam)? Never quite understood why TK made the A-6 AI only in SF2, he has the cockpit model made already, why take it out?
  19. OT: STALKER 2 Animation video

    Well the good news is it's getting cheaper and easier to get the high quality end results that the big studios do with a limited budget and team. Re: animation, the other week I found a program iclone, that with a kinect can do motion capture animation. Between the kinect, program and motion capture plugin, its still a total of less than a thousand bucks.
  20. I hate to break it to you, but even though SF2NA uses DX10 as a renderer, you're not going to get effects and quality like most DX10+ games.
  21. Welcome! With just text editing, you can still contribute a lot. Campaigns, flight models, effects, weapons, etc.
  22. ROF Claims Theft...Is It True?

    Did anybody think that if both sims are striving for historical accuracy, the medals should look the same? Perhaps even the same physical medals (from a museum or private collection) were used as a reference for both. Edit: Nevermind, saw the picture comparison and the ROF retraction.
  23. Fallout 3 and NV completely disprove mutual exclusivity.
  24. Dave, it works fine but my desk is moved and I don't have anywhere to put the sensor. Lexx, maybe. If its all done in max and the engine already supports them. We can't be sure until we get the cat extractor or someone writes a new one.
  25. On the terrain: Yeah, we could have gotten great detail with much less poly count. Once you reach a certain point, the extra polys are unnoticable and only detract from performance. What could be done instead is optimize the mesh more and use a normal map for extra detail. I brought up speedtree a long while ago and he shot it down, as he does everything else. Another thing that could help with performance is again, the format of things, instead of TGAs for the effects, why not DDS? The engine supported those as of a few patches ago. But basically all things, bugs, performance, features, goes back to his budget and team. As its very small and he's mostly a one man operation, humans can only do so much. He could be making alot more if he put some effort into marketing. There are dozens of digital download sites that he could tap into. He could even try the various crowdfunding sites, I just saw what's supposed to be a 90's style adventure game raised nearly $3 million to develop it on kickstarter. I wish I could play it and see everything for myself, I bought it, but haven't installed it since I can't use my trackIR right now.

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