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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Gee, I thought it looked pretty sleek from those shots...is it hiding thunder thighs from a different angle
  2. US built "Su-33"

    If it could be done quickly and cheaply, it might make sense to use newly built Sukhois to replace our (are they still grounded?) F-15s. But out of pride (and that sukhoi is barred from doing any business with the US government because of business relations with Iran) it would never happen. Besides, if we built the same aircraft to American standards for American systems and weapons, it would wind up being the same price as building new F-15s or even modifying the design a little to match the flanker's performance.
  3. I was actually worrying that by the system requirements, they actually were ripping off TK and simply used IAF screens. Even thailand should have laws against that.
  4. What I want to know is if it's a Janes IAF ripoff, why are the system reqs so high?
  5. I don't recognize that text at all. Anybody have any idea what language its supposed to be? The only way it possibly could be legitimate is if it was an international version of IAF distributed and localized by someone else.
  6. H.A.W.X.

    I don't know how you can call a gamepad a viable path for FPS control, or any game with any degree of complexity or precision. At first I didn't like GRAW, but it grew on me. But support for it is just about par for any large company these days. It's not "cost efficient" or something like that to the accountants. That's why I buy so few games now, I'm so fed up with EA and Ubi treating PC games like s**t that it takes something like Crysis to actually buy a game of theirs.
  7. F-22 for Israel.

    I don't think countries can sue each other. It'd have to be Sukhoi sueing Chengdu or whoever is producing the J-11.
  8. Planning on law school. My opinion would be as long as you are not making money, it would fall under the category or fair use. Record companies would disagree, but I still believe in consumer rights.
  9. Air Force shakeup

    Yes, they could. What if Rumsfeld came back? or if McNamarra was resurrected? It can always get worse.
  10. That's where Russia got a tomcat from. I'm quite surprised they didn't carbon copy either her or the F-4 like with the missiles and Tu-4
  11. F-22 for Israel.

    I have an israeli skin almost done for the F-22, if someone can give me a decal placement tutorial.
  12. Remember to think in Russian!

    the uses for disabled people is tremendous. To play games or simply use a computer when they'd be physically unable to manipulate a mouse or keyboard. Stephen Hawking could write out what he's thinking instead of struggling and taking hours to work out equations with an assistant. Or for someone who's lost a limb to be able to naturally control a robotic arm or leg. And of course more mundane things like thinking about switching MFDs and systems, instead of remembering crtl+alt+shift+9 and a hundred other combinations, then I can actually play F4AF. Less clumsiness in FPS jumping puzzles. Or the kinds of interactions in RPGs or games like the sims that are openned up.
  13. CombatFlightSimulator3 Models ?

    impossible and unethical
  14. F-22 for Israel.

    Russia doesn't have an F-22 equivalent yet, they're trying to develope one. You must have seen the concept art which looks near identical. It's not the ICBMs that need to be worried about. It's the nuclear fuel cycle and all the loose material in the former soviet union. That and china has a more potent weapon than the F-22 or ICBMs: They own America, its economy and a gigantic proportion of our debt. We're dangerously reliant on them for nearly EVERYTHING.
  15. Aviation Quiz - game thread

    Pony = Allison engined P-51 Mustang = Merlin engined P-51 Why do some USAF aircraft still follow the old pre-1963 designation system (like the F-111 and F-117)? And why did they give either of those planes (and the F-105) fighter designations when they were no more air to air fighters than an A-10?
  16. Are You Serious?

    It's how state's department of education make the curriculum for their standardized tests. School has mostly gone from learning to regurgitating particular pieces of information. They're breeding a mindless society that doesn't think and act for itself in the process. Before this crap started, I was learning about architecture, engineering or managing a business at this kids age. I had an awesome 4th and 5th grade teacher(who moved up a grade to teach the same class 2 years in a row) that did tons of unconventional stuff. Then they started implementing the standardization and it quickly became the same mindless history, math, english, science as everything else. I actually brought in a .50 cal bullet and cartridge from WW2 once to no trouble whatsoever. "Zero Tolerance" for behavior is also doing it, we suspend and possibly expell the kid who got attacked and defended themselves the same as the aggressor.
  17. Are You Serious?

    Overreaction is standard these days. It's all about "making an example" to others to keep them behaving. Which is why I have my said problem with authority. I've been through my share of overzealous reactions. It's this endless stupidity that's made me forget about work in psychology in favor of law. It was a blank to begin with, it was spent. A cyllindrical piece of metal that could come from a thousand places. There are so many more dangerous objects that wouldn't garner any attention in a school. Hell, I got into an actually trying to kill each other swordfight with a steel meterstick once.
  18. So what are some of the most powerful moments you've encountered in a game? You know, the kind when it transcended that "just a game" mentality and struck an emotion in you, or you really cared about what happened or a character. Like when a game really scared you or enraged you, not because of difficulty or a bug, but by the story or a characters action. I'd have to say 1. Homeworld , rescuing the survivors of your race in cryo pods above your burning planet to a bone chilling choir version of Adagio for Strings. Never been so choked up by a game. 2. Jedi Knight 2 when first meeting the reptilian dark jedi, when his apprentice 3. Nearly all of World in Conflict, particularly being beaten back to fort teller and And at the very end when 4. Morrowind, at the end of Tribunal in Sotha Sil And the end of Bloodmoon when
  19. Hillary's Downfall

    muahaha not after my plan to swift-jet them!
  20. Hillary's Downfall

    Oh dear! just when we were starting to agree on some points. Now where did I leave my Barrett M82?
  21. Hillary's Downfall

    Hardly, but the *itch or Obama are less risky than McCain when it comes to healthcare. Let our European and canadian friends settle the dispute over quality of care in socialized medicine. Nothing wrong with profit, only when its excess gets in the way of solving important problems. Not crap at all. Until he got a teaching job my father was stuck working in a Home Depot, not minimum wage, but damn close to it. That is after being unable to get any contracts either due to age or being outbid by Indian firms (He's also in IT as a consultant) Nope, I'm just not an idealogue, or a pacifist. No one side is entirely right in all situations. Actually, make me president and give me a 50/50 split congress. They love my "skip the BS, fix the problem now" approach in Model UN as opposed to my friends who'll spend their time with all the political dealings and underhanded maneuverings. Cut simple solutions right down the middle. Healthcare? Privately owned and operated, doctors and the patient are the only ones that can decide treatment and as long as people pay their monthly insurance bills, HMOs are prohibited from dropping coverage. People can opt out of coverage to make things cheaper. Guidelines for malpractice cases, but not hard caps. IE common sense, if a nurse gives you a dose of tylenol meant for the person in the other bed and it has no adverse effect, you get zip. But if a mistake does real harm (like a heart attack, or lost limb etc), move directly to go and collect $$. Immigration? No amnesty or throwing everyone out. Fix our visa system so our Southern friends can come to work legally without the difficulties that make them sneak in. Gay rights? confer the legal benefits, just not actual marriage, leave that up to religious institutions. Really, the legal/financial end has nothing to do with any moral perspective. Security? real preventative measures instead of illusion and privacy invasion. Aircraft hijackings- Locked cockpits and one way communication from cockpit to rest of the plane, if someone tried to take over, they simply can't get in. Nor can they force a pilot to let them in by threatening to harm anyone in back. They wouldn't even know of an attempted hijacking, they'd simply get orders from ground control to land at X airport and not go to any gates. SWAT, Delta, Seal Team 6, FBI HRT or whoever can take it from there. Ports and infrastructure owned by America. I heard of an admiral's plan for cargo inspection that I particularly liked. Currently, ships are docked before even the 4% of containers that are inspected, get inspected. Should a terrorist group seek to smuggle in a nuke, chemical or biological weapon, they could set it off in port to much the same effect before we even have a chance to check. Set up offshore platforms along the coast to inspect incoming ships. They have to stop for inspection as they come, anyone who doesn't stop gets blown out of the water. Inspect the ships that stop. That way, said nuke would be caught if they try to set it off, it will be miles off shore before it gets anywhere near where it can do serious damage. It will slow imports, but that way we can reduce our trade deficit, and its an incentive to produce and buy American products again! Bring back the F-14 for the navy! More correctly an AFX. a la F-14E/F "Shadow Cat" Good old F-14 redesigned with stealth and raptor/JSF avionics. License build by an American company the XM8 or G36 with some minor alterations for changed requirments (and preferably a little higher muzzle velocity) Incentives for keeping all operations in America and for putting carbon fiber into widespread use where it can replace petroleum based products and in cars instead of steel. Lighter cars that are just as strong(or stronger) with greatly improved fuel economy -> reduces demand and rate of consumption, allowing more time to develope alternatives.
  22. Hillary's Downfall

    Can I be the token liberal for bipartisanship (tripartisanship?) I'll get the Navy back a real air to air fighter and our ground troops a new rifle. And its not so much that taxes really ever need raising, its people need to spend it more wisely. Can anyone really believe the county executive's nephew really could have revamped a section of highway cheaper and faster than anyone else? And don't forget that $700 hammer. Won't a $5 hammer from sears do just fine?
  23. Poll: Most powerful / moving game moments

    Getting out more is highly overrated. Maybe its me, but I just don't enjoy overpaying for small ammounts of alcohol, being deaf for hours and stuck in crowds so dense I can't tell who grabbed my ass. Or put up with people like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w0c0DOLrsw (actually made nearby)
  24. Hillary's Downfall

    My health is fine as long as I have the medicine to keep my body from eating itself. Based on seeing the economic trends, how small forces that appear insignificant on their own add up to become more than the sum of their parts. Like how unemployment is much higher than the statistics. They only include people receiving an unemployment check, which means you have to qualify for it and they only last so long. If you're jobless by the time they run out, you're not going into that statistic anymore, if you even did in the first place. Add that to people working jobs that aren't a constant 9-5 grind, such as general contractors or business consultants who have short term contracts. And don't forget underemployment, all the local retail stores are currently staffed by outsourced professionals now making minimum wage. Alot of it isn't that its not economically feasable, its that nobody has the will to spend a little bit more to ensure long term sustainability. Everyone wants to squeeze out the highest possible profit margins for the next quarter. Now the whole Y2K computer craze turned out to be nothing, but everyone was running around like a chicken with their head cut off to solve it. We're in a similar boat with petroleum, with the exception of there's no specific day any uncertainty about the problem will disappear until we run out of oil. But nobody is in such a rush to make sure its not going to be the end of civilization. Look around you, what isn't made of petroleum products? What do you do when you can't make it all anymore? Or even before its gone, if Saudi Arabia goes islamic fundamentalist and turns off the spigot? I saw a presentation at the TED talks about carbon fiber. Just a little effort being put into its implementation would cut our use of petroleum to almost nil, and grow our economy at the same time, they worked out all the math.
  25. Hillary's Downfall

    Following those lessons pretty well. I'm treating this like my race to the white house class last fall, as opposed to yelling on facebook groups Thats what I'm saying, both sides routinely call the other fascist/communist. Sadly most people only have a vague idea of what any of it means. That sounds pretty dumb, knowing his usual intelligence, I'd guess states was a slip up counting going to places like Puerto Rico and other islands, or counting revisiting states. Otherwise, thats about par for a politician. Herman? who's this guy? Energy is everything. The really sad thing is with only a little effort and less corruption, we'd really have no trouble at all. The other year I was taking this economics class on globalization and was predicting a huge depression. Needless to say a psychology/political science major wasn't listened to in a room full of finance and accounting students. Anyone else heard of the Tata? An Indian car that runs entirely on compressed air. Goes up to 70mph and 120 miles before refilling, which only costs about $3 at stations and takes a few minutes, or can be refilled over a longer period of time with an air pump similar to some power tools. It's a box with wheels, but so is the smartcar. They're looking to sell it in China and India so their booming economies and populations won't add so much to pollution (Global warming or not, emissions is a problem when you have towns in China where you can't see the sun!) They also hope to find investors in europe and the americas. And this is the first of its kind, given a few years, we can keep having our giant 400hp urban assault vehicles to pick up groceries without using gas! I'll put up with the taxes for a UK/Canada/France/Scandanavian healthcare system. Taxes are such a pittance compared to the cost of healthcare, gas and food. And I'm in one of the most heavily taxed areas of the country. Technically, I graduated two weeks ago, but I'm still going to school because I need to be a full time student to keep coverage under my parents insurance. Without it, I'd either be in more debt than a carefree gambler in vegas, or dead because of chronic conditions, nobody would insure me. They've already tried to kick me out of the hospital when I was seriously ill, if it wasn't for my...shall we say "charm" I wouldn't have survived more than a week or two.

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