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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Are you a skeptic, what do you believe in?

    heh my college is full of stories. We took over the basement of an old manor house on campus (now houses professor's offices) as our MUN office where we're there til all hours of the night, we've had more than a few ghost encounters. The other office building they use must be even creepier, as it was a sanitarium in the old days when mental hospitals were truly nasty. Our other campus also has an old manor that's used for dorms, which has its own stories. And not too far away is the infamous kings college/briarcliff lodge known for its hauntings, fraternities used it for initiations until it burned down.
  2. Are you a skeptic, what do you believe in?

    Most definitely believe in ghosts. Seen, and seen evidence of some really freaky things, as have other family members. UFOs, some instances there just isn't an explanation that is any more rational or likely. But alien abductions are all horses**t, as is anything gained from hypnosis. As for unusual creatures, I just don't know. I've seen some evidence that really points to their existance, yet for large creatures to do undiscovered and verified by science is near impossible, especially when you take into account a certain number of them need to be around to maintain a population without problems of inbreeding and risking extinction. But then, I've seen things like a hair sample found while searching for evidene of bigfoot that when the DNA was analyzed at a university, it came up as being a primate, but didn't match either humans or any known primate. Similarly, a scientist not even looking for evidence of a lake monster or anything, recorded an animal using eco-location like a dolphin or whale, but in a fresh-water lake without any access to an ocean, but has sightings of a monster like loch ness. The bermuda triangle we already had a thread on, which seems to be a mixture of heavy traffic and statistics, and geology.
  3. N Korea issues warning to Seoul

    [sarcasm quality=low] OMG they have Mig-21s, how will we ever counter such superior airpower?! [/sarcasm] Well I checked and they said the same crap about the truce being over several times before, NBD. We should just arbitrarily blow up the most heavily anti-aircraft defended military target in pyongyang with 1 F-22. When they realize we can kill them without them ever seeing us, they'll shut up and sit in their corner like they do after they usually got their regular aid check.
  4. N Korea issues warning to Seoul

    Have they ever said they're consider the 50 year cease fire over before? That's about as straightforwardly saying "we're starting a war" as possible. Lets just get it over with already and blow something up. Or maybe the South Koreans or Japanese could 'mysteriously' have acquired a stealth fighter and do their best Israel impression on the DPRK's nuclear program?
  5. Don't think the sim can do normal maps on aircraft, only ground and water. But you never know, it may be possible to add the UseEffectShader=TRUE EffectShaderName=XXXX.fx somewhere in the aircraft or data.ini, write a shader file and make a normal map for a plane. IMO it's not worth the framerate hit even if such a scheme worked (or TK added support later) A plain 2048x2048 skin does all the detail you could ask for.
  6. Why not a fake afterburner for an engine that only goes into effect at 100%? The other thing that comes to mind is playing around witht the thrust vectoring and having a seperate engine that kicks in when you move the nozzle setting, except that it doesn't change direction and the 'new' engine provides a bit more thrust. I think the Yak-141 has an ini dance like that, with an new engine kicking in only when the thrust vectoring is set to down.
  7. What are your weapons realism set to? Also, it may not be entirely unrealistic, I saw a show on the gulf war interviewing an F-18 pilot who shot down a mig-21. He said it was hit my 3 missiles and he was shocked to see it was still in the air. Game wise, they may have just grazed him, I've had a few lucky hits from missiles that only knock out an aileron or rudder and I'm able to get back to base. Very rare though.
  8. Hai, im trieing to taek off in teh B modl, but it doezn't let me. WAT IS RONG!? I Haz full fuel and boms, and wen I uz teh aftarburnar I crashs! Sorry, I just had to. Awesome surprise! I wasn't expecting to see a B or C model anytime soon
  9. Well in my Oct.08 patched WOE install, when you are on the ground, you can't fire any weapons.

    8 pages of it makes it even more pathetic.

    Now if it only took ammunition of shoe soles
  12. Venezuelan Penis Phone

    Verga means dick, vergatario means outstanding or the best quality according to "official" spanish language. combining the two, vergatario means the best quality dick
  13. Hmmmm...good pics

    Oh thats nothing, when the russians coppied the B-29 into the Tu-4 they actually copied some patchwork the ground crews did to repair holes in the fuselage. So why is plagiarism the greatest sin you can make in academia? Nobody else in the world seems to care if you copy s**t.
  14. I lost a drive the other day...no TW stuff lost, but it is a pain.
  15. This. Is. Gold! "always believe in your so-oul"

    "shorts" ? Well at least the pink undies are behind the sandbags, the red shirt he's wearing there must have been a bullseye. Hell if I was in a combat zone I'd be sleeping as prepared to fight as I could be and still comfortably sleep and with a pillow under my gun.
  16. Eraser...what a surprise. Been using it since oh 1995ish with the original USNF. More commonly, I use a different callsign for each pilot, usually one for each role and nation in a campaign (bomber/attack, fighter) I reserve using Eraser for 'my' pilot, reserved for the unit flying my favorite American aircraft in a campaign.
  17. trackir

    If you like flight sims, it's the no.2 most necessary peripheral besides a joystick. I simply can't fly without it anymore. No real downsides I can think of.
  18. PS3 vs XBOX 360

    PC Flight SIMS + Joystick (that alone should do it) mouse+keyboard upgradable whenever most games fastest and most capable graphically highest quality games.
  19. Funny Video

    Hilarious video, my brother showed me this, no matter how many times I see it, I laugh.
  20. 100 things I learned from airplane!

    46. There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane? 45. It's an entirely different kind of flying. 44. Therapeutically there's no danger involved. 43. It takes so many things to make love last. But most of all, it takes respect, and I can't live with a man I don't respect.
  21. Popups

    You really ought to run some antivirus and adware removers and immunize your system against 'em. Spybot Search & Destroy is pretty good for the job. Either that, or you're using vista, then the popups are part of the operating system
  22. HR 45

    The sad thing is, alot of good bills never make it anywhere too.
  23. Private Flankers in the US

    Interesting idea...contract out some of the aggressor flying to a company buying aircraft our likely oponents will be flying, so we can see just how an F-22 or F-35 will fare against a real flanker in A2A combat.
  24. 3dRealms is shutting down

    No surprise when you don't release a game for oh....14 years! DNF has been vaporware for 12 of them, a worse joke than daikatana.
  25. HR 45

    But can you name one true "responsible society" ? Thats the catch, so some laws are needed, they just need to be intelligent and uninvasive. Or actually effective. I wonder if its possible to find statistics about how many gun crimes are committed by legally purchased guns and people with a license for them compared to those illegally bought and without any permit whatsoever? Nevermind the psychology behind it. Someone using a gun to commit a crime is already violating the law, are they going to care they're breaking another one by having a gun? not likely, so all you're doing is making it harder for people to legally have one to defend themselves, hunt, target shoot, etc, etc.

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