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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Not even the east river is that bad, or the hudson just south of GE for that matter.
  2. Pathetic...

    It's this s**t that makes my blood boil about this damn war. And they'll get away with it too because of their connections to Darth Vader.
  3. I was having that problem with my black sea terrain. Then it just magically worked. Now my water and coastlines show up, but the land portion of the tile shows up as pure white.
  4. Got iPhone?

    Lame yuppie metrosexuals who follow every trend without any intent of developing their own taste in anything. And are addicted to paying gas-like outrageous prices for coffee with incomprehensible names like a french-vanilla frappa-mocha-java-latte-chino or whatever coffee associated prefixes and suffixes they can string together. I see the utility in having an all in one device, but I've seen a hundred adds for better phone-camera-gps-email-internet-kitchen sink-pdas than the iphone, with better carriers. Still have no idea just what to call such combinations. I'm just waiting for them to add car remote control like from james bond.
  5. Got iPhone?

    Never intend to get one. I hate is**t and AT&T's service sucks here. I don't roll with the starbucks crowd so my phone is old and just makes calls and sends text messages. I'm sticking with it until it gets lost or doesn't work anymore. I'd rather spend my money on going out or games.
  6. Considering I still have to do 85% of the terrain work, I can easily wait for a real F/A-18C. Would a D be coming as well?
  7. Sony, would you check if I could get permission as well? I'm ever so slowly getting a Janes campaign together that alot of MF aircraft are a must.
  8. The carrier force of the Royal Navy

    IMHO, build the P.1154 that the harrier was originally intended to be while everyone waits for the JSF.
  9. Daylight disks

    I've seen a few. One was just a silver disc hovering in the sky probably tens of thousands of feet up. Didn't move for the 40 minutes we were stuck in traffic, then it just zipped off. Plenty of wierd lights that could have simply been a helicopter downwind and a triangular one that could easily have been a stealth or an aurora. Most stuff can be explained away, even counting disinformation and coverups. I saw this one ufo show where the government came out and admitted that the UFO report then weather balloon was disinformation, saying it was a spaceship, but an experimental capsule we built. Not to deceive americans, but the soviets since it took place right near the world's first and only nuclear bomber squadron and to keep them from knowing the airforce was already looking towards rocketry and space. I've certainly had more ghost experiences, pretty common through the lives of my family. And I have seen far more convincing evidence of ghosts. Most of the show ghost hunters is total crap, but this one part I saw, they captured a clear human silhoutte on infrared with nothing on a regular nightvision camera.
  10. Favorite song

    Can't decide, it changes by the mood I'm in and what fits my life. I'm certainly with streakeagle on pink floyd. "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" and its lead in "the happiest days of our lives" are without a doubt top 5(as one song) A bunch of others since its so hard to choose: Santana "Ain't got nobody" Santana "wishing it was" Santana "Winning" Rolling Stones "paint it black" Rolling Stones "Street fighting man" Rolling Stones "You can't always get what you want" Pink Floyd "Comfortably numb" Pink Floyd "Brain Damage" Pink Floyd "Time" Piunk Floyed "Hey You" Steppenwolf "Magic carpet ride" CCR "Grape vine" 311 "Amber" Stevie Wonder "Superstition"
  11. Wouldn't go too well, we probably have more guns per capita than anywhere else in the world. Everyone and their grandmother would be taking pot shots at an invader the second people knew about it.
  12. That would probably be dependant on the circumstances of the conflict. A pure territory grab by the Soviets could easily see the Swedes pulled in if they were attacked, but a confrontation arising from something specific like a cuban missile crisis, probably not. Two suggestions if you're taking any: Helicopter units integrated into the campaign. Every once and a while they'll show up in a regular campaign for FAC or something and work alright usually. It'd be great to see a flight of hueys or blackhawks flying in to drop off troops (recce mission to have them show up and fly to a particular area, purely cosmetic) Or have cobras and apache's doing CAS missions. That is, if people would get over the rifts between modder groups. Or perhaps a 1989 scenario a la World In Conflict. Just my two cents.
  13. Jeez thats a long trip. Wouldn't flying east be faster? Make a first stop somewhere in SEA, fly up to Japan and across to Alaska then South through Canada and the Rockies to Nellis? Wish they televised these things, hopefully we can see the flanker vs raptor debate put to rest.
  14. So...

    Bauer all the way. I'll give mac some credit for ingenuity, but Jack is pretty good at that too. like this one time he was pinned down and one of his CTU guys was dead next to him. Took some bullets, put them in a can lit on fire and they fired, tricking a sniper to take cover while Jack changed positions. Faked killing a terrorists family to get him to give up where a bomb was and a dozen other tricks. Never seen McGyver use a gun or take out so many people single handedly at any one time. Lost count how many times backup arrives to a building full of dead bad guys and Jack Bauer being the only one alive. There was never any NY to LA on the show. Season 6 they sent a former terrorist from LA to DC in about 4 hours and they went to Mexico and back in season 3. killing Jack Bauer doesn't make him dead, it just makes him angry. Say what you will about the drinking problem, if you went through all the s**t he does, you'd be drinking too. Especially after a dozen takes And I'd kill to have Kiefer Sutherland's voice.
  15. Happy b-day America :)

  16. I remember a mod for CFS3 that improved the sun effect and made it just like that at sunset. Downloading cellinsky's sky mod right now, maybe modify the colors for sunset to get a similar effect?
  17. French army chief of staff resigns!

    Heads should roll. They have trained soldiers not obeying the most basic rules of handling a firearm, and considering a civilian crowd was going to have blanks fired in their direction, they should have been as careful as humanly possible. Imagine if the same mistake happened with a tank, or at an airshow!
  18. Aircraft Camouflage

    Yeah we need a change. Ghost grey and/or gunship grey overall is pretty boring looking. Kinda takes the personality out of planes. Kinda impractical and does less to camouflage a plane with sophisticated WWI/WW2 like artwork, but we should use something to keep aircraft interesting, like SEA or Euro camo from the cold war.
  19. Fake speedbumps!

    We've got potholes on the FDR drive that swallow volkswagens. How's that for a speedbump?
  20. What an absolute crock of sh....

    An actual beating is abuse, but a good smack is perfectly fine. I remember we called my little brother "whackable" becaue he did something almost hourly earning himself a smack.
  21. What an absolute crock of sh....

    Great, now we have to hear another rant from jack thompson....at least he's getting disbarred. Stupid kids once again give another case for PFBE (parents for bland entertainment) I've been playing games with wanton violence from a far more impressionable age. Still wouldn't hurt a fly(ok actually I would, but not a person) unless me or someone else was in danger.
  22. Damn, I thought it was a release announcement post!
  23. Any automotive experts here?

    I've seen a bunch of these devices being advertised around that uses electrolysis on water and uses the seperated oxygen and hydrogen to improve the efficiency of a plain old gas engine to increase gas mileage. Are there any mechanics or auto experts familiar with these things that can weigh in as to whether its a load of BS to sell something or if it actually works?
  24. Demotivational Posters

    Some of the originals

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