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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Press Misrepresenting Electric Car Study

    SMH. I'm with shrikehawk 100%. And quite frankly, all of these concepts and observations were around before the world fell down the rabbit holeTM. The calculations for Peak Oil were formulated by a geophysicist working for the energy companies (shell I believe). So he *should* have been a shill for the petroleum giants, but this was in the days when reality mattered. For new oil discoveries to be downplayed and production artificially limited for some agenda would be an impossible conspiracy. It would require literally every oil producing country and every energy company to participate and basically cooperate with "the opposing side" to accomplish "their" goals. Peak oil can be applied to the world, countries and even an individual oil field. And it's not just oil the calculations and theory can be used for, they can be used for almost any commodity. It is such pure and simple logic, and honestly not that much different from the law of diminishing returns that it's undeniable. Whether people believe in something or not does not make it real or false. Without delving into the weirdness of quantum physics and its meaning for reality, for all intents and purposes, there is a singular reality we're dealing with. There are not two sides to everything. The universe didn't rearrange itself from everything revolving around the Earth to the Earth revolving around the sun when Gallileo proved it to be. Nor did the earth suddenly wrap itself into a ball when people stopped believing the earth was flat. It was like that all along. If people believed gravity was based on fraudulent science with a political motive, such people would not stand mid-air like Wyle E Coyote before he looks down.
  2. Press Misrepresenting Electric Car Study

    I normally stay away from these now but had to mention something. No matter what anyone thinks about environmentalism or climate change, switching to alternative fuel sources is a necessity. It's all because of peak oil. While there may be plenty of oil in the ground to use, there are fewer discoveries and production is declining. Demand is continually increasing and production can never catch up, prices will get to a point where it will be too expensive to use.
  3. Word of Warning

    A word of warning to fellow flight simmers. Avoid ever buying anything from Aerosim or anyone else that uses a download and ordering service called RegNow. I'm trying to re download an old product I bought and they're being obnoxious as hell trying to keep me from having a product I bought and paid for. I've bought tons of addons for flight sims and so far, these are the only people giving me any trouble. Usually its just a matter of some kind of order code as proof of purchase, or they'll even send you old order information to your email so you can access things with minimal hassle. Not with these people. [/rant off]
  4. WTMF! Woman still breasting feeding an eight year old

    Or Game of Thrones.
  5. No fly Zone over Libya...

    This will be the first action for alot of aircraft like the Rafale and Typhoon. AFAIK neither have been used in afghanistan. It's about damn time the UN security council actually did its job. Although it was slow in coming, this is how its supposed to work! The Libyan rebels want help, other middle eastern states approve and the whole of the international community supports it, a justified fight to stop a savage from slaughtering millions.
  6. Never before in my life have I complained about snow or getting too much of it.
  7. Can they declassify this and let it get into civilian life really quickly? I wanna change the color of my car with a remote control! This is exactly what that car in the last Bond film Pierce Brosnan was in did...funny how life immitates art. Now where's my F%$&ing lightsaber already!
  8. Duke Nuke em... possibly ?

    Not gonna happen! It will be delayed another year as gearbox actually makes the game. Because there's clearly been nothing but a handful of renders made in the last 14 years. I predict it will be released for the Christmas season in 2012. Probably on shelves the 21st of the month and be the actual cause of the world coming to an end.
  9. Jailbreaking iTouch

    I thought the ipod touch ran all the apps like the iphone and ipad? Hence it's nickname "iPad Nano"
  10. More Cuts for the US Military...

    Morons, plural, its not one person. At the very least its two: one clueless listening to one moron. As for cuts, why don't they cut out all those billions for contractors? Surely the military was capable of doing its own laundry and cooking and serving its own food and other simple logistical things before we contracted them out? Why should we give people buckets of money for everyday tasks? Cut that crap and suddenly there'd be plenty of money for the soldier's healthcare, R&D for new weapons and procurement! Crooks.
  11. No, Exp2 is screwed up no matter what version. IMHO, it is least screwed up with version C, if you can tolerate starting in the air above your airfield.
  12. Yeah, salaries are the expensive part. But we're dead set against any outsourcing. We've been on the short end of the stick when it comes to the outsourcing craze and there's no way in hell we're going to become what we've bitched about in IT for the past ten years. Flight sims are a much smaller market, but he doesn't appear to spend anything on promotion, its essentially word of mouth with us doing the promotion with our mod work, videos etc. He's also painted himself into a corner as far as customers go.
  13. Damn for six weeks that looks phenomenal...all the more proof Duke Nukem Forever has been 100% vaporware since 1997. Yeah, it costing so much is not true. Just quick research found us tons of utilities, code and features that we can buy and plug in to the game engine (Unity) that we want to do and use all of them for less than $500 if we went hog wild. And we're even getting our voice acting and music pro bono. I ought to point TK in the right direction if what we can get is up to par, SF needs new radio comms as much as it needs terrain. It's true packages like the Unreal 3 engine with full source code goes for like $500k, many fix their price to a percentage of project budget as well. The really high end tools can be expensive, but they are also usually one time costs, and there are usually cheaper versions as well.
  14. I'm getting the impression that TK is doing things in an unnecessarily hard way. Probably doing everything completely from scratch with thinking from when he originally started programming and working in the game world. As a bit of a reference point, my father and I are working on making an educational "game" and he was an IT manager and knew plenty of programming. He's a gamer as well, but never modded anything so he never understood how modern games worked and was thinking of how mid-late 90's games did things. It took me months of arguing and infinite explaining to drag him into the present and he's still not entirely there. He's also taking a very stingy "we can't afford to use that" attitude with alot of tools and middleware. Until he got around to using them, he didn't understand the difference in speed things were made. BTW what engine are you using julhelm?
  15. Suckerpunch trailer

    My reaction when they showed it in the previews.
  16. What is such a big deal? Ok, so there's a bug where you can't start on the ground, it's not the end of Strike Fighters as we know it! Seriously. Now I always start on the ground, but out of the entire time in a mission, spend maybe less than a minute on the ground before takeoff. TK said he'd find out why and fix it, its probably something simple, like the starting position option for in air and on gound accidentally point to the same value (that of the air start). As soon as TK is done celebrating the holidays and is back to work we'll see a fix right away. There's no need to decry the death of the sim or boycotting future additions because of it. In the meantime I'll use some of the spare time to dig through main and menu ini files to see if there is something there to fix it without editing individual missions.
  17. Merry Christmas to all

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good flight!
  18. I think its just fine to not have those restrictions and shouldn't go in the list. More freedom and keeping things accurate only requires a bit of common sense. Besides, how else would you do a "final countdown" mission with tomcats going after zeroes?
  19. Okay, can anyone understand the following?

    As soon as I get these damn kids off my lawn! I think the ability comes from trying to read Column5 and Dave's alter egos that pop up every once in a while. The linguistics are actually quite similar. S&E that makes sense as another way of translating it, but the not-really-a-sentence before it says hopping into bed, directly followed by this making someone go boom boom s**t. And a quick google does appear to confirm sex as the prevalent meaning.
  20. Okay, can anyone understand the following?

    Wow, I must be getting old too, this is damn near incomprehensible. At least the shorthand people in my generation use makes sense. Most words are simply condensed phonetically and are actually shorter than typing the propper word. Try replacing "q" with "g". "dhe" I believe is "the" and "nhd" may be "and" "innah" "in a" "Immah" means "I'm going to". That comes from the whole urban/mtv/s**t music culture I think as I've heard people talk like that on tv. Go boom boom! I think means f***ing. Again we probably have some rapper to thank for that. Khant "can't" and "yhu" is "you" I'd say half of it is being trashy, the other half may be purposefully screwed so most older people can't understand it. As typing the whole message fully, or with older, more sensible abbreviations would be far shorter. So I think translated means I'm talking to the (Person 1)'s mother and the ugly bastard's mommy (Person 2) married (Person 3) I'm about to take a shower in a few minutes and hop right into bed afterwards. I'm going to f*** (Person 3) haha! me and (Person 4) are going to f***(Person 3)! I can't stop thinking about you starburst I love you! Which is disturbing to say the least. Person 3 is clearly married to person 2 and two people other than them are sleeping with person 3. and whoever sent the message is telling what appears to be a girlfriend/boyfriend that they are not only f***ing someone else, but having a three way. Worse, whoever sent the message and person 4 are probably both underage, so somebody connected to this might want to call the cops.
  21. One conflict I found right away was the 1986 campaign for NF4+ overwrote the 1956 campaign from xp2. I renamed 1986 to campaigne5 and 1956 showed up. Depending on how long you guys take, I may simply merge the changes myself. But I suspect I won't have time to play around with anything until finals are over (TK always has the worst timing!) and by then you guys will be done with at least an identical quick fix to include the XP2 stuff in NF.
  22. One suggestion: Instead of packing it all in a CAT file like Korea and it being entirely meant as a seperate entity, allow us to just drop it into an existing install.
  23. Crysis 2 out next March

    It was more like 80% humans and 20% aliens. I actually didn't mind them that much, they were more original than the typical humanoid aliens we get so much in sci fi.
  24. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Oh its not a matter of being politically correct, we just need a president that has a pair of balls and a backbone. I like the Team America World Police idea, I doubt it would either harm or help the situation, but it would be funny as hell!.
  25. War in Korea closer than we thought

    It looks like with the three sons, they all simply inherited one trait their father posesses. That's the shame, we have to settle for a successor enemy that's either gay, a party boy or ruthless and crazy, with the current kim, we've got all three so we're bound to be let down somehow.

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