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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Georgia moves against separatists

    It's hard to be certain, but Bush has been very friendly with georgia and wanted to get them NATO membership. The ethnic arguement is extremely dangerous.....essentially anyone could use that arguement against the US since we have people from everywhere in numbers probably equivalent to those in ossetia, even if its a smaller percentage of the population.
  2. Anyone want to help get a terrain for the current world crisis together?
  3. Georgia moves against separatists

    Except the US/NATO in desert storm had the UN security council and the greater international communities blessing. And Kuwait wasn't internationally recognized as part of Iraq. The pakistan 1972 analogy is more accurate. Ossetia, like bangladesh was recgonized as part of pakistan, but wanted independance, Russia, like india invaded the province wanting independance. The alignment of powers is also identical, the US is backing georgia as it backed pakistan. Georgia is accused of doing exactly what pakistan did with operation searchlight.
  4. Georgia moves against separatists

    The UN won't be able to do jack with us protecting georgia in the security council, and russia with their own veto power. It will get tossed to the General Assembly exactly like in '72. Might have better luck now than then So unless there's a diplomatic miracle and everyone is ok with neutral UN peacekeepers to cool things down, this pans out in one of those two ways.
  5. Georgia moves against separatists

    That is the sad reality of many americans. They are so ignorant of the world they don't know Georgia is also a country. I see 2 ways this pans out: If any other countries get involved directly, this becomes world war 3. If we stay out of it and keep everyone else out of it, it'll pan out exactly like India-Pakistan-Bangladesh in 1972.
  6. Georgia moves against separatists

    Just lovely, world war 3. I just hope everyone will refrain from nuclear holocaust.
  7. Georgia moves against separatists

    Yeah, I had the DEM files already for the black sea terrain I'm ever so slowly building. Just a little shift in coordinates and viola! If someone could help with getting a decent tileset and texturelist together for the area, it just might be servicable in time for world war 3.
  8. Georgia moves against separatists

    For some reason the caspian sea isn't showing up. Either on DEM or autotextured.
  9. Georgia moves against separatists

    Wasn't this how the war in the original ghost recon started? And wasn't that in 2008? creepy........
  10. lies, damn lies, and statistics...

    With such awkward wording, WTF do they intend to mean?
  11. 3D models and copyrights

    Not that the average consumer buys Multimillion dollar jet fighters with most of their details classified. Also on that note, anyone else see these lockheed or boeing commercials? Why are they running TV ads when their product isn't a consumer good like the drugs or cars they're advertising with?
  12. X-32

    I'm building it. It's not in game yet, but I was planning on exporting it to show it off a little.
  13. Great to see you're still at it And a lovely plane indeed!
  14. 3D models and copyrights

    If they do, can you delay the case for about four years til I'm done with law school? I'll represent you and tear them a new ***hole for flight simmers and hobbyists everywhere.
  15. absurd...unbiased?

    Somewhere along the line ratings said viewers wanted TV personalities instead of just a newswire.
  16. unsettling...

    It is outdated and the unions are nothing more than another set of greedy crooks to screw over people who work for a living. And from most firsthand accounts, they make workdays miserable. Breaks and work so strictly budgeted with no wiggleroom for life's uncertainties. Collective bargaining still has its place among localized groups, but national and industry wide unions are nothing but trouble. However, the article and the people in question fail to recognize a simple solution: keep labor day a paid vacation day, give the muslim workers their day off and give everyone else without a religious obligation a day off too. Or a floating 'personal day' they can take whenever? Is it such a big deal to have 9 contractual paid holidays as opposed to 8? 99% of problems and controversies can be avoided with a little more thought than that required by a knee-jerk reaction.
  17. Another Wanker we can add to the list...

    Its morons like this that make jackasses like jack thompson look right to the mainstream public. Clearly an 18 year old who can't tell the difference between GTA and reality has mental problems. And even thats no excuse. No matter what you do to regulate games, there will always be viscious people. They were viscious in the times of robbing carriages before any concept of videogames existed and they'll be just as viscious when they're robbing spaceships when they can get their thrills in a true virtual reality. Them wanting to extend their happy happy barney land perception of the world into their teens makes them more screwed up. I grew up on transformers and GI Joe, lasers and explosions, kids growing up later on barney and dora the explorer wind up terribly naieve child-like long after they should be.
  18. Bear Warning

    B.C. Fish and wildlife branch? Gotta be british columbia, and only Canadians can come up with a sign like that!
  19. US built "Su-33"

    first they thought aircraft would be a fad. World War I proved otherwise. Then that dive bombing was obsolete. Hitler proved otherwise with the stuka. Then we thought guns were obsolete with gunless fighters like the F-86D/K/L and early phantoms. crappy missiles and the VPAF proved otherwise. Now people are saying manned planes are on their way out, they'll be wrong again. The current stealth technology will eventually be countered, but staying hidden will never be obsolete.
  20. absurd...unbiased?

    Neither does doom and gloom though.
  21. What DEM limitations? I have all the way from Ukraine to Northern Egypt (and eastern greece and all of turkey) on the Black Sea map I'm working on. Without WYSIWYG object placement, there is alot of sweating and swearing though.
  22. Emotions Politics and Terrorism

    Damn scientology!
  23. What Did You See Today?

    hmm maybe that was the roswell AFB. Which one do they keep the ufos in at wright-patterson?
  24. What Did You See Today?

    Swung by hangar 18 to see the ufos yet?

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