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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. oh yeah! Considering I did SEA for the raptor, I think I'll be going with USAF Euro camo. Or maybe RAF desert pink
  2. running into a bug. I added the gun to the gundata.ini yet is not showing up, I know to open the file in the gun editor and save to fix that, but the gun editor quits the second I hit open or import. Those things have always been sketchy, but otherwise the plane is great!
  3. I could have patiently waited for weeks until clicking on the link and getting an error. Now I'm going mad waiting for it to show up ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm sure even in beta state it will be a great plane.
  4. Noticed two other bugs playing: In on DBS terrain (campaign LCW) The carrier seems to rock around alot. At first it appeared like TK went beyond my wildest dreams of capability and the carrier deck was swaying with the sea. But then it went to serious extremes with the rear of the deck angling to be in the water. Might be a heightmap thing like some other people have noticed. Also, the drop down menus for aircraft and weapons supply don't seem to work, but I'm using the old ATF menu mod and may very likely be the cause, however every other menu works.
  5. Need advice re grafix card

    How much is cost a factor? I saw on tigerdirect a nice geforce 9600 for less than $100.
  6. Would the Kuril islands and Vladivostok be covered on this map?
  7. Then I guess WOX has suceeded in its purpose!
  8. I've been at it already, I've had a forum set up, but nobody there really. Lots of people love the idea, but besides Dels doing an X-29, I've been plugging away on my own.
  9. Pres. Debate

    If you didn't see it, you didn't miss much. Neither of them said anything we really haven't heard before. Stewart and Colbert's coverage will have all you really need.
  10. The sim is on a whole new level now. I was in the classic sabre vs mig dogfight and half of my guns jammed! It was after much more complex weaving around trying to keep on the mig. Now they don't just turn'n'burn 90% of the time.
  11. Eels vs Lazer Cats.....

    No! No! No! I mean replace the cats with beagles, and by Javelin, I mean the modern anti-tank variety. You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my colleague informs me that that cannot be done. Sharks with torpedoes? Ill-tempered mutated sea bass at least? Has intel found out if they're electric eels?
  12. Eels vs Lazer Cats.....

    I'm shocked to see nobody has suggested the obvious lazer sharks. Unmatched mobility in water, extreme detection range, whether the eels remain in their hovercrafts or disembark, lazer sharks will tear them to pieces. Then, should any make it to shore, the lazer cats can take care of it. Or what about Beagles with Javelins?
  13. Excellent! Now to get my campaign file going from scratch. To the Bat Cave! (knowledge base)
  14. WAMU Fails

    It looks like Wachovia is going to be next now. Ought to get my cash out now because the FDIC can't insure every bank account in the country at once. Who's left?
  15. Alright, I've finished migrating my merged install in SFP1 to the new WOE patch as a big merged hybrid install like FC. Essentially everything works, but I'm noticing some inconsistent anomalies. Some addon terrains I'm exploding on runway, I'm sure ini edits can fix that shortly. Mostly in older terrains like the southwestern US terrain or the likes. Migrating green hell over worked just fine, but the tileset + trees for GermanyCE are a bit off. The Trees all seem to have squarish borders on some sides, as if the TGA was upside down or the uvw mapping was screwed up. Some effects like certain afterburners aren't showing up. Also, inexplicably, some aircraft textures simply aren't displaying, like on the F-15E, solid white. The nozzle and decal textures work, but not the main ones. (resolution came to mind, but I set things to unlimited but no change)
  16. make sure to get lithunwrap it is a must for UVW mapping (also my most hated part of making a model without a doubt)
  17. youtube site

    regular www.youtube.com takes me to br.youtube.com brazil. They do however say they are performing site maintenance. Looks like an intern screwed with the redirects for countries.
  18. Where did I take this photo

    Seen it a dozen times on my way to and back from Florida to visit relatives. The westchester county airport has a T-33 out by an intersection, I'll snap a pic of it next time I go that way.
  19. Why not? lacking a credit card? If you have a checking account, you should be able to get a debit card, it works just the same except it deducts cash from the account instead of giving you a monthly bill to pay. Or is it a bandwidth thing?
  20. OMG! F-13s outperform F-35s!

    My guess would be that the mig-21 would have a better sustained turning speed (as generall all older aircraft do over newer ones because of speeds), but that the F-35 would have a better initial turn speed because of the FBL system giving better response. The F-35 would have the mig beat hands down in any other indicator, speed, altitute, climbing speed thrust to weight ration, wing loading, etc, etc.
  21. OMG! F-13s outperform F-35s!

    I want to know just what an "F-13" is that this guy is referring to. Its simulated by computer, who wrote the code and flight models (and avionics) and all that jazz. I mean if they were flying an Klav's F-35 in strike fighters against the MF's mig-21F-13 in strike fighters, the mig might very well have won because all the rediculous classified features of the F-35 aren't actually available.
  22. THIS JUST IN ,,,,

    Do you wind up in the drink if you go off those runways?
  23. THIS JUST IN ,,,,

    Nothing beats Laguardia's runways. Like landing a 737 on a carrier deck!

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