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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Yes, and with SF2V already installed, SF2E merges so you get both the vietnam and europe stuff.
  2. Amazing video of new sim

    Ah but you also fly real flight sims already! And yes, the majority of xbox players I've met tend to be like that, ever so perfectly fitting into that image.
  3. MIG-21

    Awesome! Too bad you can't go supersonic over land, see the other pilots chugging along at 100kts in a cessna and there you go flying by at full afterburner at mach 1.5
  4. Amazing video of new sim

    Maybe, but if it is, it will likely be a flop no matter how good it is. I don't see the average xbox player enjoying flying unless they're constantly tossed action and have the whole flight thing eased for them. If it plays like a regular flight sim, they'll get fed up asking where the action is 2 minutes into the air.
  5. Amazing video of new sim

    I honestly doubt it would qualify as a sim. The low altitude shows of terrain look good, but chances are the areas you fly over aren't the same size as you'd find on a PC sim. The large market segment of xbox players don't have much of an attention span. Flying 100km+ to a target would be boring, even if they didn't get lost. Then, if it was a sim, they'd complain about being unable to fly without stalling (il2 stalls are nasty with a full joystick, imagine a thumb stick on a game pad!) Chances are, even with the IL-2 name, it will be similar to ace combat, just world war 2.
  6. Ghost Story

    The speck of light isn't much, nor is any kind of experience in a known haunted house, the mind expects things and can play tricks or cause things like that which are entirely psychosomatic. The great grandmother story is by far much spookier, but its still possiblle she may have heard the name somehow. I've had a number of creepy experiences, others in my family have had more. My parents have a dozen ghost stories from their trip to england. But don't accept the creepy too quickly. My father entirely caused one hell of a ghost story for many people. He was visiting family down in Sydney and he was touring an old quarantine center that was supposed to be haunted. The watch he had could be set to silent and give off a faint blue light on the hour. It went off when they were in a dark room and his hand was below a table in the room masking where it came from, all anyone saw was this blue light glowing from under the table and even the tour guide freaked and wanted to leave. Don't know if I've mentioned it in a previous thread about ghosts, but I've seen a very distinct human shadow walking down a hallway in my house with nobody there, nor are there any windows for anything outside to cause it either. Both me and my brother have seen strange flashes (like a camera) just happen without anything possible to attribute it to. There's tons of odd noises I hear on a daily basis, but with 2 cats and a dog, they're easy to ignore as them.
  7. F-22J?

    Holy s**t, we're agreeing
  8. Need some advices from you, US guys

    Good luck. The way things are anyone is probably better off trying to start their own business than relying on finding a position that's hiring. It's not much different over here, a full time worker costs about 2-3 times their salary to a company. Makes it hard to start anything without significant backing.
  9. F-22J?

    hm thats a bad idea, you'd think for the jobs alone they'd keep going. Though from his position, this and everything else is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" decision.
  10. F-22J?

    Where'd you here this? I only found tidbits about selling to Japan. Look on the bright side, kim jong il is just about over the deep end trying to start a fight, and with another korean war, we'll have to purchase even more than they are trying to now.
  11. Airplane! Movie Quotes

    The white zone is for loading and unloading passengers only. There is no stopping in a red zone.
  12. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    It's been getting terrible reviews....maybe because the movie critics are thinking in terms of character and plot development, meaning or other crap they eat up in girly movies. This sounds more like a pure man movie: drool over megan fox, explosions, drool over megal fox, repeat...
  13. Need some advices from you, US guys

    Don't mention salary even being as vague as typhoid says. Before the financial chernobyl, a masters degree could probably earn you about $50k or more starting salaray depending on what its in, probably doesn't make much of a difference as far as pay goes now, but you'd have a slightly better chance of getting a job over someone without a masters. Don't expect any of the sweet deals they require in France, if you're used to labor standards over there, you'll be in for a shock. Maybe 1 week of vacation, during which they will call you every day about something and expect you to be on top of all the emails anyway, so its more like working out of the office than really being on vacation. Also be aware that unemployment is very high here as well, it's also summer, so graduating classes from colleges all over the country have produced even more fresh job seekers. To really be able to find a job here, the old saying goes "It's not what you know, it's who you know"
  14. What kind of framerates are you getting? and on what system? Seasoned WOE crawls for some reason, even though brain's photoreal tiles and your previous terrain objects were smooth.
  15. Funny.....

    Not to mention he is commiting a series of crimes equivalent to his being mugged. Rather reminds me of Gran Torino "Ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while you shouldn't have f***ed with? That's me."
  16. Transformers 2 (No Spoilers please)

    Was Spielberg involved with this one too, or did michael bay manage to not F*$% it up by himself? (that would be big news!)
  17. VH-1 Top 100 Hard Rock Songs of All Time

    I'ma get, get, get, get, you drunk, Get you love drunk off my hump. My hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, my hump, My hump, my hump, my hump, my lovely little lumps I'd significantly reorder that list around. 1. Smoke on the Water 2. Kashmir 3. Inna Gadda da Vida And there'd overall be alot more zeppelin and hendrix.
  18. 11 Most Expensive Disasters in History

    I had a long post thought out, but it wouldn't be worth the arguing.
  19. Daves

    Schizophrenic much?

  21. I thought he made them specifically to be usable on vista and that was it? Anyway, symbiotic is a perfect description. The problem with asking more is resources, if you've been to the TW forums, there a bazillion and one threads of people asking for stuff and tk saying he'd love to do it and more, but doesn't have the financial resources. So improvements tend to be slow and subtle, but constant.
  22. New Japan's weapon assembled in Tokyo

    Why couldn;t they have just built optimus prime instead?
  23. Harrier´s Roadrunner Method?

    Wouldn't the AV-8S have had CCIP like the british/USMC harriers and be more effective with it instead of using a bombing system derived from DIANE?
  24. The terrain textures aren't as big a deal, with the ground shaders they look as good as any sim. I'd just like for the engine to be able to handle denser scenery objects better. These threads always sound as if we want so much and that we're not happy with what we have. That isn't the case, what we already have is the most comprehensive combat flight sim around.
  25. Voices would be a big thing that is sorely needed. They mostly sound like a bunch of excited rednecks in flight school. I've never heard radio chatter like that anywhere. But its very expensive to do. The battlefield needs more life to it. One thing struck me regarding cost and programming such things. There are older simulators that did dynamic campaigns and whatnot where the source code was released and freely available. EECH comes to mind, if it's been open source, could not some code be utilized for things like a helicopter FM or livening up the battlefield environment a bit more? Or are there conditions on the code about that?

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