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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. F117, Nice Paint

    Nothing says "You're getting bombed back to the stone age" like an American flag on the bottom of a jet!
  2. Translation errors, original language was portuguese.
  3. Very nice! Re:B-52 upgrades, I wasn't being sarcastic, I wanted to know what they've done
  4. that's a pretty safe bet. But IIRC they have bought migs and sukhois so they may very well be using the good stuff for attempted air superiority and use the F-4s as bomb trucks like we're talking about. So what have they done to B-52s to keep them competative?
  5. Nice? It's paranoia and idiocy. "Zero Tolerance" is big in my area and it's utter insanity. A kid gets jumped by some bully and he gets suspended (and in serious danger of being expelled) all the same for defending himself. They try to make it so anyone caught for underage drinking sees jailtime.
  6. I have either an illustration or 3 view saved somewhere of that.
  7. The fact that it's a 50 year old plane and it's still going strong says alot for the phantom. Still, that's 50 years, there is only so much you can do to a 50 year old design to keep it up to date. The real question: If you had to choose between the superbug and a modernized phantom, what's a better choice? Electronics, agility and no speed, or speed, ok electronics and no agility?
  8. Flat Spinners

    Meg Ryan was Goose's wife. Hehehe I'm not the only one who departs controlled flight on purpose it seems. I put myself into a stall when I have a bandit on my six and he can follow everything I do, the stall/spin is basically a super effective break where he flys past and starts to turn around to get behind me again. I quickly recover and I'm somewhere between his 4-8 o'clock and a good range to get an IR missile out. That and doing the best J turn possible in a non thrust-vectoring aircraft to snap my nose around quickly.
  9. I remember a similar discussion eons ago about mixing stock CFS3 flight models with the vastly superior Avhistory 1% flight models. I've yet to come across any matches that were glaringly unbalanced because of a difference in FM origin.
  10. OMG! Our F-22's don't stand a chance against that
  11. Just save Mustang II for the F-31 And I saw Manta somewhere for the F-32
  12. Well every fighter northrop-grumman made has been named after a cat. I vote for Lynx.
  13. Say hello to my own personal F-14D supertomcat! I wonder if they'd let me install arrestor cables on an almost carrier landing strip sized walkway on campus?
  14. F4F Wildcat F6F Hellcat F7F Tigercat F8F bearcat F9F panther F9J Cougar F10F jaguar F11F Tiger F-14 tomcat When you toss in Northrop there's also F-5 tiger and F-20 tigershark All navy fighters. The X-29 may have made a nice naval aircraft, the forward swept wings gave it a very low stall speed which is ideal for carrier landings. bobcat maybe? The Kfir aggressor (F-21) I believe was called Lion. Any of the above II? alley cat? Puma? leopard?
  15. Jeez you're fast! I'm not even done putting things up on those forums, looking for more help and you've already got the body of the plane built.
  16. Definitely a good read. Also inspiring for modders who'd like to get into the industry. It mentions a desire to expand beyond flight sims. I think a tank sim would be a great niche. The only thing out there is really steel beasts pro, which is uber expensive and difficult, meant for training tank operators. Aside from a few small WW2 tank combat games, there's really nothing. and certainly nothing that can be expanded upon like TK's flight sims. Think of a tank game that could handle a WWI mark I british tank and an M1A1 Abrams (if without terribly complex systems) that we could build as many new vehicles as we wanted in high detail, new terrains and dynamic campaigns.
  17. My senior Project

    Lucky you! I had to do 120 hours in NY in order to graduate and that's everybody, not delinquents. People get sentanced to less than that for committing minor crimes around here!
  18. make sure the name in the campaign_data.ini matches exactly the name of the aircraft's main ini file. Also, make sure it's not simply an upgrade later on and simply haven't gotten the G yet (And that the start date of the campaign and squadron are within the service daterange of the aircraft (in the aircraft_data.ini)
  19. Open the campaign data.ini and change the D to a G for the unit you want to fly. Start a new campaign for it to take effect.
  20. This will mess with your mind

    This is why everyone hates doing taxes
  21. I'd love to see Half-Life and Deus Ex as movies. There was supposedly a deal for Deus Ex a while ago, but haven't heard anything since a single PCGamer article.
  22. It's still only cosmetic and really doesn't advance gameplay. It'd be nice and make the series a bit more polished, but there's alot more that could be done.
  23. What is wrong with the USAF?

    It's not the military or government, it's all modern society. The bean counters and paper pushers take over from the visionaries and founders and everything goes to hell. It's the same for any institution, government, military, private institutions, everything. They put their budgets and statistic reports ahead of the people and the organization's purpose.

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