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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. What do you Drive?

    They don't let freshmen college students drive in the city. That would have completely eliminated them off my list of choices of a university.
  2. Television

    giant rock p0rn?.....kinky I always thought it was an ancient tourist trap "world's biggest callendar!" like we have with random crap along interstates.
  3. What do you Drive?

    Well it's not riding bikes that is dangerous, it's people doing reckless things. Like the people weaving around and between traffic. The other day I'm doing to change lanes, I have a bike behind me. I put my signal on well before going, check my blind spots then start shifting right. The moron decided to go around me to my right just when I started changing lanes. Nearly sent him flying into the trees. I'm currently driving nothing. Thursday, my car died. We rescussitated it long enough to get home, but beyond that, who knows? Battery died. Me and a cop had to push it away from just in front of a traffic light so people could get by. Since I was on an exit ramp from the highway, I was stuck in this no-mans-land where AAA couldn't help because of their contract only allows regular roads. State police couldn't help because I wasn't on the highway 3 hours of solar cooking later, my father had managed to get down to where I was, tried jumpstarting it, but the car died as soon as the cables were taken off. He went an bought a new battery while I waited for the state police who were supposed to show up. New battery got me back home, but we're pretty sure the alternator is screwed up.
  4. that's what i call a SOAB

    Hygene actually, yes. Apparently washing your face and feet absolves you of killing in their mind.
  5. VooDoo

    Several versions being made between Veltro2K and the mirage factory I think.
  6. It's not a matter for opinion, C5 is absolutely right in this case. BUT, you need a powerful rig, when the coms get noisey (sams are the worst) the game becomes a slideshow.
  7. OFF Phase 2 DVD

    Damn I thought it was. Going to have to go with 2, there's too much coming out that I need to be able to afford. Stalker, Fallout, crisis exp, far cry 2....payware addons have got to wait. No I'm way way down south towards, but not in the city. Though they still call this upstate
  8. This old Indiana Jones game on the Sega Genesis. It was about the Nazis creating some kind of superweapon and you could pick one of several levels to start from to prevent them. The game was programmed to drive you beyond the brink of madness. It wazs an extremely rare event to get past one of the first levels. In Egypt, ****ing sandstorms would blow you back just before you got to holes you could take cover in, provided the enemies didn't kill you, it would take a good hour to get to the end. Other portions involved trying to get across this icy lake, with flying fish that would jump out of the water and knock you into the water to drown at the exact worst moments and trying to get across the london bridge in a lightning storm, where lightning would strike and shock(and kill) once you were a certain distance away from anything else that you really couldn't react. Skill and practice didn't matter at all, you could get past the first level maybe 1/100 times through pure luck, and had to face the same odds for the next level and only had a few lives for all of them. The makers were definitely the most sadistic people ever to produce a game. Those days are long long gone.
  9. OFF Phase 2 DVD

    NY in general, haven't moved since I bought your copy of EECH Does phase 3 have all of phase 2 and 1? And is it completely freeware or payware? I've never been able to keep up with that bit ever since Winding Man quit the MAW project to do OFF and first announed payware at one point.
  10. that's what i call a SOAB

    It's a seriously ****ed up thing to do, but I see the strategy in it. They want to breed confusion and mistrust among allies. Even knowing they're using such a strategy, it makes the problem of friendly fire more difficult to judge and could let our guard down encountering what appears to be other friendly soldiers when they're really taliban scum, and the only dead they have any respect for is their own. Too bad for them NATO nations are the best coordinated with information on the battlefield. Still it makes things a bit stickier.
  11. The Air Force goes too far...

    They should have done it in a blue and gold USAAC scheme like they did with an F-16! Actually, why couldn't they reinforce the gear(among other mods) and make an A-10N sea hog? It's got the straight wingspan for a low approach speed, two engines and already rugged for survivability. Load her up with harpoons instead of mavericks and ASW gear(dunno about the weight there) and you've got one sweet anti-ship platform.
  12. Russian social reclame - Really scared!

    They already do. A course is required before you can even take the test for a drivers license and they showed some pretty nasty damage and injuries. They need to start forcing adults to watch them again the way people are driving. Nearly was in an accident labor day driving home after buying supplies for the BBQ. Maniac was driving in the middle of the road!
  13. File Name: A-4 fictional USMC olive drab 1918 File Submitter: eraser_tr File Submitted: 31 Aug 2008 File Category: A-4 A quick and dirty olive drab skin I made for the A-4 based on colors used by the USMC in june 1918. For added effect, if you have first eagles, export the WW1 roundel and fin-flash for the US and apply them to the skin (not included because I was unsure of legality to upload) Released under Combat Ace freeware/fair-use terms. Click here to download this file
  14. Version


    A quick and dirty olive drab skin I made for the A-4 based on colors used by the USMC in june 1918. For added effect, if you have first eagles, export the WW1 roundel and fin-flash for the US and apply them to the skin (not included because I was unsure of legality to upload) Released under Combat Ace freeware/fair-use terms.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised to find out its not a skeleton at all. The straps would have certainly worn through after 60+ years, those relatively weak branches couldn't support a body for long, especially through a storm. The moss would have also had to grow pretty quickly and thickly over all of the body to keep it together, onces the muscles, tendons and ligaments decay, very few bones stick together. Skepticism aside, its good they closed the comments for the story, and if it turns out to be the remains of a pilot, they deserve to be identified if possible and burried with dignity.
  16. Musharraf Resigns...

    No, about times when you've gone counter to intelligence and been right.
  17. Naturalpoint and TrackIR shoutout

    Great company and great support I was running into TrackIR problems, it worked in all other sims but refused to in CFS3. So a little research pointed to known problems with logitech software and vista. I'm still on XP and don't have any logitech stuff, so neither they, nor I were able to get anything working while posting at their forums about it. They mentioned CFS3 support would be worked on for vista, but I didn't really hold any hopes for my XP problem and kind of forgot about it and being able to enjoy cfs3 with MAW and OFF again. Yesterday to a very pleasant surprise, I got an email from Vincent with Alpha drivers to test out and they worked! Its great to still be able to see such support for customers. CFS3 is a near dead game with a small audience, by EA, M$ or Ubi standards, not worth the time or money to fix a problem isolated to only one or two people (I only saw one other xp user with the same baffling problem that the logitech conflict didn't apply). But they went ahead and managed to fix it and forward drivers with the fix to see if they worked before the general release.
  18. Only that the thrust vectoring isn't supported, which you guys can't do anything about yet
  19. Typhoons at Green Flag

    Ok, I was worried it was some lame-ass environmentally inspired name change.
  20. Musharraf Resigns...

    Like with TWA flight 800. Many witnesses along long island and new jersey said ther saw some sort of trail/object moving towards flight 800 like a missile, but reconstructing the plane shows an internal explosion in the fuel tank. And then there's the theory that a meteor was responsible for that trail and explosion. But anyway....any stories about those times typhoid?
  21. Hey! don't call me a rivet counter, I was just making a suggestion that might make it look less freaky to you. I love non-historical skins, I've been honing my own skinning to the point where I'm gonna start uploading some of them soon.
  22. Typhoons at Green Flag

    The real question is where the hell green flag came from and what happened to red flag?
  23. The F-22 at the moment doesn't have the pitch linked thrust vectoring, so its actually rather castrated compared to the real one. At the moment it doesn't work properly in the sim, hopefully we'll see that fixed soon.
  24. Musharraf Resigns...

    Read plenty about them, they can be really crafty, but screw up alot. The CIA is so intertwined with the Pakistani ISI. Re: iraq, we had ourselves a mole high in the Iraqi intelligence who reported they didn't have anything, they just had to say they did have WMDs to keep iran in check.
  25. Musharraf Resigns...

    Yes, thats what I heard of. The thing is, the CIA and NIE were right in saying iraq didn't have wmds....its just anything that disagreed with the notion that they did was discarded.

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