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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Breathe...

    Money, get away. Get a good job with good pay and you're okay. Money, it's a gas. Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash. New car, caviar, four star daydream, Think I'll buy me a football team. Money, get back. I'm all right Jack keep your hands off of my stack. Money, it's a hit. Don't give me that do goody good bulls**t. I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set And I think I need a Lear jet. Money, it's a crime. Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie. Money, so they say Is the root of all evil today. But if you ask for a raise it's no surprise that they're giving none away. In case anyone's confused, its the aniversary of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon being released. One of the greatest albums of all time
  2. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    Happy Birthday Dave/USAFBLT/ leader of the syncophants! Did you know you share a birthday with the Dark Side of the Moon?
  3. Generation Kill

    I seriously doubt it unless stated by HBO (and I just don't see that happening) though I'm sure both are available on DVD. Now I may just be plain derranged, but I found Generation Kill the funniest thing I'd seen in months. Military humor is as good as british humor.
  4. A very sad week for me (WARNING: RANT AHEAD)

    It's cases like this that make me sure of my decision to go into law. I've also been on the receiving end in a very similar situation to your high school experience. I was completely and utterly villified after what was already an uneasy situation with this one girl blew up in my face. It took a great deal of pressure on the school to bury the whole thing, if I didn't have an entire deck of aces up my sleeve, they'd have probably tossed a ton of arbitrary charges at me because I made someone "feel uncomfortable". In turn I would have drudged up 10 years of actions made to make me "feel uncomfortable" (read irreversably traumatized) and a near total disregard for my well being into lawsuits and a ton in paper of state and federal laws down on them. I would have done it anyway, but my parents wouldn't allow it and couldn't do it on my own.
  5. Very happy with the sim as is, but room for improvement: Specular and reflection mapping for planes like CFS3. It would be such a visual advance. Level bombing avionics for planes. Better, more visual terrain tools. Painting ground textures, WYSIWYG object placement so you can get some really nice precision. Simply look at google maps for an area and duplicate. A mission builder in game to set up & save whatever scenario I like (only thing that's really sorely missed) Fixed prop FMs and AI A more lively battlefield environment and campaigns, including functional naval units. We have all these warships that simply never show up, the rarely working anti-ship missions only have cargoships. Similarly a campaign builder thats not all editing text files, the campaign engine can be really good (just look at DS) it's just really tedious to really get them set up right. Redone radio calls. Cosmetic things for polish like ejecting pilots would be nice, but not necessary. A helicopter FM. Being able to edit what plane you are currently flying in a campaign (there's so many variants I never get to fly, and it gets boring after a while flying the same plane continuously, especially if there are only 1 or 2 skins) Being able to have access to all weapons like unlimited for weapons selection, but have small quantities of them like limited. And the most unrealistic dream: replacing the terrain engine with a global mesh like FS9/X and simply having to add new targets. This sounds really long and gimme gimme, but I'm aware of TKs resources and what's realistic. It's just stuff that would absolutely perfect the sim to me and replace the notion of ever needing another sim.
  6. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    Best not to feed the Eels.
  7. A very sad week for me (WARNING: RANT AHEAD)

    That's terrible, I'm sorry to hear. Sadly, the entire legal system automatically defers to the woman's account in almost all cases. I fear for those kids, that mother clearly has serious issues to put it politely, and shouldn't have sole custody of the children.
  8. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    SPINNERS! Here's a job for you! Yeah, thats exactly what I meant, there's no way it's as stealthy as boeing is trying to market it. It might do for replacing the aging F-15Cs that are all falling apart, but we'd be better off with all raptors for that.
  9. The Cobra Maneuver

    In sims at least, I've used it both offensively and defensively with success. Mainly avoiding an overshoot, or correcting one just as I pass over or under a bandit. But that probably only works because AI is a bit slow on gun aiming. I think it works better with older planes that were in close gunfights before. You can sortof pull it off in some in sims. Though not a true cobra, you can do close to it and recover from the stall quickly to reposition yourself.
  10. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    No, please, don't get my hopes up. It's been hard enough as is. I'm with streakeagle on the economics. It was massive defense spending, R&D and production that got us out of the depression, new deal stuff only softened things. Problem is we've already got such an absurd deficit, nobody likes taxes and costs for it all have quadrupled since the 30s and 40s. Though one wonders if all this kim jong il stuff lately is an orchestrated pretext to doing exactly like WW2. Though how much of a difference will unit cost be to replace them 1 for 1? The SE isn't much cheaper, boeing says something like $100 million? Raptors were what? 120 each? The only way its nearly as stealthy as a JSF is if the RAM coating is almost 100% of the deal.
  11. Ear Toture

    It seems everything they make these days is ear torture. "music" has become a collection of obnoxious noises and illiterates talking. Try this on for size http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXKxs8Ge_9g And to help recover from such horrible cruelty
  12. I have to buy a new pair of pants and chair for my desk after I s**t myself when I saw the cockpit! So what was it that Stiglr was saying about cockpits in this sim?
  13. NK again.....

    I've been away from a tv or computer all day, what happened? Growing threat from a country involved in a previous inadequately-resolved war, with a sociopathic leader; meanwhile the world is in a gigantic economic upheaval......this sounds kinda familiar. unfortunately, I don't think we can roll out Abrams and Raptors for years continually like we did with Shermans and Mustangs back then.
  14. Does this mean NF3 is being worked on again? :yes:
  15. Gorgeous! Is it really necessary to compliment MF planes anymore? I mean besides stiglr (ass) it's pretty much understood everyone thinks they're always grade A products.
  16. hrm, the decal thing makes for a pain transfering over aircraft. I'm still really hesitant to go to SF2 and spend hours doing just that little folder work (hundreds of aircraft) And can we easily port over weapons? thog mentioned trouble getting new russian missiles? Same for campaigns, does the unicode difference affect being able to have all the addon campaigns. I know the jump is gonna have to be made eventually, but I want to be able to use everything (weapons, terrain, campaigns, effects, things like widesky and environment mods) in the new code base without losing anything in the transfer.
  17. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    Nah, more like licensed houses of ill repute like bars and liquor stores have licenses for selling alcohol.
  18. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    Every high school has its scum population no matter what, the drugs are irrelevant. 1. I can agree 2. Hell No! The best guitar players have all been stoned while writing and playing. That's one social effect statistics can't measure.
  19. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    Actually, the typical drunken behavior is all socially and psychologically caused. They did a study giving non-alcoholic beer to people who thought they were having alcohol, and they acted like drunken idiots without a drop of booze in their system. I can vouch for that personally, as I don't act any differently drunk, except laugh a little more. And high people are hilarious to watch, if you can ignore the smell...the smell of plain tobacco makes me want to vomit, weed just smells like those two mixed. Driving while high is actually more dangerous than drunk, and the effects last much longer. Legal pot would make it safer to use, since it would be controlled and pure...now, you never know what is getting laced into it.
  20. Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

    What scar? Think of all the music we wouldn't have had without pot in the 70's, imagine there being no Dark Side of the Moon!...well then again there was that whole disco thing I wouldn't particularly care whether they did or didn't legalize it, but I'm extremely surprised the thread has managed to stay open for 3 pages! Actually, scratch that, they should legalize it. That way musicians would begin to have talent again....there's a reason we haven't seen talent of the caliber of Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd in 30 years
  21. 11 year old murderer

    He knew damn well what he was doing, saw on the news he lied to police about seeing this black van and led them on a while goose chase.
  22. 11 year old murderer

    A shotgun designed for children should make a bang noise, maybe have a flashing light and need batteries. Anything more than that and its not designed for children. ditto on the responsible parenting

    lol well that makes for a "crappy" day. Even if it turns into a crappier day contest, it helps to get things off your chest.

    Big Time. Continuing from the biggest dissapointment of 2008, I wasn't totally out of the game with that girl. BUT now this other friend of mine is basically stabbing me in the back. She's trying to recruit some "hot" guy to the team to hook up with the same girl I like, meanwhile she's well aware I'm totally in love with that girl(shooting down any notion of me and her). So its a gigantic slap in the face considering how well she knows me and how I'm not the typical dog of a guy. Worse, I've got no stress relief since I'm basically living at school until we get all these papers we have to do finished. So yeah, the universe is taking a dump on me too.

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