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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Try the F-86H, it has cannons, can mount sidewinders and I think it has an afterburner.
  2. That map looks amazing EricJ!
  3. 4th of July BBQ Menu

    It's a surprisingly nice day in NY, we've been getting rain for weeks. I for one plan to have a few wings and a hot dog. I'll leave the rest to everyone else while I eat my own weight in coleslaw and watermelon.
  4. Happy July 4th!

    Happy Independence day!
  5. This is in gen 1, (WOI) Are the LOD and texture files in the 'cockpit' folder. I can't tell from that tiny file picture but you might have placed them in the main folder? What are the versions you have? can you extract the F-100 pit LOD and textures again?
  6. That's spoiled more than a few missions for me. I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with the landing gear, possibly in combination with the wheel brakes. I've noticed with some planes if you have the throttle forward, but the brakes engaged it will flip out and blow up like that. Another possibility is contact points.
  7. Funniest stop ever

    Well that's LA, cops are hated there far above anywhere else in the world. Same thing happens here in NY if you're from boston
  8. This is going to sound stupid at first, but how do you fix (what to look out for in the data.ini) making a plane constantly bank to the left? I know a tiny bit of drift is alright, but in some planes it reaches a level of being near unflyable. The worst culprits are the AV-8C and F-5s apparently, but it mostly happens with lighter planes. My best guess is something in older flight models causing it, just how to fix it?
  9. Yeah, only certain planes that do it, the tiny drift may be the joystick, but the large roll is the plane. Thanks russo, to the ymac values then...
  10. Funniest stop ever

    The worst thing they ever did was take cops off the streets of neighborhoods and stick them in cars, completely disconnecting them from the community. And this gets reinforced when the judicial system gives the police the absolute benefit of the doubt. I can name 3 seperate occaisions the locals have commited perjury to make a ticket stick despite evidence proving their lying.
  11. Funniest stop ever

    Were they cute? you didn't get either of their numbers?
  12. I'm wondering if anyone knows how to modify the supply levels in campaigns. I don't mean the edits to individual campaign files specifying what supplies you get. What I do mean is the settings for these, under campaign difficulty it gives you limited, normal and unlimited. Any way to edit how these work? I like how with unlimited it gives you all the types of weapons available to your aircraft, it makes it easy to use whatever 3rd party weapons in a campaign without individually entering the data in the campaigns. Given the number of weapons entries, planes and campaigns, doing this by hand is just not possible. However, with unlimited, you get quantities you simply can't use up, making using anything but a few particular weapons for particular missions all but pointless. What I'd like to do is have a mixed setting, where you get the unlimited selection, but quantities that are like the limited setting. There's something like this already in the game, in single missions, it gives you all the choices, but only a particular ammount. Example: in single mission flying an F-106 the loadout screen gives you about 600 sidewinders (or limited in campaign giving you about 300), but unlimited in campaign gives you about 2500. Anyone have any suggestions about the possibility of this?
  13. Well I was hoping for some backwards compatability until SF2I was released when I plan to jump. I guess I'll have to make the leap sooner. Does anybody know much about power supplies? I'm concerned with my system (quad core, 1024mb GPU) adding a new 1TB drive might be troublesome power-wise. I'm pretty sure its a 650-watt power supply I have, is that enough for the CPU, GPU, 3 IDE drives, 1 SATA and adding a new 1TB SATA? Also, anyone with Windows7 RC know how it will handle going to the actual release? Can one go from the RC to say the most premium professional version without losing data and install info/drivers/etc? It would really make the difference between being fully in the SF2 environment within the next 2-3 weeks, or having to wait for a few paychecks to afford a bigger power supply alongside the hard drive and SF2 Vietnam and Europe all at once.
  14. Just tried it out on XP with DX9 and an Nvidia card Huge performance increase! I've mentioned how seasoned WOE chugged on my system, NOT ANYMORE! Smooth as butter with the highest detail TODs, terrain shaders enabled and everything but shadows(and I plan on testing higher settings) to unlimited. 1 confounding variable possible: I updated my drivers to the newest 186 WHQL. But on both 182 and 185 drivers it chugged, chances are its the DLL.
  15. Bernie Madoff gets 150 years...

    Well that's our system, money is more important than people.
  16. Bernie Madoff gets 150 years...

    I like FastCargo's idea.
  17. Bernie Madoff gets 150 years...

    They hang his skeleton from shackles on the wall.
  18. I was not aware cockpits could look any better than the mig-29s
  19. If you mean the faked "analog" HUD, its been updated many times, just download the desert storm mod. But yes, they are working on a new kitty.
  20. Bernie Madoff gets 150 years...

    Good! I hope Bubba does a really good job of "protecting" him.
  21. F-22J?

    While it may be highly unlikely, you can't just discount there ever being a war between major powers. Just look at Georgia last year, imagine now if it or any of the other ex soviet states like Ukraine became NATO members how Russia might react. Or the geopolitical chess over oil pipelines what might erupt. Or people that are just plain crazy. And then there's what happens if robot aliens that can turn into cars and planes show up
  22. Billy Mays R.I.P.

    Read he hit his head when his flight had a rough landing yesterday. Probably the same exact thing that happened to Natascha Richardson.
  23. Anyone ask TK about putting it back the way it was, it makes installing skins (and moving over from WOX installs) ALOT easier than creating a new folder for each plane/skin in a decals folder and seperating the two. zmatt, that's what Avhistory is up to
  24. Saving for a new HD to run W7RC and waiting for SF2 Israel so I don't have to port anything stock over besides the AV-8A and A-6 from WOX. Then its head first with all 4 at once.
  25. Billy Mays R.I.P.

    s**t, this month is cursed. David Carradine, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcet, Michael Jackson, and now Billy Mays. What else can happen in 3 days? I hate that guy! such a slimebag.

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