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Everything posted by eraser_tr

  1. Leslie Nielsen Dies

    Very saddened to hear the news the other day, he will be missed. He was...unique, so many unforgettable scenes, and sadly people are mostly ignorant of them. Only a handful of people have ever understood an airplane joke when I've made one (off of the internet of course) He's one of the few ever to actually have spoofed their own classic part themselves in a later movie. The only other instance I can think of is Martin Sheen in Hot Shots 2 spoofing Apocalypse Now simultaneously with his degenerate son.
  2. How Long is Two Weeks?

    And its not just speed, its mass too. Two weeks next to a supermassive black hole is a long time to two weeks next to an asteroid the size of a basketball. So at relativistic speeds near a black hole, two weeks is a REALLY LONG time. And since any release in the flight sim world is huge, well, do the math...
  3. Started Playing Old Sims

    The campaign in CFS3, if you don't lose very quickly, will take forever. Definitely go for the full suite of mods, MAW, Korea ETO remade, 1% planes etc. Stock CFS3 is kinda eh but not as bad as it was reviewed, and its better on XP IMO because with W7 graphics drivers, you lose the wonderful specular effects that was previously constrained to ATI cards. It now happens on Nvidia too, but works fine with Nvidia in XP. IMHO, the specular and reflective effects of CFS3 are still superior to Strike Fighters.
  4. 3 best, 3 worst movies

    Best: Airplane (the obvious one I'm surprised nobody here has said yet) the original indiana jones the original matrix the original star wars trilogy V for Vendetta Saving Private Ryan We Were Soldiers Lord of the Rings trilogy Worst: Anything my mother wants to watch ( a giant list in itself) Max Payne (Why can't anybody make a decent game-> movie conversion?) Ghosts of Mars (so bad, its actually redeemable for being unintentionally funny) XXX: State of the Union (and anything with ice cube) Indiana Jones, that new crystal skull one The matrix sequels Dances With Smurfs/Fern Gully 3d (Avatar) doesn't deserve to go on the worst list. It's a tired old story and doesn't match the hype, but it is not painful to watch.
  5. It's always possible to merge everything. You just need to be careful and know what you're doing. I've got everything SF2+SF2V+SF2E+SF2I+XP1+NATO Fighters+everything I had in SF1 series converted and working together in one gigantic install. It takes forever before the main screen loads though.
  6. Obama Releases C-130s to China

    Jeez! It's a prop driven cargo plane. What are they going to do, reverse engineer it and build more like with everything the russians sell them? Probably, but then we can retaliate for their patent infringement by altering our trade agreements. I remember some crazy scheme like that happened on the West Wing once. We sell far more modern equipment to Pakistan and the Saudis and they're on a tightrope trying to balance being our "friends" and while creating the savages we're fighting at the same time.
  7. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

    Ok I know who J Giels band is then. Regarding Alice cooper, I realize I'm confusing them with some other band then and really haven't heard them, there's definitely some punk band with alice in the name though.
  8. Has anyone been closer? And can you say very specifically when its not coming out since you can't say when it is?
  9. Well actually post-dates my taste, though I'm not that young to be oblivious to the 90s, though mostly wasn't worth remembering. Music I know and like (or even tolerate really) dramatically drops off pre-1965 and post 1985. But I'll gladly bomb him/it all the same.
  10. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

    Who the hell are these people? I've heard of: Alice Cooper Beastie Boys Neil Diamond LL Cool J Donna Summer Aside from Bon Jovi, but he wasn't in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame already? LL Cool J? What the hell kind of definition of rock are they using? Some of these people are famous, but rock, hardly, and certainly not great or greatest. Such a sorry group really is a disservice to the real greats, mick jagger, jimmy page, robert plant, paul mccartney, pete townsend jim morrison and all their bandmates. alice cooper afaik is just another punk metal band, they all sound exactly the same to me. neil diamond and donna summer are pure pop, not rock. Beastie boys are some kindof crossover rap/rock and ll cool j hasn't done music in how long? Now he's just a B list actor on a halfassed spinoff.
  11. Also, any idea on what the scenario for XP2 may be? I'm guessing the Suez crisis becomes full blown war as Russia intervenes on Egypt's side. (Which also could be part of the bonus for XP1, with an after the suez crisis campaign with russian and American planes) And thus becoming the first time we have two fronts of a connected war from TK. Another posibility could be a 53-54+ european campaign based off of Korea expanding, which could use the meteor, F-84, Mystere, hunters and F-100C later on(or an A that might be in there also if the visual/performance differences aren't too great) Between the mission editor, lightnings, hunters and Yak all in one addon, you never know what we could get, TK seems to be going all out for this one. And they make for interesting scenarios to create as mods once XP2 is out.
  12. Migs? no. Saudi lightnings and the F-100C for vietnam and dhimar/paran are far more likely. It probably goes both ways too, we may see the mystere flyable for the french in europe, maybe even the meteor too. Or TK might do like Dave & co already did and put the british/french into the stock Suez campaign.
  13. The improvements of DX10 are subtle, but hard to go back to being without them. You also get bump mapping on planes, as well as a great tracer glow, more noticable at dawn, dusk or night. And the performance difference is the biggest benefit. Scenes that would have choked on XP with SF1 are perfectly smooth in 7 and SF2.
  14. Using Cheat Codes

    No fortune finder or scrounger perk? Just take those and you'll find it's not that hard to have enough caps and ammo to sustain yourself.
  15. Using Cheat Codes

    Very rarely now. I used to frequently to get all weapons, ammo etc. But then most of the challenge is gone and you find yourself using one thing all the time. The only time I bother anymore is when a game becomes truly impossible to get past a section. ie when its blatently obvious the designers never bothered playing through that section of the game to realize you can't get a part with tons of the game's toughest most damage dealing enemies, without the level actually having ammo and medkits to pick up and use. It's pretty rare, and more often than not the games that do have those impossible parts wind up having no cheats at all.
  16. Ho Lee Crap

    Yeah, that would leave me in jail pretty quickly. regarding such stupid laws, keeping them on the books is specifically for being able to go after anybody and anything. http://www.amazon.com/Three-Felonies-Day-Target-Innocent/dp/1594032556
  17. Forgive my ignorance, but, who's Bjork?
  18. Now that's hardcore sim

    But none of this can beat Skydive! Simulates the entire skydiving experience with incredible realism including: -jumping out of a plane! -falling! -openning your parachute! -hitting the ground!
  19. Ho Lee Crap

    In New York, we have a no cell phones while driving law, so it wouldn't be surprising anywhere else.
  20. This day in 2001.

    I was sitting in 10th grade math class and they made an announcement over the loudspeaker after a plane crashing into the world trade center. Thought it was an accident or one dumbass in a cessna like the guy who crashed into the white house a few years earlier. By the next class there was video footage teachers saw and that it was an attack was obvious. For the rest of high school, people almost s**t themselves every time the principal came on the speaker to make an announcement. My father saw the interceptors fly overhead on the highway...of course he couldn't recognize what kind of plane they were.
  21. Exactly! It's only sim lite in terms of switchology. In flight model, weapons systems performance, avionics performance, SF2 is as detailed as LOMAC or F4AF. Probably more so, I doubt either of those models specific frequencies for radars and RWR, or jamming. SF2 does! it's just easier to use Damage model is kinda screwey IMHO and stock FMs are lightened unneccessarily, but still excellent.
  22. Been checking thirdwire and here everyday hoping to see the announcement. Since its the weekend I won't bother with the TW site. Few games I get excited over anymore, this is one of them!
  23. Now that SF2 will have a mission editor that I can set up everything like in other sims, I don't think I will ever bother playing another flight simulator!
  24. Should the new MOH be banned?

    Battlefield Vietnam let you play as the VC or NVA, Battlefield 2 let you play as a generic taliban equivalent. Just a sensationalist media circus pandering to the uptight and overprotective who complain about anything that's not PC. Video games are a favorite topic, they madea huge stink about being able to have sex in Mass Effect, meanwhile that's been in nearly every bioware game. Or remember Hot Coffee? How many people bothered enabling it?
  25. Iran unveils first bomber drone

    Messenger of friendship and generosity, then a messenger of death. LMFAO! That puts kim jong il's craziness to shame. It looks like if they bought an old V-1 rocket from WW2 and strapped similar era iron bombs on it. What's next, a new jet fighter with under-wing mounted jet engines like an me-262?

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